CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News
Show my Homework
Parents can now download the app and check all homework that has been set for your child.
Year 12 - Computer Science
Year 12 students took part in an “Agile” workshop. Two software engineers visited students to talk about their careers and give them a working example of the Agile methodology in practice.
Year 7 - Author Visit
A group of our Year 7 students visited CBA this week and met with author T. S. Easton. He spoke about his career and had a Q&A session. Students also had the opportunity to have their books signed.
Stars of the Week:
- Mrs Prior and Miss Fenner have nominated Cory 11C and Fitzgerald 11S for improved attitude and effort in English, Drew 11C and Joe and Jordan 11T for improved attitude in English, Stephen 11C and Taylor 11T for their attainment on their recent exam question and Lucy 11C and James 11S for their progress in English. Miss Fenner has also nominated Abigail 9C for her contributions to poetry lessons this term.
- Miss Longhurst has nominated Emma 10S for her contribution towards the assembly this week.
- Mr Harley has nominated Elijah 11S, for his dedication towards completing his Engineering practical coursework, Drew 11C for his perseverance on his coursework and Lewis 9C for his progress on model making in Design and Technology.
Miss Watt has nominated Leila, Gabriela and Daisy 7TA for their outstanding contribution in German.
Mr Bidwell has nominated Logan 10C for doing great work in Geography this week. He would also like to thank the Year 11 Geographers for working hard on the trip last week and the follow up work.
Mr Gourlay has nominated Ryan 9C for his superb effort and ambition when coding his Python airline check-in system in Computer Science.
Mrs Ferns has nominated the following students for their achievements in Maths and English this term, Chloe 11C, Jamie 11T, Andrea 10S, Max 9C and Shane 9T.
Celebration of Student Work:
Lexi - 7CO
Lexi represented the District in the U13 County Cross Country Competition recently. Lexi finishedthe race in 6th place placing in the top 14. She will now go through to the next round of the Anglian Trophy Inter-County Cross Country. Well done Lexi!
Medical Mavericks
Students who are keen to pursue careers within the NHS attended this exciting course in school and were able to carry out similar jobs as healthcare professionals do on a daily basis.
Science Based Careers
Over 100 of our students took part in these activities that allowed them to take blood from a fake arm, record and print an ECG of their heart and measure each other’s blood pressure.
- Year 10 Progress Evening will be held on Wednesday 31st January - please book your appointments using the online system.
- Year 9 Progress Evening will be held on Wednesday 7th February, letters have been given to all students.
- The school production of Oliver will take place in the George Weston Theatre on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd February, tickets available from school reception.
- A letter regarding the Year 11 Prom has been given to students today, a copy is also available on the school website.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby