Paw Prints
Mound City Elementary and Middle School

May 2024
Mark your calendar!
May 3
- School Lunch Hero Day - Thank you to all our wonderful kitchen staff! We appreciate all you do! Be sure to extend your gratitude to our kitchen staff this week!
- MS Class Parties, 1st-2nd Hour
- PK-1 Field Trip to Rose Theater
May 6-10
- Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6
- PK-12 snow cones on the playground after each lunch period; sponsored by PTO
May 7
- MS Field Day
- Running events: 10-11:30
- Lunch: 11:30-12:15; students need to bring a sack lunch.
- Panther Family events: 12:15-2:00
May 8
- School Nurse Day - Thank you, Nurse Brandy! Meds, band aids, ice packs, and constant parent communication...We are so appreciative of all you do! Be sure to extend your gratitude to her this week!
May 9
- Gr. 3-4 movie at the State Theater as an incentive for giving their best effort on the MAP test
May 10
- EL Field Day
- Running Events: 9:00-11:00.
- Lunch: 11:00-11:45; students need to bring a sack lunch.
- Field Events: 11:45-1:45.
- Bus returns to school at 2:00.
- Preschool trike-a-thon on the playground, 9:00-10:45
- Students need to bring a sack lunch.
- Parents are welcome to come and go from 9:00-10:45
May 14
- MS Field Trip - WWI Museum in Kansas City
- Bus leaves school at 8:15.
- Bring a sack lunch.
- Bus will depart from event to return to the school at 1:30 PM.
- Q4 EL AR Water Party (Gr. 1-4) - More information to follow from Mrs. Osburn and the classroom teachers.
May 15
- K-4 Kickball Tournament, organized by So. Leadership class, on the playground
- Fourth grade nursing home visit
May 16
- Gr. 2-4 Field Trip - Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City
- Bus leaves at 8:15
- Students need to bring a sack lunch.
- Bus will leave event at 1:30.
May 17
- Gr. 2-4 AR Field Trip - For students that met their goal all four quarters!
- Bus leaves at 8:15
- Students need to bring a lunch to school.
- Students will bowl and receive a $10 arcade card, both paid for by EL STUCO.
- Bus will leave Belt Bowl at 11:00.
- Students will eat sack lunches at City Hall park upon return to Mound City.
- Preschool Graduation in multi-room, 7:00 PM
May 20
- EL Awards Assembly in multi-room, 8:45 AM
- MS Awards Assembly in multi-room, 10:30 AM
- 8th Graders dismissed after the awards assembly to get ready for 8th grade promotion.
- K-4 trivia in the afternoon
- 8th Grade Promotion in multi-room, 2:00 PM
May 21
- Last day of school for students
- Dismissal at noon
- Please check the lost and found table before school is out for summer!
Character Trait of the Month
This month's character trait is PATIENCE. Our focus for perseverance is "remaining calm when dealing with problems or delays." PATIENCE is worth three points this month!
Examples of PATIENCE to discuss with your child:
- Wait your turn and keep a good attitude while waiting.
April Students of the Month
The following students were shining examples of perseverance during April:
Counselor's Corner
We have finished the year out strong by discussing the following topics: child abuse awareness and personal safety, our career unit, transitions to middle school, and Big Problem/Little Problem. I hope you have a safe and relaxing summer. See you in August!
Information was sent home regarding child abuse and personal safety. We talked a lot about our safe adults -- identifying them and learning that safe adults donโt ask us to keep secrets that make us feel uncomfortable. If someone is hurting them, they need to tell a safe adult. Keep telling until it stops.
The fourth graders have been practicing using mock lockers in the hallways so that they can get the feel of moving from class to class, as well as learning to use a locker rather than a desk. By implementing this during the entire 4th quarter, we hope to help them transition easier into middle school. In class, we discuss schedules, procedures, supplies needed, teachers, and any other questions they might have regarding middle school.
We finish out our year by learning about the six career path. People working in a career path share interests, abilities and talents. Career paths help you identify a career focus without being locked into a specific occupation. Career paths help you prepare for your future. You donโt have to choose a specific occupation for the rest of your life โ just find out about career paths and opportunities in them.
In elementary, we learn to identify the six career paths, then in middle school we take an interest inventory and look at the potential careers that match our interests. Here are the six career paths:
- Arts & Communication
- Business, Management & Technology
- Health Services
- Human Services
- Industrial & Engineering Technology
- Natural Resources/Ag
All problems require different reactions, emotions and solutions based on the size of the problem. A little problem will need a little reaction, whereas with a big problem you will have a big reaction. Therefore, throwing a big fit over who gets to sit by the window in the car is a little problem and should only need a little reaction. Rather than screaming and hitting, you can use your words to make a plan for who gets to sit by the window the next time (this would be a little reaction). Your reaction must equal the size of the problem.
Title Talk
Happy Reading,
Mrs. Osburn
K through 4th grades are winding down their math skills. Most of the classes have introduced the main concepts for the year and will continue to reinforce them with fun activities and math worksheets.
- K--will be working on telling time to the hour and identifying coins and paper money.
- 1st--finish learning to tell time to the hour and half-past the hour, and will end the year exploring 2D and 3D shapes.
- 2nd--will end the year learning how to read and make graphs and how to gather and interpret data.
- 3rd and 4th-will review important concepts by participating in fun math activities.
Parents, remember to actively engage your child over the summer with numbers, counting, math facts, and story problems.
Mrs. Asher
๐ What is a math teacher's favorite season?๐
Mrs. Osburn
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Ashford
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Asher
Title 1 Math