RVJHS Newsletter
November 11, 2024
Week at a Glance
Monday, November 11 (No School)
Tuesday, November 12 (B Day)
Wednesday, November 13 (C Day)
Thursday, November 14 (D Day)
Friday, November 15 (A day)
Save the date! On Tuesday, December 3, the Rondout Valley Central School District community will vote on a Capital Project that focuses on security, safety, and the arts, with the goal of enhancing student programs and creating a secure learning environment through-out the District.
Join us for a Community Presentation to learn more about the project and how it can be funded with no increase to the local tax levy on November 19 at 6 PM in the High School Auditorium.
Visit our website for more information: https://www.rondout.k12.ny.us/capitalproject2024
Join the Yearbook Club!
Calling all creative and enthusiastic junior high school students! Are you interested in capturing memories, showcasing your artistic side, and being part of a fun team?
Join the Yearbook Club for the 2024-2025 school year!
As a member, you'll have the opportunity to:
Help choose the design and create visually stunning pages.
Source and select amazing photos around the school
Help choose a theme that represents our school spirit
Decide on sections that showcase our school's personality
Bring your unique perspective and ideas to the table
No experience necessary - just a willingness to learn, collaborate, and have fun!
Meetings will be held on Wednesdays, starting this week! Please contact Ms. Andrea MacScott to sign up. Students can also sign up in the AP office through Ms. Lynch.
See you there!
JHS News!
Honoring our Veterans
It was a beautiful day in the Rondout Valley Central School District on November 7, as the school community celebrated its first annual Field of Flags Ceremony.
Recently, Rondout Valley Junior High School students in Kelley O’Connor’s US History class worked together on a service project–a Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Field of Flags fundraiser. Nearly $3,000 dollars were raised, and 264 flags currently adorn the sides of Kyserike Road.
As a culmination of the project, and to celebrate Veterans Day, a District-wide celebration was enjoyed by local veterans, as well as by community members, students, staff, and administration. Highlights from the event included a First Responders Parade through the campus, the national anthem sung by Rondout Valley Junior High School students, inspirational speeches, a Veterans Gallery of student work, and a performance from the Junior High School band.
The Field of Flags ceremony brought the Rondout Valley community together in an inspiring tribute to those who have served our country, embodying the values of respect, remembrance, and unity across generations.
Pumpkin Shortbread Cookies....Yum!
Students in Barbara Davenport’s Home and Careers class have been cooking up something special—pumpkin shortbread cookies! This hands-on lesson brought the warm flavors of fall right into the classroom, where students practiced essential baking skills. Not only did they get a taste of seasonal ingredients, but they also learned the importance of teamwork and following recipes!
"Pick Me" Pumpkin Contest
The coveted title for the Persuasive "Pick Me" Pumpkin Contest belongs to none other than . . . Lauren Habja’s pumpkin, "Ice Spice"! This spooky superstar swayed the crowd with a chilling charm, leaving rivals Mr. Bambaclay and Quandal trembling in the eerie shadows. A huge thanks to all the spirited pumpkins who particpated! Boo-tiful work! May you all fulfill your lifelong dream of becoming a Jack-O-Lantern!
My Favorite Musician
In Ms. Spencer's music class, students from Ms. Lukaszewski's room researched their favorite musicians and created a poster to showcase what they learned.
Information from Nurse Kelly
Winter Sports!
Anyone interested in playing a Winter sport and needs an updated physical -please sign up with your school nurse. Physicals will begin shortly. See your school nurse if you are unsure of when your physical expires. Remember- athletes CANNOT participate in practices or try-outs without Family ID approval.
Lunch Menu for the Week
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Crispy Tacos
Wednesday: Homemade Pasta with Meat Sauce
Thursday: BBQ Chicken Sauce & Toss
Friday: Sweet & Sour Meatballs
After School Activities
After School Tutoring
Mondays with Ms. Dubois in APOD 5 for all subject areas
Wednesdays with Mr. Corigliano in C202 for all subject areas
Thursdays with Ms. Vertucci in A211 for math
Diversity Club
Diversity Club (4th-8th grade) will meet every Thursday in the Library starting October 10th. Permission slips can be picked up from Mrs. Tourtelot in the library or from Mr. O'Shea in room A101.
Environmental Club
Do you care about the environment or enjoy being outdoors in nature? The Environmental Club meets on Mondays in A204. Club advisor is Mr. Garbowski.
Yearbook Club
Meetings will be held on Wednesdays in the Library with Ms. MacScott.
After School activities end at 3:30. Students can be picked up by their parent/guardian or take the 3:35 late bus. Contact Ms. Cusher at x.4606 to find out which late bus your child should ride.
Coming Soon...
eGaming Club
Drama Club
Cooking & Crafting Club
News from the PTSA!
Picture Day went well! Post picture day ordering is available and you will receive an email from Upstate images once the school receives the proof sheet. These orders include an additional shipping fee and are mailed directly to your home address.
Our OPT OUT fundraiser is still running! We understand that participating in certain fundraisers is not always feasible for everyone, so this is a chance to provide a one time (any amount) open donation to help the RVMS PTSA. Unlike some other fundraisers, 100% of your donation goes directly to the PTSA and every contribution helps! You can donate online using https://bit.ly/RVMSPTSADONATE or fill out the attached form and send it back to us at school with a check made out to RVMS PTSA. These forms should also be coming home with your students this week.
We have 94 members and are so very close to our goal of 100 memberships for the 2024-2025 school year! If you haven't already: staff, parents and students can join here: https://rvmsptsa.memberhub.com/store or send in the paper form with a check to the school and our 100th member will receive a special gift from the PTSA!
Our next big event is Tip-A-Teacher, where your principals and teachers will transform into your wait staff at the High Falls Cafe! You can make reservations with the restaurant at (845) 687-2699 between 5pm and 8:30pm. Check with your student's teachers to see when they're "working" that night! All gratuity and a portion of the night's sales will be donated back to the PTSA!
Upcoming Dates
- November 19: Tip-A-Teacher at High Falls Cafe
- November 21: PTSA General Meeting/Capital Project Presentation by Dr. Spadaro
- Nov 27- Nov 29: No School