Ms. Barrington's Newsletter
Grade 3 is the Place to Be!
This Week
Monday (Day 5):
Take Home Folders (Please Return Folders)
Phys. Ed.
Choir (Cancelled)
Tuesday (Day 1):
Hot Lunch: Boston Pizza
Take Me Outside (Please Dress for the Weather)
Tech Time
Wednesday (Day 2):
Phys. Ed.
Thursday (Day 3):
Hot Lunch: Chopped Leaf
Friday (Day 4):
Reward Day (Wear Pyjamas, Students Can Bring Blankets, Flashlights, Stuffies)
Leader in Me
Take Home Folders (Take Home Folders Go Home)
What We've Been Up To
We Identified
different animal pelts using a Trapper's Fur Kit and learned more about Canadian animals and trap lines.
We Sketched
food chains using what we learned about Canadian animals using the Trapper's Fur Kit over two days.
We Examined
Assignments for the Week
Calendar Items
November 27th- Fundraising Association Meeting (7:30 pm)
November 28th- Inclusion Advisory Committee Meeting (7:30 pm)
November 29th- Popcorn Orders Due ($2 per bag)
December 2nd- Angel Tree Gift Deadline
December 3rd-5th- Telus World of Science Visiting
December 4th- Popcorn Orders Due ($2 per bag)
December 5th- Popcorn Day
December 10th- Div. 1 Christmas Concert (6:00 pm)
December 11th- Div. 2 Christmas Concert (6:00 pm)
December 12th- Early Learning Christmas Concerts
December 16-19th - Winter Spirit Week & Food Bank Drive
December 20th- No School (Staff PLF #6)
December 23rd-January 3rd - No School (Winter Break)
January 6th- Students Return
Notes From the Office
Absences or Late Arrivals: Please email: if you are aware that your student will be absent or late. For early pickups or changes to pickups, families should contact the office via phone.
CG Gear: Our online store is up and running for the year. Check out to order school clothing. There is a wide variety of styles, logos, and colours to choose from!
Hot Lunch Program: Hot Lunch ordering for the month of November is now open. Ordering will be open from the 1st to the 20th of each month in order to order for the following month. When placing your order you may notice a button to Volunteer for Hot Lunch days. Please consider volunteering to help sort and organize Hot Lunch from 11:30 am-12:30 pm. This program will not continue to run without the support of parent volunteers. To place your order click on the following link ( and refer to the instructions below (Digital Take Home Folder). If you have any questions you can contact our Hot Lunch team at
Angel Tree Campaign: As is tradition here at Christina Gordon Public School, our Angel Tree has been set up again in our front atrium. For those of you who may be unfamiliar, the Angel Tree is a community initiative to ensure no one wakes up Christmas morning without something special under the tree! Families can choose a tag from the tree which will have the age and gender of a child or senior and some gift ideas. These gifts are returned, unwrapped, in a gift bag with the tag attached and will be distributed by The Salvation Army before Christmas. You can ask your child's teacher to take one from the tree and have them bring it home or you can come into the atrium and choose one yourself. For the younger grades, you can email your child’s teacher and ask for one to be placed in their backpack. You may choose as many tags as you would like. All gifts must be returned to the school no later than Tuesday, December 2nd. Thank you for participating and helping to instill citizenship into our students while making meaningful contributions to our community. If you have any questions, please contact Krista Saunders:
E-Scooters: In collaboration with RCMP, Bylaw Services, SCWB and AHS we would like to bring to your attention concerns regarding the increase in the use of E-scooters. At this time E-scooters are illegal on sidewalks, roadways, etc. Bylaw is working with the municipality to have E-scooters included in the Alberta Traffic Safety Act. This will take some time and we believe that E-scooters will be a very popular item for Christmas this year.
Reward Day: Students have been working on goal setting. We have created a Sparkle Button WIG (Wildly Important Goal) for ourselves. Students have met their set goal in this area! Students have worked together and have earned more than 47 sparkle buttons for the class. As such, we will be having a Classroom Reward Day this week on Friday, November 29th. Our classroom will be having our own pyjama day where students can bring in blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, etc. During the day students will be given time for flashlight reading and to build blanket/pillow forts, etc. Students who are able to do so are encouraged to bring a flashlight. I also have a few classroom flashlights that can be shared. We are looking forward to learning and celebrating together this Friday. Students do not have to wear pyjamas if they are not comfortable doing so. It is always optional.
Digital Take Home Folder
Need to Contact Me?
Ashley Barrington, Grade 3 Teacher
Pronouns: she/they
Christina Gordon School | Website:
106 Parsons Creek Drive, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0B4
Telephone: (587) 276-2017 | Email:
CG Twitter: @ChristinaGFMPSD | CG Instagram: @christinagfmpsd
Website: | Twitter: @MsBarringtonCG | Instagram: @msbarringtoncg