Weekly Newsletter
May 10th 2024

Important Dates!
- Fri 10th May - Autism Acceptance Day - rainbow coloured non-school uniform!
- Mon 13th - Fri 17th - KS2 SATs Week
- Fri 24th May - All children break up for half term
- Mon 3rd June - Return to school
⭐Don't forget to check Class Dojo regularly for up-to-date news⭐
Important Message!
Please can we make sure that bikes and scooters are not left at the front entrance of school. If your child is late to school, you need to take the bike or scooter with you. If your child is in After School Club, they should be left in the bike shelter in the main yard and collected after club.
Bikes and scooters should only be left under the bike shelter in the main school yard. Many thanks for your cooperation with this.
Whole School Attendance this week - 93%
We are aiming for at least 97% - let's work together to make this happen!!
RJB 95.7
RCW 90.5
1DB 84.5
1RJ 96
2LH 91.7
2AW 98.3
3LK 92.8
3NJ 90.2
4AK 96.3
4LL 91.9
5JW 91.7
5AH 91.7
6LD 96.2
6MS 94.8
Please remember that if your child is going to be absent from school you should call school before 8.30am to report this. If they are off for multiple days, you should call school each day that they are off. If your child is suffering from something such as a cough or cold we do recommend that you send them into school and see how they get on. It is amazing how many children perk up once they get into school and we can assure you that if it becomes evident that a child should not be in school we will make contact with yourself as parent/carer.
As a school, our attendance has greatly improved over the last year and this is all thanks to you and the effort you are making in getting your children into school every day.
Weekly Reflection
We have spent time reflecting on our Word of the Week 'Memories' and talked about Ascension Day.
Christians celebrate the time when Jesus went back up into heaven, called Ascension Day, because he ‘ascended’. Ascension occurs 40 days after Easter and many churches hold special services to celebrate this event in the life of Jesus. For 40 days, Jesus appeared to many people in many different places, but one day he took the disciples up to a mountain and talked to them for the last time. Jesus told them that they were to tell people about God’s love for the world and how he had been raised from the dead according to God’s plan. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but he promised that he would send the Holy Spirit to help them. Then, suddenly, he was taken from their sight – ascending, being lifted up to heaven to return to his Father.