January Newsletter 2025
Memorial Middle School
Breakfast 8:25am | Doors Open 8:40am | School Begins 8:55am | School Ends 3:48pm
January 2...Classes Resume
January 9...End of 1st Semester
January 10...No Classes - Teacher Work Day
January 13...2nd Semester/3rd Quarter begins!
January 20...No Classes - Martin Luther King Jr Day Observance
February 3...No Classes - Inservice
Memorial Social Media
Follow us on social media and keep up on all of the amazing things that happen in our school!
FACEBOOK: MemorialMSSF https://www.facebook.com/MemorialMSSF
INSTAGRAM: memorialmssf https://www.instagram.com/memorialmssf/
TWITTER: @memorialmssf https://twitter.com/memorialmssf
Note from the Principals
Dear Memorial Middle School Families,
Happy New Year! As we welcome 2025, I want to express my gratitude for your continued dedication to your child’s education. At Memorial, we firmly believe that strong parent involvement plays a key role in student success. Your engagement truly makes a positive impact on our school community.
As we kick off January, our focus is on wrapping up the first semester and preparing for the second half of the school year. The first semester concludes on Thursday, January 9th, and the second semester begins on Monday, January 13th. With this transition, some students will experience changes in their class schedules. All students will receive a new, printed schedule on Monday, January 13th during PRO. However, schedules may be viewed at all times on the Infinite Campus app/website.
Looking ahead, spring parent-teacher conferences are set for March 6th and March 11th, from 4:15 to 7:45 p.m. Teachers will send out information about conference sign-ups toward the middle of February. These conferences are a valuable opportunity for parents and teachers to connect and discuss student progress. Remember, you can also stay updated on your student’s academic journey through Infinite Campus.
Thank you for your partnership in making Memorial a great place for learning and growth. Wishing you and your family a fantastic start to the new year!
Warm regards,
Dr. Demi Moon
Principal, Memorial Middle School
Let me know if you'd like further adjustments!..
Congratulations to the December Students of the Month
Whitney Anderson
Ashton Krumwiede
Evan Siwal
Taylor Vandrovec
Livia Neuberger
Ezekiel Westley
Blue Dynamos
Isaac Crowley
Blue Dynamos
Lia Knoeppel
Isaac Holtberg
Macie Miles
Mya Smidt
Lucas Starovoytov
Crazy 8s
Khalil Bruno
Crazy 8s
Arayah Minor
Gator 8s
Anderson Rostomily
Gator 8s
Nadezhda Slawson
Rockin' 8s
Ethan Petersen
Rockin' 8s
Katijana Vanden Bosch
Vote for Teacher of the Year
Nominations are now OPEN until January 13!
For program information and to nominate a teacher visit this link: https://www.sf.k12.sd.us/page/teacher-of-the-year-program
Absence Requests
Parent Portal only allows you to request full day absences now. (Easy access through "Shortcuts" at the bottom of your home page.)
You may still request the full day and leave a note in the comments section if your child is arriving late or being picked up early. We will adjust attendance accordingly.
You may also contact the school directly.
First choice: SFSDMemorialOffice@k12.sd.us
Second choice: 605-362-2785
Winter weather is inevitable. It's time to start making plans now! The SFSD will use Remote Learning when winter weather can be predicted in advance and when technology devices (Chromebook or iPad) can be sent home the day prior. All students have practiced in the classroom and are familiar with how to access school work through Canvas so that learning can continue. Additional information can be found in this attachment. The SFSD makes winter weather decisions with support from the Lead Forecasters at the National Weather Service, City of Sioux Falls Street Crews, Police, SBI, and by driving neighborhood routes to schools. Make sure your contact information is updated at your child’s school to receive important emails, texts, and phone calls when schedules change. Please have a plan in place for all possible scenarios – late starts, early dismissals, cancellations, and remote learning. While we hope there are few adjustments needed this winter, South Dakota weather always includes some surprises!
Parent Guardian Remote Learning Guidance:
24-25 Bell Schedules
Some of the times on student schedules for certain periods in Infinite Campus/Parent Portal are not 100% accurate. Please always refer to the bell schedules below for the times of each period.
*Note: DCM is District Collaboration. We follow that alternate schedule four times a year or once per quarter. Dates: September 27, December 13, February 7, and March 21.
Students in grades K-12 use Canvas as their learning platform. You have the ability, as a parent/guardian, to create your own account and observe your child(ren)'s activity on this platform.
If you created an account last year and paired your account with your child's, there is nothing new/more to do. When school starts, will be able to see your child(ren)'s 24-25 courses.
If you need to create a Canvas parent account and pair your account with your child's Canvas account, please see these DIRECTIONS.
You will need a pairing code for your child...please see this LINK for how your CHILD can generate this code from THEIR canvas account.
Memorial Mustangs C.A.R.E.
PE Department Asking For Shoe Donations
Bus Info
- Use infofinderi to see if your address is bus eligible. You can also see your bus information if eligible.
- Click HERE for SFSD busing and boundary information.
- If you are eligible for busing, and have questions on the Stopfinder app, please contact our transportation department. Stopfinder is only for those with an eligible bus route. Again - ONLY contact transportation (Allie) 605.367.7276 for Stopfinder help. For all other bus route information, contact MMS @ 605.362.2785.
- You can always contact School Bus Inc. (SBI) with bus questions or concerns @ 605.334.6644.
Memorial Music Department
Minecraft Club
Board Game Club
Low Key Legends Club
If you have questions, please ask Grace Muxen or Mrs. Pierson.
Creative Writing Club
MMS Counselor Connection
Counseling Assignments
Kerri Andela: 6th Grade
Renee Halde: 7th Grade
Alex Dobbs: 8th Grade
Counseling Office Phone #: 362-2789 | Website: http://memorialcounseling.weebly.com
Our Mission: As professional school counselors we help provide an environment in which students can achieve academic, career, and personal/social success. It is our goal and challenge to help students “Become the Best Version of Themselves.”
Second Step (Social Emotional Learning) Program
Here is a summary of the January Second Step Lessons being taught in PRO Time (1st period) & parent/guardian follow-up questions to go with each lesson:
The 5 Love Languages - Different people with different personalities give and receive love in different ways. Dr. Gary Chapman calls these different ways of giving and receiving love the Five Love Languages. This unique concept provides an opportunity to improve our relationships in our families and communities. Here is a brief description of each love language:
Acts of Service - For these people, actions speak louder than words.
Receiving Gifts - For some people, receiving a heartfelt gift is what makes them feel most loved.
Quality Time - This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention.
Words of Affirmation - This language uses words to affirm other people.
Physical Touch - To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate physical touch.
The following is a quiz you and your family members can take and share your results with one another. A New Year’s Resolution might be finding new ways to bond as a family and this tool could help. Here is the link: 5 Love Languages Quiz
Family Forum Series - Virtual Series the Brings Families & Experts Together on Important Topics
Parenting is hard. Growing up is too. The Sioux Falls School District and Avera Health are partnering to strengthen families. Experts from Avera and SFSD will host free VIRTUAL forums once each month. You can find the topics and presentations by opening the following link: Family Forum Series
Attention 8th Grade Families - The following is the “Preparing for High School” Timeline
You can see your son/daughter’s home attendance center for high school by typing in your address on the following website: Fall 2025 Boundary Mapping Tool
- January Students will be getting high school course booklets and “Welcome to High School” packets in their PRO Time Classes. This is their information to keep and use as a resource during all of high school. It is important that they keep this information in a safe place since they will not get replacement copies. For the first few weeks, students will leave this information with their PRO Teachers at school. Once registration gets closer, they will get to bring this information home.
- January 30th High School (HS) Counselors present registration information in 8th grade science classrooms and send registration sheets home
- Feb. 7th HS Counselors register 8th graders on Infinite Campus from 9-10:55 a.m.
HS Registration Meetings/Tours for Parents/Guardians and 8th Grade Students at JHS/RHS
JHS: Saturday, January 4th 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Tuesday, January 7th 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
RHS: Saturday, January 4th 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Tuesday, January 7th 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
CTE Open House: Thursday, January 23rd 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
CTE (Career and Technical Education) Academy Description - Video - Students from any of the high schools can register for classes at the CTE Academy during their high school career.
How Students can Report Bullying or Disrespectful Behavior at Memorial Middle School
Tell a teacher, principal, or counselor
Tell your parent and have them report the incident to the school
Fill out the Student Report Form on the Student/Parent Canvas Page
Questions or Concerns: If there are questions/concerns or anything you feel it would be helpful for use to know about your child, feel free to contact your child’s assigned counselor.
Athletic Information
*Athletic picture packets should be handed to the coach by picture day or mailed directly to Jurgens Photo.
Dear Memorial 7th and 8th Parents/Guardians,
A reminder that registration for our winter sports are open (Girls Basketball, Boys/Girls Wrestling, Boys Basketball and Performance Dance). If your child is interested in any of these activities and haven't done so already, please register them on our Memorial Bound website. https://www.gobound.com/sd/schools/sfmemorialms. Your child is NOT signed up for a sport unless they have registered through the BOUND site/app.
**All athletes must have BOTH a physical and participation packet on file to participate in athletic activities. The physical is required ONCE throughout their time in middle school. The participation packet is required every year and should have been part of the annual student update you completed on Infinite Campus at the beginning of the year.
Note on Physicals:
If your child has already completed their middle school physical and it has been submitted, you do not need to upload their physical again.
If your child has completed a physical but it has not been submitted, you can upload it directly through your registration OR you may send it to the MMS office with your child to turn in there.
Already have the required documents filled out or completed? Need to bypass the upload document sections? Bound REQUIRES that a document or image be uploaded. If completed, you can simply upload any photo to submit (literally can be a blank photo) to bypass that section to submit the registration.
**Practice for girls' basketball and wrestling begins Nov 4th. Please see our Bound page for practice and game information.
We've received several calls from parents with questions about our athletics programs. Please do not call the MMS office to inquire about Bound or athletic registration as they are not able to answer those questions. To ensure your inquiries are addressed promptly, please direct any further questions to our Athletic Director, Eric Hettinger, at eric.hettinger@k12.sd.us.
Child Nutrition
Nutrition Office ✆ 605-367-7635
* When sending lunch money to school with your student, please tell them to bring it to the office (or lunch money mailbox) first thing in the morning so it can get put in their account by lunch time.
* Please call the SFSD Nutrition Office with any questions or concerns regarding your student's breakfast/lunch account. Unfortunately, MMS does not have access to food accounts.
Feeding South Dakota Resources
Thank you to these Mustang Club Business Sponsors!
Mustang Club
How do I donate to Memorial's Mustang Club?
Log into Infinite Campus as a campus parent to pay online.
Click the “Fees” tab
Click Optional Payments
Find the “Club Level” you would like to donate to and click “Add to Cart”
Submit payment and checkout
Scan the QR code to make a payment through PayPal.
1. Scan Code
2. Must leave a note in PayPal on what level of membership you’d like.
Check out the Sioux Area Metro (SAM) Transportation on-demand system!
Outside the bus boundary lines? Need a ride somewhere?
Check out the new SAM On Demand that started August 12th that spans across the entire city of Sioux Falls. You can get yourself, your family, or even just your kids to any destination (even school) by requesting a ride.
Kids under 18 are FREE. Adults ride for $1.50!
Download the SAM Transit app, call customer service @ 605.367.7151, or visit the online booking portal.
After booking your ride, the app will let you know the following information: pickup location at the nearest corner, estimated time of arrival, vehicle model, and license plate. You can follow the vehicle's progress in real-time. You can also share your ride details with someone.
[Not related to the Sioux Falls School District.] Please contact the City of Sioux Falls | Sioux Area Metro with questions.
Contact Us
Office Hours are 7:30 am to 4:30 pm (Monday - Friday)
After Hours: (605) 362-2792
- Press 1 for attendance
- Press 2 to leave a message
Website: http://www.sf.k12.sd.us/memorial/home
Location: Memorial Middle School, 1401 S Sertoma Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57106, USA
Phone: (605) 362-2785
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MemorialMSSF/
Twitter: @MemorialMSSF