Crusader Chronicle
February 2025
Dear Crusader Families,
Report Cards will be sent home with the students on Friday, February 21. Within the Report Card envelopes will be the following information:
- Second Trimester Report Card
- Perfect Attendance Certificates (K-8)
- Honor Roll (Grades 5-8)
- 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
- Edchoice Renewal Scholarship Application for the 2025-2026 school year
During Lent, the school will be working with the Knights of Columbus to complete the Bottles for Babies service project. All students will receive a baby bottle on Monday, March 3. The goal is to fill the baby bottles with coins, cash, and checks (made out to ENLC). All money raised will benefit Elizabeth’s New Life Center’s work of saving unborn babies from abortion. The Knights of Columbus are committed to protecting life and extending love and hope to moms and families in need. Students can return the baby bottles to the school office once they are filled. The due date for all baby bottles to be returned is March 23. If you would like to participate in the service project online, please visit the following website: https://enlc.life/. If you have any questions about the service project, please contact the school office or Larry Yowler at 937-689-8590/ltyowler@zoomtown.com.
As always, thank you for all you do to support the school!
Sarah Bitzer
Crusader Shout-Outs
Edchoice Scholarship Information
If you would like to get a head start on the Renewal application for Edchoice, please click on the link below. Please email the application, along with a current utility bill, to Mrs. Boland at schooloffice@stfrancisdesales-lebanon.org.
If your family has never applied for Edchoice, or if you have an incoming Kindergarten student, please click on the Request application to apply for the 2025-2026 school year. A copy of a current utility bill will also be needed.