Crest View Paw Prints
September 5th, 2024
Sept. 3-13 - Food Drive
Sept. 5, 8:30-10:00 am - ROCV Community Meeting
Sept. 18, 6:00-7:30 pm - FET Meeting
Sept. 25, 5:00-6:00 pm - Jeff & Paige Spanish Language Concert
Sept. 27 - Field Day
Message from the Principal
I came back this week from the 3 day weekend excited for Fall. With Fall comes a deep dive into our beginning of the year academic data. Teachers will dive into CMAS data as well at the beginning of the year Math and Literacy results using i-Ready and a new-to-Crest View program called IXL to track our Math progress. We will use this as our baseline data along with CMAS scores to help us set goals for the year. We will monitor our progress at Mid Year (January) and at the end of the year in May. If you would like to dive more into that academic data with us, please consider joining us on September 11th for our first School Accountability Committee. Please email me at eric.hamilton@bvsd.org if you are interested.
Crest View Parent Feedback Survey
We will continue to use the Parent Feedback Survey to monitor our delivery of the Crest View Vision and Mission. For this first edition, please share with us your hopes for the 24/25 school year. Parent Survey
Crest View News
Crest View Food Drive Tuesday, September 3rd - Friday, Sept. 13th
Did you know that Crest View has a food pantry and a weekly food bag program that serves our families in need? Last year we sent over 2,000 bags of food home with our students. To help do this, we host a semi-annual food drive in the fall and mid-winter. We are asking for individually packaged snack items and select pantry items to help augment our weekly donations of shelf-stable foods from Community Food Share. You can send donations via your students' classroom or purchase directly via our Amazon Wish List. It is a grade-level competition so make sure to note what grade your child is in. More detailed instructions can be found here.
FRS Forms Due Tomorrow!
FRS After-School Registration forms are due tomorrow, Sept. 6. They were sent home in Friday Folders a couple of weeks ago. Extra forms are available in the main office.
Destination Imagination Experience
Discover the world of creativity and problem-solving with our BVSD-sponsored Destination Imagination program! This exciting program provides students with the opportunity to develop essential skills like innovation, project management, teamwork, and critical thinking while having a blast. But it's not just about the kids—being a team manager can be incredibly fulfilling for parents too. If you're curious about this enriching experience, please attend one of our information nights – or reach out to Scott Dalgleish at scottd442@gmail.com for more information.
· On-line Zoom information meeting will be held on the following dates: Sept 16 at 6:30 pm, Oct 2 at 7:30 pm, Oct 7 at 7:00 pm, Oct 15 at 5:00 pm, Oct 23 at 7:00 pm, and Nov 4 at 7:30 pm.
Preregistration is required for virtual Zoom meetings – register here: https://www.dicolorado.com/information-night-reservation-page-for-noco-canyon-region/
· In-Person meetings will be held on these dates: Sept 18 at Superior Elementary Info Table at 5:30 pm, Sept 23 in-person at Nativity Faith & Reason at 6:30 pm, and Oct 16 at 5:00 pm at Escuela Bilingüe Pioneer.
Learn more at: https://www.dicolorado.com/ and https://www.bvsd.org/parents-students/academics/bvsd-sponsored-events/destination-imagination . We look forward to welcoming both parents and students to explore Destination Imagination!
School Aged Care
Enjoy our After School News--September!
ROCV (Reach Out Crest View) News
Did you know you can earn money for Crest View with your everyday purchases?
If you shop at Safeway or King Soopers, please sign up for their community giving programs to have up to 3% of your purchases benefit our school. Shopping at Grand Rabbits? Mention Crest View Bunny Bucks at checkout! Need labels for your kids' stuff? Enter Crest View Elementary (Boulder) and you get free shipping on your labels, and Crest View gets 20% of the price of your purchase! Visit https://tinyurl.com/ROCVSHOP to learn more.
Trip Trackers!
All Crest View students and staff can participate in Trip Trackers starting September 1st! Trip Trackers is a BVSD program that rewards those who get to/from school by walking, biking, bus riding, and carpooling. The program's goals are to reduce car traffic around school which increases safety, reduce car emissions which improves air quality, and prepare students for learning by getting fresh air and exercise before school starts. Participating is as easy as (1) walk, bike, bus ride, or carpool to school as many days as you can, (2) record your eligible trips on this calendar, (3) complete the 1 minute Google survey sent by BVSD at the end of each month, (4) receive Trip Tracker dollars that can be spent at many local business or donated back to Crest View!
Raptor/ Fingerprint Reimbursement
In order to volunteer in BVSD schools, all individuals must register through the Raptor system, or do a fingerprint background check. Both of these options charge a fee. But, don't forget that you can submit your background check fees for reimbursement through ROCV. To do so, follow this link and fill out ROCV's reimbursement request form. For more information about volunteering and background checks please visit rocv.org/volunteering.
Fall Clean Up!
Saturday 9/21/24 3:00pm-4:30pm
Come and help us for an afternoon of cleaning up and taking care of the outside of the school! This is a great way to meet and connect with other parents while serving and helping the school. Kids are welcome to join and help too! Sign up here: https://bvsd.helpatschools.com/schools/7/events/13820
Elks Park Bike Bus | 8:20am (ride at 8:30)
The Bike Bus is big and getting bigger! Join our Bike Bus to school every Wednesday, starting at Elks Park! It's the perfect way to get moving and enjoy the morning with friends. Supervision is not provided, so parents make sure to join and ensure this is a safe and fun experience for all.