March 10th, 2025
The Principal's Piece
Communication is key!
Dear Parents,
Spring is on it's way, and we are all looking forward to sunny skies and balmy breezes. Another event that is just around the corner is grade checks and student conferences. Please plan to attend conferences on March 12, 13, or 14. Your student's teachers will contact you for scheduling.
As a staff, we are hoping that parents are keeping up with their student's successes and struggles. Conferences should not hold any surprises. Stay in touch with your students' ups and downs throughout the school year, whether they are academic, social, or emotional. Working together, we can identify any obstacles that affect student success and address them proactively.
Stay in touch with your student, and with us.
We are here for you,
Fred Woods
Griffin Bay School
Photo below - Left to right: Amara Zee, Counselor, Maude Cumming, Graduation Credit Coach, Ben Troutman, Teacher, Connie Domenech, Office Manager, Luna Wylde, Teacher, River Wylde, Special Ed Teacher
Connie's Corner
Parent conferences will be held on March 12-14; school will be dismissed at 11:20 on these days. Ms. Wylde and Mr. Troutman will be contacting parents to schedule a meeting time.
Smarter Balance testing will be held in mid-May this year for students in grades 3-8, 10 and 11. An email will be sent in mid March with more details.
May 13 -ELA testing 9:00am-12:00pm
May 14-Math testing 9:00am-12:00pm
May 15-Math testing 9:00am-12:00pm
May 20-Science testing-grades 5, 8 and 11 only 9:00am-11:00am
May 22-Make up testing 9:00am-12:00pm
We will be holding our annual Year End Family Gathering this June! Mark your calendars for Wed. June 11 from 5:00-6:30 pm for this potluck event for all students and families.
Connie Domenech
Office Manager
Griffin Bay School
Luna's Letter: Reminder! The Power of Spoken Words
The way we talk to ourselves matters. It does. Positive affirmations aren’t just feel-good phrases—they shape our mindset, build confidence, and remind us of our strength when things get tough. A simple shift in words can change how we see ourselves and what we believe we’re capable of.
Try saying this to yourself every day for 1 week: "Listen up! I am Luminous, Limitless, and Learning every single day. Life throws Loops, but I can Lead with courage. Keep Leveling up—I've got this!"
Luna's challenge: Make this a rap and film Mr. Troutman performing it!
P.S. March is Clifford's birthday month!
Luna Wylde
Griffin Bay School
Trouty's Tips - Make Time for What Matters!
High school life can be busy, but one way to stay focused and motivated is to choose a daily highlight—the one thing that deserves your attention today. Set aside 60 to 90 minutes to focus on it. Ask yourself:
What will be my highlight today?
It could be:
- Urgent – A must-do task, like finishing an assignment or prepping for a quiz.
- Satisfying – Something that makes you feel accomplished, like making progress on a big project.
- Joyful – Something that brings you happiness, like playing music, sketching, or catching up with a friend.
By choosing a highlight each day and dedicating focused time to it, you take control of your schedule and make progress on what truly matters. Give it a try—what’s your highlight today?
Ben Troutman
Griffin Bay School
River's Reflections
Kindness is contagious.
When we are kind to others, it makes them feel good. And when they feel good, they are more likely to be kind to others. So, by being kind, we can help to create a ripple effect of kindness in the world.
River Wylde, M.Ed
Special Education Teacher
Griffin Bay School
Amara's Announcements
Sleep and mental health go hand in hand. Sleep helps our brain and body restore and repair itself. Sleep reduces stress, improves our mood and we get along better with the people around us. The recommended amount of sleep for teens is 8-10 hours. The CDC reports that most teens (70%) don't get enough sleep on school nights. How much sleep does your teen get? Tips for healthier sleep habits go to https://www.sleepfoundation.org/teens-and-sleep
Amara Zee
Griffin Bay School
Maude's Memos - Make a Plan for the Future!
Scholarships may be available to those who apply!
Contact Maude for more information....
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is open through June. https://www.usa.gov/fafsa
The Island Artisan Scholarship: Up to $5,000, deadline Friday May 9.
Skagit Valley College has a variety of scholarships available, including some specifically for students who live on San Juan Island. https://skagitfoundation.org/student-scholarships
Griffin Bay School's Arthur McGavran Scholarship: $1,000.00, deadline June 1.
Be sure to check out the Washing Student Achievement Council's website for more ideas for planning your future!
Maude Cumming
Graduation Credit Coach
Griffin Bay School
Announcement! New Art Club!
Alright, picture this: Griffin Bay Art Club! We're getting together once a week to make some cool art! Think less "stuffy art gallery" and more "let's get messy and make a difference!" Operating under the guiding principles of Art for Social Change and Art with a Heart, Griffin Bay Art Club will offer a welcome space to learn, create, and inspire change through artistic expression. We will design a space that fosters both individual artistic growth and collaborative projects aimed at sparking meaningful conversations and positive impact. Members will have the opportunity to experiment with new mediums, processes, and techniques while connecting with like-minded individuals who believe in the power of art to make a difference. Join us and let's make something totally fire!
Student writing collaboration:
Elizabeth, Zoey, Lindsay, Kat, Sunshine
Calendar items
March 12-14 Parent Conferences
April 7-11 Spring Break
May 13-15; 20, 22 Smarter Balance Testing
May 26 Memorial Day-no school
June 7 Griffin Bay Graduation
June 11 Year End Family Gathering