The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - August 14, 2020
Welcome to all our new families!
The Eagle Express is a newsletter that goes out weekly during the school year. We share updates, prayer requests, and school, parish and community news. It is available by the end of each week on the school homepage, and will be emailed to subscribers. Join our mailing list here so you don't miss any important news!
If you have school-related announcements or student/staff accolade to share, you may submit items for publication via email to Kim Hattaway -
Deadline is 5pm TUESDAY of the week to be published.
The Eagle Express is reviewed and approved by the Principal prior to going to print.
Important Dates
Fri., Aug. 14 PTO Purchase & Pick Up in the back school parking lot - 4-6pm
Mon., Aug. 17 First Day of School for 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th (Half day - no lunch/aftercare)
Tues., Aug. 18 First Day of School for Pre3, Pre4, K, 2nd, 3rd and 6th (Half day - no lunch/aftercare)
Tues., Aug.18 Spirit Tee Tuesday (may wear regular uniform or CSSE spirit shirt w/jeans, uniform bottoms or jumper)
Wed., Aug. 19 Half day for all students (Half day - no lunch/aftercare)
Thurs., Aug. 20 Full School Day (8am-2:45pm for MS / 8am-3pm for Pre3-5th)
Thurs., Aug. 20 8:15 am Mass (Grades 5th-8th in the sanctuary)
Tues., Aug. 25 2 o’Clock Tuesday (2pm dismissal for all students)
Tues., Aug. 25 Spirit Tee Tuesday (may wear CSSE spirit shirt w/jeans, uniform bottoms or jumper)
Thurs, Aug. 27 8:15 am Mass (Grades 1st-4th in the sanctuary)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more!
School Begins Monday and Tuesday! Check the Schedule!
Remember: NO Aftercare or Lunch served Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday the first week.
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Orange Carpool Tags
If you turned in the form linked in last week's EE for an orange carpool tag, we will have those available at the PTO Pick Up this afternoon (Friday 4-6pm). If you didn't turn in the form and still need one, we will have blanks tags for you to take and fill in with your student's last name.
We have heard that some uniform items are back ordered. The used uniform racks will be set outside during the PTO Pick Up on Friday if you need to look for an item.
Uniform FAQs: For 1st-8th, Thursday Mass uniform is required whether a student is going to mass or live streaming.
Spirit Tee Tuesday - Students attending school on Tuesday the 18th may wear their regular uniform or spirit tee with jeans or uniform bottoms.
Extended Care Enrollment
Lunch Room Changes
Beginning August 20, to help streamline lunchtime, our cafeteria will offer a hot lunch option on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only. A cold lunch option will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Brown Bag lunch option will continue to be available Monday through Friday.
Set Up and Add Funds to your Lunch Account
Follow these instructions! Lunch accounts must be pre-paid. More lunch info available at:
Cafeteria Monitors Needed!
We are hiring 2-3 support staff positions to help teachers monitor student lunch periods. Duties include assisting students, enforcing procedures and cleaning between classes/lunch periods.
Monday through Friday 11am - 1pm. Must be safe environment trained with background check, etc.
For applications and inquiries, email Ms. Patrick:
PTO News & Sign Ups
Didn't get your order in? No worries! There are extras of some shirts and items. First come, first served.
There will also be PTO and classroom parent sign up opportunities.
If you turned in the form for an orange carpool tag earlier this week, we will have those available at the tables as well. If you didn't turn in the form and still need one, we will have blanks tags for you to take and fill in your student's last name.
Don't let all of your student's personal items end up in the lost and found this year! Order super cute, easy-to-use labels through the PTO Mabel's Labels Fundraiser! Shop using this link, and a portion of proceeds will come back to the school!
New Birthday Tradition!
Mask Storage
Teachers will be sending home information about ClassTag during the first week of school. ClassTag serves two communication purposes: 1) Teachers can pin announcements, newsletters, reminder and even class photos! 2) School Info Alerts are shared in “quick bits” to alert parents to specific info such as reminders, events, important alerts, etc.
You should set your ClassTag account so that you receive an “alert” on your phone much like a text pops up. Your own phone settings control set sound. ClassTag is only used by teachers and school staff. All parents should have an activation code. If you do not receive one, please contact your child’s teacher. Every student should have a parent/guardian connected to their ClassTag classroom.
Please Pray For...
Pray for all those who have been affected by Covid-19, whether by sickness, loss of job, isolation, or loneliness, etc. May all find strength, comfort and healing in this difficult time. | Pray for our staff who have been putting in many extra hours to prepare for the upcoming school year. Please pray for students and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate a very different school year. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067