Cougar Clips
24 May 2024
Happy Memorial Day Weekend Friday Kipling Families,
I hope everyone has some relaxing and enjoyable plans for this weekend. I always view Memorial Day weekend as a positive time to reflect on the growth we have seen over the course of the school year as well as a celebration of the hope and joy that summer brings. Warm weather, BBQs, NOT setting an alarm - all the little good things that remind us of our happy childhood memories. I hope you have fun creating those happy memories for your own children and your families this summer.
Part of the end of the year excitement here at Kipling is our annual Field Day! Field Day is next week on Wednesday. This day will have a lot of energy with it - the kids have been working very hard learning all the events and they are very excited. We have been reminding students that all the events won't go perfect, their classroom might not win, and that is all OK. Please help us by reminding your kids the most important part of Field Day is to have fun and to be a respectful, mindful, and safe competitor. Thank you so much for helping make sure this day is memorable for our students.
All my best to you and your families over the long weekend!
Mr. Matthew O. Lombardo, NBCT
Kipling Elementary School
Kipling PTO
Hello Kipling Families!
Please visit our website for all things PTO.
School Supplies:
Food for Fundraising:
Student Council Presents…Move During Lunch on Thursday 6/6
The Kipling Student Council would like to host a movie during lunch on Thursday, June 6th. Our movie is to be determined based on a student vote. Marla's lunch is offering Love's ice cream as a special treat on this day. If your child would like to order a special treat for this event you need to order through the website by May 28th at 12:00pm. You may also pack your student a special snack, bag of popcorn or candy in their lunch if you would like.
Please reach out to Mrs. Thurman (lthurman@dps109.org) if you have any questions.
A Message from the Shepard PTO
It's time to order your child's 6th-grade school supply kit! Click HERE to purchase your school supply kits for Shepard Middle School. You must either update your profile on the North Shore Coalition website or create a new one. Shepard school supply kits are delivered directly to your home in July & beginning of August.
You can find school supply lists here (click on Shepard Middle School) or on the Shepard website at ShepardPTSO.org. Questions? Please email ShepardSchoolSupplies@gmail.com.
We are looking for parents to participate in the PTSO. Are you interested in serving on the PTSO at Shepard Middle School? Please email shepardptso@gmail.com for more information.
Common Sense Media Video from Ms. Thurman
The Library Information Specialist team came across this resource and I felt compelled to share it with families in hopes of providing insight, support, and advice in navigating and supporting healthy and productive student use of technology and social media at home.
This week's videos: What is TikTok?Students NOT Returning to Kipling Next School Year
This form is for current Kindergarten-4th grade students who will not return to Kipling for the 2024-2025 school year. All student records will be transferred to the new school over the summer. The new school must submit a request for records via fax or email. Please submit one form for each of your children who are NOT returning to Kipling.
Deerfield Park District and Community News
Park District Before and After Care
The Deerfield Park District holds before and after-care programs in our school. All questions should be directed to the park district (847-945-0650).
Upcoming Important Dates
-Mon 5/27: No School; Memorial Day
-Wed 5/29: Field Day! (Students and Staff Only)
-Fri 5/31: PTO 5th Grade Lunch Picnic and Evening Celebration
-Thurs 6/6: 5th Grade Fly Up Day at Shepard
-Fri 6/7: 5th Grade Breakfast before School
-Fri 6/7: Final Day of School; 11:40 Dismissal