π Open π Announcements
August 25, 2024
December 16-20, 2024
Dear Open High Family,
Winter Break is scheduled for December 23 - January 3, and we're ready! We appreciate everyoneβs efforts to avoid taking extra time off during the break. We're also grateful to everyone for helping us maintain a routine for showing up to school ON TIME, EVERY DAY even when it's hard. Like every school, ours is measured by attendance, and some students are missing more school than we would like. As long as your young adult is healthy, we expect to see them. We know that medical appointments are sometimes unavoidable during school hours, and in those cases we just ask that a doctor's note be provided. We also expect a doctor's note with absences of three days or more. If your family or your child needs support with transportation--or anything else--please reach out to let us know. We want all our students and families to thrive!
To kick off Winter Break, the PTSA is coordinating a Pancake Breakfast & Pajama Party for Friday, December 20. Thank you to those who have already donated supplies for this fun, end-of-year tradition. (Drop off items at the front desk by Wednesday, December 18.) After breakfast and holiday card-making, students will walk to the Richmond Public Library (101 E. Franklin St.) for Town Meeting. In other words, bundle up and wear walking shoes with your PJs!
- The Latino Student Union welcomes new members to Churros & Chocolate, 12 noon, Rm 209
- Open Call to Give student prizes distributed!
- Learner's Permit Testing during lunch
- Final Thursday Elective for fall semester -- see below for info on next semester
- Class Meeting
- Family Meeting, 8:30 - 10:00
- Town Meeting at RPL, 10:30 - 11:30
- Regular Schedule, 11:30 - 3:30
I encourage all stakeholders to review the recently published Facilty Condition Assessment for Open High. There is much work to be done for students to have the schools they deserve. Of immediate concern for us is the "remediation of suspected fungal growth" and addressing the 10 year "useful or servicable life" of the building. Many of us love the historic Grace Arents Building, but the age and small size impacts what we do. Currently we offer over 60 courses, but our "classroom" count remains eleven. It's a tight fit, and we make it work, but our capacity is truly stretched during testing and admissions season. We have advocated for moving to Clark Springs ES due to its proximity to downtown and VCU, but there are no current plans to move. If anyone is interested in serving on the RPS Capital Improvement Committee, they can apply here. Deadline is tomorrow.
Keep reading to celebrate our students, take a sneak peak at next semester electives, and read up on the new cell-phone policy for 2025. Cheers to a great final week of 2024, and best wishes for a wonderful Winter Break!
Clary Carleton
So proud of the students who have been working with Theatre VCU all semester, as part of our Thursday Elective Program. Their work culminated in a dress rehearsal and final performance for 10th graders on Friday at VCU. It's not easy to perform in front of parents or peers, but you did it! Thanks to Caroline for making this experience possible.
National Honor Society
Congratulations to the new members of Open's chapter of the National Honor Society who were inducted on Thursday. They embody scholarship, leadership, service, and character. We're mighty proud of their accomplishments, and look forward to celebrating their future contributions.
Grade 12
- August Bailey
- Merryn Childress
- Lena Cohen
- Mary Dansou
- Margaret Diaz-Barriga
- Ian Fleming
- Karys Jones
- Sidney King
- Marie Lofty
- Eastan Weber
- Beatrix Roman
Grade 11
- Sierra King
- Kimyrie King
- Elliot VanValkenburg
- Lydia Whorley
Please review the NHS Admission Guidelines if you're interested in applying next year.
Sneak Peak! Thursday Electives, Spring 2025
Next semester Open will be partnering with JMU to pilot the implementation of the High School Transition Program on Thursdays. This will be an opportunity JUST FOR SENIORS to get them ready for transitioning to the next phase of your life. Micah and a former Open student will be facilitating this class which is intended to help build confidence and resislience for those about to enter the adult world. The class will be available to the first 20 seniors to register.
Casting Call! The VCU Theater Thursday Class will hold auditions for their upcoming play, written by Avin! The script will be posted this week on the whole school Google Classroom for anyone interested in auditioning to read over winter break. Anyone that wants to be involved in the VCU Theater class should register for it when we complete Thursday class registration after break. Anyone who registers will then audition the following week for the role of their choice. Further audition details to come. We have room for everyone! Lead roles, ensemble roles, small non-speaking parts, and even crew members and understudies! See Caroline with any questions
Along with popular teacher-led classes, look forward to the following VCU student-led classes:
- Intro to Forensics
- Intro to Engineering
- Wellness, Happiness, & Mindfulness (WHAM)
- Art, Computers, & the Future of Global Health
Registration for the new semester will take place on Thursday, January 9, 2025!
Cell Phone-Free Education - January 2025
The major changes for Open are as follows:
- phones must be powered off on entrance to the building and remain off while in the building
- phones must be stored out-of-sight and will no longer be stored in cell hotels
- phones can no longer be used during lunch (or between classes) in the building
- phones can no longer be used by seniors during free periods in the building
Rare exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis but should be approved by the school administration.
Students may use their cell phones:
- outside of the school building during the designated lunch period (but never between classes)
- while riding the school bus by utilizing headphones, earbuds, or personal listening equipment so as not to disturb others.
at the conclusion of the day, at after-hour school-sponsored events provided that they do not disrupt or interfere with the activity or program that is taking place.
In addition, students may not used other βPersonal Electronic Communication Devicesβ which are defined as any personal device capable of connecting to a smartphone, the internet, a cellular or Wi-Fi network, or directly connecting to another similar device. Personal electronic communication devices may include some wearable devices such as smartwatches, as well as personal headphones, laptops, tablets, and other future personal electronic communication devices with the abovementioned characteristics.
Consequences for Cell Phone Misuse:
1st Time: Verbal warning and documentation by school staff.
2nd Time: Written warning, parental/caregiver contact, and potential for temporary confiscation of the device that may require caregiver pick up.
3rd Time: Disciplinary action, such as restorative room assignment for a class period or day, or out-of-school suspension (depending on the severity and frequency of violations). This may also include temporary confiscation of the device and recommendation to return to zoned school.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding this new policy.
The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. Please become a member and make your voice heard. Your dues are an important funding source for our school, supporting field trips, teacher classroom supplies, student clubs, monthly breakfasts, senior scholarships, the fall festival, the end-of-the year picnic, teacher appreciation week, holiday treats, and more! Joining does not obligate you to anything although we are always looking for more help! Extra donations are also very much appreciated. Consider linking your Kroger Shopper's Card to the Open High PTSA.
Open High School
Email: cwashing@rvaschools.net
Website: https://ohs.rvaschools.net/
Location: 600 South Pine Street, Richmond, VA, USA
Phone: 8047804661
Instagram: @openhighrva
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialopenhighschoolpage/
Merchandise Store: https://tinyurl.com/nfp5yzay
Online School Payments: https://tinyurl.com/54kc4d9y