Jeera Water Recipe For Weight Loss
Jeera water or cumin water is an excellent drink recipe to be to take any time of the day and it's a very healthy drink that can cure many problems. It can be related to weight loss and digestion which are common problems and this can serve the purpose to an extent
- Gather a heaped spoonful or two of jeera
- Gather 2 cups of water in a saucepan
- Firstly you have to begin with heating water in a pan and toss in a spoon of jeera into it.
- Secondly, wait until the water begins to boil and allow the jeera to rest in it for an hour. Ensure the jeera is properly infused into the water.
- Finally, switch off the flame and strain the water. Sip your jeera water at leisure and enjoy every sip.
Discover How This "Tropical Loophole" Could Change Your Life!
I can finally wear my fitted jeans again!--- All thanks to a simple “odd morning recipe” that completely changed my life…
4 weeks ago, My husband and I were walking on the beach and watching the sunset.
I noticed my husband can’t stop looking at stunning beautiful women…
She approached us “OMG! It's been long!”
She said. At first, I didn’t recognize her but then she told me that we went to the same high school together.
And that’s when I remembered she was one of my old best friends I lost in touch with!
“Chloe is that really you!?” I asked… Last time I remembered she was pudgy out of shape Chloe that I’ve always known.
“You look so stunning! What’s the secret?” I asked.
Then she told me these “odd morning recipes” that will open my eyes.
I was skeptical at first but I realise if it worked for her maybe it should for me too…
I give it a try after 4 weeks later---I'm so glad I did!🥰 Click the Image to find out!🤩👇 “I just couldn't believe it!