HFRCS Newsletter October 29, 2024
SY 2024-2025 Vol. 4 Issue 8
From the Principal's Office
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported our Hawk Walk last Friday! We had a beautiful day for our Mini Hawk Hustle, the walk through the community, and our pumpkin chucking contest. Currently, we are at $36,104. Donations are accepted until Friday, November 8. Please consider supporting some of our classes that have yet to meet their classroom goal and earn their classroom incentive. Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support.
Yesterday marked the last week of the Pot of Gold Challenge. The goal of the Pot of Gold Challenge is to educate parents about a program that can earn credits that can be applied to their child’s tuition. While the Challenge is over, we strongly encourage families to continue to participate in this yearlong program and save money on tuition. The overall Challenge winner was Mrs. Morrison’s KB classroom! They have won a class party to be celebrated at a time of their choosing. Congratulations KB!
On Thursday, our school will celebrate Halloween with a Halloween Parade with our younger students in grades PK3 through 3rd grade. The parade will take place in the front field/parking lot area. Please see the costume guidelines in today’s newsletter and follow the directions of your child’s classroom teacher regarding costumes. Parents and grandparents are welcome to come and watch the parade which will begin at 9:30 AM. Thursday will also be a free Halloween dress-down day for all students. The theme is Halloween; orange, black, and purple.
On Friday, we will celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints, a holy day of obligation, with Mass at 9:30 AM. Mr. Perry’s 7B class will be preparing this liturgy. Please join us if your schedule permits.
November 1 is also the day students begin wearing their winter uniform. Due to the unseasonably mild temperatures we have been having and may still have in the next few weeks, please use your best judgment when having your child dressed for school. Between Friday and Thanksgiving, we will honor a “transition” period because of the weather. However, once returning to school after the Thanksgiving break on December 3, winter uniform will be required.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled on Tuesday, November 5 after school for students in grades PK-Grade 3, and during the day on Wednesday, November 6 (NO SCHOOL for students in PK-Grade 3), after school on Wednesday, November 6 for students in grades 4-8, and during the day on Thursday, November 7 (NO SCHOOL for students in grades 4-8). Teachers have begun sending out sign up links for you to schedule a time to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress. It is very important for all parents to meet with their child’s teacher to keep lines of communication open and to partner together to ensure their child’s academic success.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Haggerty
We are a family of FAITH!
Remember to go to Mass this weekend.
Hawk Walk 2024
$36,104 (as of 10/29/2024)
61% Participation Rate
10 Days Remaining
Halloween Parade (PK3-Gr.3)
Thursday, October 31 is our Halloween Parade for students in PreK3 - 3rd grade. Students will parade for parents and families at 9:30 AM on the front field. All are welcome to come out and cheer us on! Please remember the following when choosing a costume for your child:
- All costumes are to be worn OVER their clothes into school that day. PLEASE send a bag labeled with your child's name so we can place the costume in the bag for safe travel home when the parade is over.
- No blow up costumes, please.
- Please wear safe shoes for walking in the grass and through the halls.
Holiday Crafting Club (Grades 4-5)
Come join the Holiday Crafting Club on Tuesdays (dates below) at 3:05-4:00 PM for Grades 4-5. Limited to ten members! The club will meet in 5B, Mrs. Daly's room. There is a $5 fee for supplies.
Dates: Tuesdays: November 12 & 19; December 10 & 17!
Please return the signed form to Mrs. Daly (5B) by Tuesday, November 5th!
Lego Club (Grades 2-3)
Date: Tuesdays - November 5, 12, 19, 26
Please join us on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00 PM while we explore the engineering process with LEGOs! Space is limited to 15 students and it fills quickly.
Cost : $5 per student. Cash or Checks accepted. Make payable to HFRCS.
Please return permission slip to Mrs. Gallo by Friday, November 1, 2024.
Veterans Project
As Veterans Day approaches, Holy Family Regional Catholic School would like to highlight the veterans closest to the hearts of our staff and students. If your student has an immediate family member who is a veteran or active service member of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard or National Guard. Please have a photo of the veteran (preferably in uniform) available on the device where you are completing this Google Form: Veterans Day Submission Form
Students not present in homeroom by 7:55 AM are marked late unless they use the school bus for transportation and the bus is detained.
See the calendar on the website for more information: https://hfrcs.org/calendar
Please label ALL your student's belongings, especially hoodies/sweaters/jackets, water bottles, and lunch boxes. Items that have been left and not retrieved by the end of each week will be disposed of or, if they are uniform items, will be donated to the Swap Shop.
From Enrollment & Marketing
Current families, if you have a child you are planning on enrolling in Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, or Kindergarten for the upcoming school year please let the Enrollment Office know.
We saw a record increase in enrollment last year and if we do not know about younger siblings we may not be able to guarantee them a seat as the year progresses.
From the Advancement Office
Have you heard about the Educational Tax Credit Program or (EITC)?
EITC is a tax credit program that allows individuals and businesses to direct their Pennsylvania state taxes to student scholarships at HFRCS. Participants receive a 90% tax credit for every dollar contributed. Students receive 100% of your tax credit gift and you receive a 90% tax credit. It’s a win-win! Please join us for an EITC information session on Tuesday, November 19 from 6-8 pm in the large hall at the school.
RSVP here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084FA9A728A2FEC43-52008262-holy?useFullSite=true
Contact Mary Ann Conway if you have questions at maryann.conway@hfrcs.org.
From the Nurse's Office
Specific grades have State-mandated screenings (Physical for Kindergarten & 6th Grade and Dental for Kindergarten, 3rd Grade & 7th Grade). Refer to the school website for more information.
Also, signed Medical Treatment Order forms will also be needed if your child needs to take any medication during school hours.
**** HOME & SCHOOL ****
H&S Upcoming Events
- See the calendar of events and flyers for details (pdf file).
- See flyer for more details on purchasing discounted Shady Brook Farm Fall Fest tickets - last day to purchase
- Nov 4: Last day to place order for Otis Spunkmeyer
- Nov 14: Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
Nov 14: Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
Nov 4: Last day to place Otis Spunkmeyer orders
Shady Brook Fall Fest Fundraiser (last day to purchase!)
Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraiser
Holy Family Regional H&S fundraiser started on Monday, and we need your help. Our goal is to raise $10,000.00 for Students Events. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
- Register TONIGHT at www.ShopFund.com
- Share custom support links with family & friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Text and more.
- Student Goal: Minimum of 5 Online Supporters.
REGISTER-SHARE-WIN: Sharing gets you coins for chances to win over $100,000 in instant prizes.
Fundraiser Links:
- How To Videos - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/8752340)
- Kick-Off Videos - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/11299148)
- Parent Letter - (https://grpsvcs.link/p3lcVR)
- Prize Program - (https://grpsvcs.link/OGMP40)
Thank you for doing your part to make our fundraiser a success.
Queen of the Universe
Father John R. Weber, Pastor
Father Manuel Flores, Parochial Vicar
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Sunday Mass Schedule:
4:00 PM (Vigil Mass), 7:30 AM , 9:30 AM , 11:30 AM , 1:00 PM La Misa en Español
Weekday Daily Mass:
8:30 AM - Monday through Saturday
Holy Days: (subject to change)
5:00 PM (Vigil), 8:30 AM, Noon, & 7:00 PM
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Thursday: 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM, Saturdays: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
The Sacrament of Baptism:
1st and 3rd Saturdays, at 11:00 AM
St. Frances Cabrini
Monsignor Michael Magee, Weekend Assistant
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Mass Schedule:
- Monday-Saturday: 9:30 AM
- Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM
- Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
- Holy Days: 6:30 AM, 12 Noon, 7:00 PM (except January 1st which follows a Sunday Mass schedule)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM or by appointment
Daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Joseph Chapel
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Sunday: 12:30 PM–8:00 PM
The results of the drawing can be found here. The jackpot prize is $45,000!
**** CYO ****
The regular season has come to an end. Over the next week the teams will play in tournaments. 5 Soccer teams will play in tournaments - results next week.
Jackson Ramsden vs St. Andrews 10/26
Lucas Pipitone vs St. Charles/OLG 10/27
Emilee Asterito vs St. Bedes 10/27
Girls did amazing - this is their first year playing! Playoffs are over for both teams. Both made it past the first round.
Season starts December. SIGN UP NOW! https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/450805
When? Practices start early November. Season runs Dec-Feb
How much? $115 for all kids (down from $125 last year)
Where? Practices at Cabrini gym (Fairless Hills)
Who? Boys and girls - Grades 3-12
How? Click the registration link below. Registration Closes Nov 1st
Want more information on CYO sports and activities? Join our CYO Facebook group!
You can contact CYO by emailing holyfamilyrcscyo@gmail.com
**** OTHER NEWS ****
The Gifts from Gwyn Foundation - Annual 5K and 1 mile fun walk
The annual 5k and 1 mile fun walk will be held on Saturday November 16th, 2024 starting at 9:30 AM. There will be multiple door prizes and refreshments available to all participants. There will be raffles for; sports memorabilia, restaurant gift cards, movie tickets, gym membership, basket of cheer and many more. Please come out and support our foundation as we aim to keep Gwyn in our hearts and minds by giving back to the community that she was a part of. We look forward to seeing you there!
You may sign up here: https://giftsfromgwyn.org/