The Weekly Wildcat ROAR
Week of Monday, August 5 thru Friday, August 9
Welcome to BES!!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are so excited to get this year started! We are grateful to work with you and your student this year. Each week a newsletter will be posted on our website and social media. Please be sure to check it out for upcoming events and academic information. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher. This will be a busy and fun year at BES!
Upcoming Events:
August 6th- Open House, 3:30-6:00 (PowerSchool forms must be completed)
August 8th- Back to School!!
August 12th- All forms due (includes signed student handbook page)
August 23rd- KONA Ice at BES
August 31st- BHS Band Fish Fry
We're Going Places!
This year we are excited to launch a new theme! Our goal is to expose students to all of their college and career options while helping them develop self-confidence in their ability to achieve their goals through the use of AVID focused teaching and learning. We will also focus on our world and the cultures and perspectives that make us who we are.
As part of our learninig, we would love to showcase travel and cultures. We have dedicated a bulletin board in our main hallway to showcasing family and staff travels. Please send in photos from your family vacations and experiences this summer!
We are embarking on a learning journey that should be fun for all!
Connect with us!!
School Website
Go to cherokee1.org and select Blacksburg Elementary on the drop down menu.
Social Media
Like us on Facebook at BES Wildcats ROAR.
Classroom Communication
Connect with your child's teacher and receive school updates using Kinvo.
Be sure to check in with your child's teacher to get signed up for PTO. Our PTO does amazing things for our students and staff. You don't want to miss being a part of this great organization!
Wildcat World Changers
Please use the link below to send a shout out for any BES staff members or students you see making an impact on our school and community!
Reminders for drop off and dismissal:
- Drop off begins at 7:00. Car riders should be dropped off in the loop by the tennis courts off Pine Street until 7:45. Please use only the lane closest to the building for drop off. At 7:45 car riders should be dropped off using the Hardin Street entrance. Bus riders and walkers will enter through the Hardin Street entrance. Tardy students arriving after 8:05 MUST be escorted by a parent to the front office to sign in. Please do not drop off tardy students!
- Dismissal begins at 2:25. Bus riders will walk with a teacher to their bus using the Hardin Street exit. Walkers will walk with a teacher to the crossing guard using the Hardin Street exit. It is highly recommended that a parent be present at the park for any students who may walk there after dismissal. Car riders will dismiss from the loop off Pine Street. Cars may begin lining up at 2:00 when the gate is unlocked. Car tags should be displayed during dismissal. Two lanes of traffic will be used and students will be escorted across traffic.
- No students will be signed out from the front office after 2:00 in order to ensure there is ample room for parking of buses.
- Any changes to transportation should be sent in writing. We cannot take transportation changes over the phone as we cannot ensure who we are speaking with.
- Transportation on the first few days of school often takes longer than normal. Please be patient with students and staff as they learn a new routine.
Blacksburg Elementary School
Email: julie.foster@cherokee1.org
Website: https://bes.cherokee1.org/o/be
Location: 402 Hardin Street, Blacksburg, SC, USA
Phone: 864-206-6518
Facebook: facebook.com/BESWildcatsROAR