Bear Bulletin
November 24, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving SBMS Families
We are BEARS!
BEARS Award Winners
Engaged in Excellence Award
6th Grade
Winston Streett
Allison Lemus
7th Grade
Rachel Valenzuela Sigaran
Lila Leman
8th Grade
Miguel Maldonado Cruz
Parker Balombin
Celebrating T-2-4 Week
I Can Reach My Dreams Because I Have My Teacher Support
Students dress like a staff members.
Can you guess the teacher?
Lone Star College Visits SBMS
What can College offer?
When I Grow Up
In honor of Nurse Erdin, the AP team dressed up as our wonderful Nurse!
Lone Star Visit
Selecting CTE interests
When I Grow Up
"I want to be a CEO"
I Can Reach My Dreams Because I Have My Teacher Support
Teachers dress as students
Collegeboard Access-8th graders
PSAT score information
Here are a few links with more information about College Board access for students. These links can get your child access to scores, help students find career options and other items.
Student vs Staff Volleyball
Thank you to our students and staff for participating in our Annual Volleyball Game. What Fun!
Giving Thanks with Cooking
Picture Day Photos
SBMS Parents,
Your students’ pictures are online for your viewing and ordering pleasure. We have gone to a new photo hosting site this year that has a few more bells and whistles. We hope you will like it. To view the images, go to https://childchamp.gotphoto.com/
Each child’s access code is the number 25 (which stands for the 2024-2025 school year), followed by their 6-digit SBISD ID. If you do not know their ID, you can find it on skyward. For example, if their ID was 123456, you would type 25123456. Please note that this is only an example!
All orders placed by 11-21 will ship directly to the school and will come home with your student. Any order placed after that date will incur a shipping fee and will ship directly to your home. Our new system also allows you to pay a shipping fee and ship directly to your home, if you prefer that, even if you are within the 11-21 window.
Feel free to reach out to us at info@childchamp.com if you have any problems or issues.
Thank you,
Child Champ Photography
Parent U
If you missed any of SBISD Parent U session this semester, click here for more information
Peer Group Meeting Dates
What to learn what is happening in your child's grade level? Please join your Assistant Principal on zoom to get updated information about what's happening in SBMS.
If you have any questions that pertain to the majority of students in a grade, please feel free to submit them here.
Si tiene alguna pregunta que se refiera a la mayoría de los estudiantes en un grado, no dude en enviarla aquí.
December 2: 8th grade Peer Group- Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 957 4661 0375
- Passcode: 427833
December 3: 6th grade Peer Group- Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 791 298 4276
December 4: 7th grade Peer Group- Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 972 9946 1022
- Passcode: 400022
December 9: In Spanish all grades/ En espanol todos los grados -Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 791 298 4276
Fall Final Exam Schedule
Our Fall Final Exam Scheudle is now available below. Although 6th grade students do not have "finals" they may have an exam during the finals time slot.
Finals may not be taken early.