Winthrop Weekly
November 6, 2024
Principally Speaking
Dear Winthrop Families,
The 4th Annual Pumpkin Drop: A Fun Tradition for Science and Math
Last Thursday, we gathered on the playground for our 4th Annual Pumpkin Drop, led by our esteemed paraeducator, Lowell Murray. This exciting event began years ago when first graders read the book, How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?, and one curious student, Morgan Marshall, asked the thought-provoking scientific question: "How do we know if the facts in this book are true?"
That question sparked a four-year investigation into the study of fruit, also known as pomology. Each year, students analyze the correlation between the size of a pumpkin and the number of seeds it contains. And, of course, the most fun part of the project is the grand finale—smashing pumpkins!
We were thrilled to have our PE teacher, Anthony Falconeiri, assist in the pumpkin-throwing festivities, adding an extra burst of energy to the event. Together with our paraeducator, Lowell, they helped launch pumpkins off the roof, onto a tarp spread out in front of the school, as the students chanted, "For Science, For Math, For the Honor of Pomology!" It was a moment of great excitement and community spirit, combining learning with a bit of dramatic flair.
Enjoy the videos and pictures of this year’s event—where science, math, and a whole lot of fun came together to make memories for all involved!
No School on Veterans Day and Upcoming Schedule Reminders
Please note that there will be no school on Monday, November 11th, in observance of Veterans Day. In the coming days, be sure to check out our Veterans Drive of Honor display, which will be set up near the connector. This display is being organized by our SLC Early Act committee as a tribute to those who have served.
Looking ahead, there will also be no school for Kindergarten students on Wednesday, November 20th, due to Kindergarten Parent Conferences.
Have a great week.
Ipswich Public Schools Calendar
Winthrop Calendar
🦃 November Dates 🦃
Thursday, November 7th: Grade 5 Workout, 8:00 AM
Thursday, November 7th: Early Release:PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50; Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
🚫 🏫 Monday, November 11th: No School, Veterans Day 🚫 🏫
Tuesday, November 12th: SLC Green Team, 1st meeting @ 8:00 AM in Room 9
Wednesday, November 13th: High Street Studios- Dance with Grade 1, FRIES-sponsored In-School Program
Wednesday, November 13th: FRIES Meeting, 6:30 PM @ Winthrop Cafeteria
Thursday, November 14th: Grade 5 Workout, 8:00 AM
Thursday, November 14th: Early Release:PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50; Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
Thursday, November 14th: Grade 5 SLC Meeting, 2:00-2:30 PM
Thursday, November 14th: No Place For Hate Meeting, 2:00-2:45 PM
Friday, November 15th: PACE Club, 3:00-4:00 PM
Wednesday, November 20th: No School for KINDERGARTEN ONLY, Parent Conferences 🚫 🏫
Wednesday, November 20th: High Street Studios- Dance with Grade 2, FRIES-sponsored In-School Program
Wednesday, November 20th: Pace Club, 3:00-4:00 PM
Thursday, November 21st: Grade 5 Workout, 8:00 AM
Thursday, November 21st: Early Release:PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50; Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
Tuesday, November 26th: Grade 4 Field Trip to Lowell Mills
Tuesday, November 26th: 1st Trimester Grades Close
Wednesday, November 27th: Half Day, Thanksgiving Break
🚫 🏫 Thursday, November 28th: No, School, Thanksgiving Holiday 🚫 🏫
🚫 🏫 Friday, November 29th: No School, Thanksgiving Break 🚫 🏫
Winthrop FRIES sponsored directories went home in folders this week! The artwork so wonderfully echoes our school theme this year, Winthrop Cares. A big thank you to Winthrop parent Amy Lowe who spends so much time each year putting together these fabulous resources for students and their families.
We're looking for volunteers to help organize this year's Science Festival in the Spring! Please reach out to us at winthropschoolfries@gmail.com if you are interested in helping.
Green Team News
Green Team Update
Save the date for the fourth annual FREE Community Toy and Clothing swap - Sunday, December 1st at the Ipswich Town Hall! Contact Molly Dugdale (mduffy345@gmail.com) if you have any questions or would like to help volunteer at this event. All are welcome. You do not need to donate to "shop." See you there!
Ipswich Public Library Programs
Wingmasters for families with Kindergarten to Grade 7!
Saturday, November 23
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Ipswich Town Hall, 25 Green Street
North American Birds of Prey Wingmasters with Jim Parks and Julie Collier
Many of you have attended Wingmasters programs here before, but this year Julie Collier will present along with Jim Parks!
Birds of prey are also known as raptors, and they are hunting birds characterized by hooked beaks and powerful grabbing feet armed with sharp talons (the word raptor comes from a Latin word that means "to seize"). Raptors can also boast the best eyesight and the sharpest hearing in the animal kingdom. Raptors include hawks, falcons and owls, and this presentation, which incorporates 5 live birds of prey, all native to New England, gives an overview of these different categories. The program is designed to explain predation, the birds' place at the top of the food web, their different hunting adaptations and their status in a rapidly changing world. Because many birds of prey are declining in number, this presentation also features one or more of the endangered raptors that WINGMASTERS cares for, and explains why these species face an uncertain future.
For families with children grades 1 through grade 7! Children under 8 must be attended by an adult caregiver.
Registration is required at: 11/23/2024 | Wingmasters for families with Kindergarten to Grade 7! | Ipswich Public Library
TTS Players- Finding Nemo Kids
Winthrop School
Email: winthrop@ipsk12.net
Website: https://www.ipsk12.net/Domain/185
Location: 65 Central Street, Ipswich, MA, USA
Phone: 9783562976