Jackson Journal
November Edition
Dear All Jackson Parents,
November is a time of year that we take time to appreciate everyone that makes a difference in our lives.
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
- It's time to CELEBRATE all the wonderful things that your child has been doing first quarter! The fall Parent Teachers Conferences are Thursday November 14th from 8:00am-7:00pm (Students don't have school). Your child's classroom teacher will be send you a Google Calendar invite to schedule a time. If you have not received an invite, please reach out to the classroom teacher. There is no school for staff and students on November 15th.
REMINDER: Breakfast starts at 8:15 and ends at 8:35
November Safety Response Protocol Drill (SRP)
School safety is critical to high quality learning and the Manitowoc Public School District utilizes the K12 Standard Response Protocol (SRP/SRM) to provide a consistent safety response at all schools. The SRP provides five safety response protocols. Those five responses are SECURE - LOCKDOWN - EVACUATE - SHELTER - HOLD. The SRP provides for a standard response that is shared and trained with students, staff, visitors and with our first responders from the Fire and Police Departments.
“A uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident is the foundation of a safe school. The SRP is action-based, flexible, and easy to learn. It rationally organizes tactics for response to weather events, fires, accidents, intruders and other threats to student safety.” iloveuguys.org
Each month throughout the school year, all Manitowoc Public Schools will train on one of the five responses. The training is designed to create knowledge, answer questions, and build familiarity for all students, staff and visitors. This month (November) we will conduct an unannounced Evacuation on our campus. An Evacuate is utilized to move students and staff from one location to another. This month, our Evacuate will be signaled with the fire alarm.
Please take time each month to ask your child what safety response protocol they practiced and see if they have questions or ideas about how these safety steps work and how they could be used in other places beyond school. The SRP can be utilized in many places for more information please see iloveuguys.org.
Should you have questions you can reach me at 920-663-9522
Thank you
Jill DeRosier
Important Reminders
- Student safety is key importance at Jackson. With safety in mind, I am concerned about the circle drop off/pick up on the end of 17th St. If you're dropping your child off at this spot, have them get out of the car on the sidewalk side. Cars should not be double parked in the circle. If you want to walk your child to the playground, you need to park your car on the side of 17th St. The circle is drop off only.
- If you feel that you're missing key emails from school, check your spam folder.
- Students learn best when they drink water. Students should not be bringing soda, Bubler, or any other sugary drinks to school.
- The weather is getting much cooler. Students should come prepared to go outside for recess with jackets, hats, gloves/mittens. If you're struggling finding outdoor clothing for your child, please let the office know. Students do go outside unless raining or below zero temperatures.
SFA Chat-with Mr. Sleger
We made it through a full quarter of SFA! Students are really developing the routines and
structures of the program. It has been so much fun to witness their literacy growth! On Monday,
November 11th students will be coming home with a new letter indicating who their second quarter
SFA teacher will be. Normally, SFA groups don’t see a big change until second semester. However,
I did do some adjusting with our SFA teachers and therefore needed to move a few students
Do not forget to read at home and return your homework bag and gold slip signed. All gold slips
need to be signed. If your child read to themselves, a parent still needs to verify that their child
read. I do not want the child to sign their own slip. They may fill in some of the responses, but a
parent signature is required. Teacher are recording homework daily. KinderCorner will begin
receiving weekly homework gold slips after parent/teacher conferences.
Thank you so much for all of your support and contributing to your child’s literacy success! We are
witnessing wonderful growth within the first quarter of school! Keep up the great efforts Jackson
students! Enjoy the ever changing beauty of this time of year. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me.
Fall wishes,
Dean Sleger
A Little Lunchroom Competition😀
Mrs. Piaskowski and our Jackson lunch supervisors created a positive, proactive plan this week to help students follow lunchroom expectations. Sounds like fun!!
To celebrate classes who are demonstrating positive behavior in the lunchroom, we are now holding class competitions during the lunch period. Tables can earn up to two star stickers per day by being responsible and respectful in the lunchroom and by making sure there is no garbage left on their tables prior to going out for recess. Each class also has a class leader who assists the lunchroom staff with making sure their tables are clean and ready to be dismissed. New leaders will be picked weekly. Once a table earns 20 stars, they will get a surprise treat.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
13th - Picture Re-Take Day
14th - Parent/Teacher Conferences
15th - No School for Students & Staff
19th- PTO Meeting @ 3:45pm in Room 203
27th - Half Day of School - release at 12pm
28th & 29th - No School for Students or Staff
6th - Staff Development Day - No School for Students
10th - PTO Dine out at Culvers - 4:00pm-7:00pm
19th - Winter Concert - 10:30am-11:30am (Last names A-L); 1:30pm-2:30pm (Last names M-Z)
23rd-31st - Winter Break
1st- Winter Break
2nd - School Resumes