Weekly nEWSletter
February 14, 2025
A Message From Your Principal
Dear Eames Way Families,
We’ve reached a major milestone—our 100th day of school! It’s been an incredible journey of learning and we couldn’t be prouder of our students. To mark the occasion, kindergarten, first, and second graders participated in our special "Penny Necklace" tradition. Students stood in a large circle, and after spinning around blindfolded several times, I select a random starting point in the circle! From there, we counted one by one, and the 100th student received a special necklace made out of 100 pennies! It was a fun and exciting way to celebrate this big day.
This week, we also celebrated the completion of TWO GRIT Challenge laps around the dining room with two special theme days. On Monday, students showed off their creativity and personality with Festive and Fun Footwear Day, wearing their most colorful, silly, or cozy socks and shoes. Then on Thursday, we embraced warmth and celebrated our perseverance with Cozy Day, as students dressed in their most comfortable clothes. Speaking of perseverance, we are thrilled to share that our students are making incredible progress on their 3rd lap of footprints around the dining room wall for the GRIT Challenge. Their dedication and effort are truly inspiring!
We also had a wonderful time celebrating Valentine’s Day, a special occasion to reflect on friendship, kindness, and caring. Thank you to our family volunteers who joined us to help with fun holiday crafts and projects, making the day even more memorable for our students! Through activities and discussions, we focused on the importance of showing love and appreciation for those around us.
As we head into February Break, we want to take a moment to express how much we love and appreciate each and every one of our students. Their joy, curiosity, and kindness make our school a wonderful place to learn and grow. We all hope all of our families have a fantastic, healthy and restful break!
Warm regards,
Ms. Bishop
On To Lap #3! Keep Up The GRIT, Eames Way!
Important School Information
Eames Way School
Website: mpsd.org
Location: 165 Eames Way, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 834-5090
Fax: (781) 834-5094
Eames Way School Hours 2024-2025
Start Time:
- 8:45 AM
- Note - Dining Hall Door #3 opens for morning drop off at 8:35 AM
- 3:25 PM - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
- 1:10 PM - Wednesday (early dismissal every week)
Dates and Events to Remember
- Monday, 2/17 - Friday, 2/21: February Vacation
- Wednesday, 2/26: South Shore Children's Dentist Visit (Kindergarten Only)
- Wednesday, 2/26: Dyslexia Information Session - Unraveling Myths and Discovering the Facts at EWS Library at 6:30 pm
- Thursday, 2/27: After School Enrichment Program from 3:30-4:30 pm (Registration Required)
MARCH 2025
- Monday, 3/3: EWS School Council Meeting at 4:45 pm
- Tuesday, 3/4: Enrichment, Grades 3-5, Historical Storyteller Visit
- Tuesday, 3/4: Grade 5, FBMS Parent & Caretaker Night at FBMS including a Tour of FBMS from 6-6:30 pm & Presentation with Principal Casey from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Auditorium
- Thursday, 3/6: After School Enrichment Program from 3:30-4:30 pm (Registration Required)
- Saturday, 3/8: Countdown to Kindergarten Meet & Greet at Ventress Library from 9:30-11:00 am (Registration Required)
- Monday, 3/10: EWS Mini-Concert, Grade 5 Chorus Only (1:45 pm for Students and 2:30 pm for Families)
- Tuesday, 3/11: PTO Meeting at 7:15 pm
- Wednesday, 3/12: Grade 5 District Wide Volleyball Tournament at MHS from 6:00-7:30 pm
- Thursday, 3/13: Enrichment, Grades 1-2, Author/Illustrator Visit
- Thursday, 3/13: After School Enrichment Program from 3:30-4:30 pm (Registration Required)
- Thursday, 3/13: All Town Band Concert at MHS at 7:00 pm
- Saturday, 3/15: 15th Annual Marshfield St. Patrick's Day 5K (Benefiting the Marshfield Education Foundation)
- Monday, 3/17: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
- Thursday, 3/20: Enrichment, Grade 4, "Forces & Energy" presented by the Children's Museum of Easton
- Thursday, 3/20: After School Enrichment Program from 3:30-4:30 pm (Registration Required)
- Thursday, 3/20: Grade 5 Puberty Presentation (for Families) at MHS at 6:00 pm
- Friday, 3/21: "Rock Your Socks" for World Down Syndrome Day (More Info to Follow!)
- Wednesday, 3/26: Grade 5 Puberty Presentation (for Students) at EWS at 9:00 am
- Wednesday, 3/26: Dyslexia Information Session (for Families) at EWS at 6:30 pm
- Thursday, 3/27: After School Enrichment Program from 3:30-4:30 pm (Registration Required)
- Friday, 3/28: PTO "Ram Jam" Fundraiser at Stellwagen from 6:00-9:00 pm
Click Here for: Marshfield Public School Academic Calendar 2024-2025
2024 DESE Report Card
We are pleased to share with you information about our 2024 school report card from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Click here to view our school's report card.
Click here to view the district's report card.
"100 DAYS OF FUN!" by Mason Miller, Grade 5
Thanks to the amazing teachers and a whole lot of grit, Eames Way School has reached the 100-day mark. To celebrate this accomplishment, we held a school-wide celebration! I asked students from each grade what they did and what they are hoping to learn before the school year ends.
I started With Mrs. Simmons's fifth-grade class to see what they did. Fifth grader Evan said, “We each brought in 100 items and put them in a bowl to make a 100-day salad.” Fifth grader Maggie from Mr. VB’s class said “We celebrated life by writing a story about if we lived to 100 years old. We used a filter to make a picture of us as 100 years old, too! In my story, I worked at a zoo and wrote a book.”
Tesla from Mrs. Niland’s class said “We had a packet full of fun things to do like crossword puzzles. We also wrote about things we like and don’t like.” In Mr. Marshalka’s third grade class, Lilly and Norah said “We did some fun things on our computers, but not much else.”
Isaiah, Thomas, and Owen from Mrs. Beauregard’s second-grade class said “We dressed up to look like we were in the Roaring ’20s and we wore jerseys that added up to 100.” Maeve and Lincoln from Mrs. Tate’s class said “We dressed up as old people and then we went to the dining room to count to one hundred and whoever got to 100 got 100 pennies!”
Brock from Mrs. Zayac’s class said “We did a packet all day, we did some activities and a lot of word searches.” Mr Flanagan’s whole class said, “We had a dance party, did puzzles on canvas, listened to a song that counted to 100, and a lot more fun activities!” Mrs. Sullivan’s class said “We did Prodigy!”
In Mrs. Daily’s class, Luca said “We dressed up like we were 100 years old!” Mrs. Stys’ class said “We made 100 hats, we brought in different 100 things, made pretend gumball machines with 100 gumballs, crafts and we went to the dining room to celebrate the 100th day!” Mrs Wiedemann’s class said, “We did a 100-day mystery bag, practiced counting to 100, and a lot of mystery math coloring PLUS fun sock day!”
Mrs. Violesi’s first-grade class said, “We had a stuffie day, we listened to a 100-day song, did crafts, dressed up as a 100-year-old person and did the Penny Necklace thing in the Dining Room with other grades.” Mrs. Devins's class said “We each brought in 100 things to count by ten, we went to the lunchroom for the penny necklace activity, and we made hats with 100s on them!”
Lots of schedules were broken because of my pop-ins to visit classes, so I want to say thank you to all of the students and teachers who made time for this ambitious project. And a thank you to everyone who helped me along the way. I know I’m acting like this is super important but when I finished I seriously felt like I just accomplished something BIG! Happy Valentine's Day!
Note From The Editor:
Dear Mason, You DID accomplish something big! Thank you for your diligence and commitment to your role as a student journalist! Staff and students across every grade level were impressed with your interviewing skills and your efforts to capture everyone’s experiences in celebrating one hundred wonderful school days at Eames Way School! Well done!
Join The EAMES WAY SCHOOL Team For The Marshfield 5k!
We are excited to invite you to join the Eames Way School team for the Marshfield St. Patrick’s Day 5K on Saturday, March 15th! This fun community event to benefit the Marshfield Education Foundation is also a great opportunity to come together, show our school spirit, and enjoy a morning of exercise and celebration!
After last year’s race, many of our students asked if we could create a team for everyone at EWS to join – so here’s our chance! Whether you walk, jog, or run, we’d love to have as many students, families, and staff as possible representing Eames Way. Wear your green and join us for a great time!
To sign up, CLICK HERE and be sure to select “Eames Way School” as your team.
*Please note that students should attend with a parent or guardian, as Eames Way School staff will not be responsible for supervision during the event. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing you there!
Absences & Winter Illnesses
There has been an increase in absences lately due to winter illnesses and we wanted to follow up with a few helpful reminders and to clarify some frequently asked questions.
If a student will be absent, families should update PickUp Patrol ASAP (ideally before 9:30 am) and provide a reason for their absence. Providing a reason is helpful in order to keep us informed and to update Aspen correctly. Examples for reasons include appointment, vacation, bereavement, or sick. If sick, please be specific, such as covid, flu, stomach bug, strep, etc. If the reason is confidential, please call or email Nurse White (awhite@mpsd.org).
Nurse Guidance:
In addition to updating PickUp Patrol, if your student is sick, especially with a contagious illness, please click here to review when to keep students home from school due to illness and when they are OK to return to school. Absences will be excused if you provide a note from a medical professional. Notes may be submitted to the Front Office and a copy will be given to Nurse White. Please contact Nurse White with any questions, as she is always available to provide guidance and it is important for the EWS Clinic to track contagious illnesses in order to best support our students.
Attendance Letters:
Marshfield Public School District (MPSD) tracks student attendance and automatically sends letters to families when a student has 5 or more unexcused absences. We recognize that there will be times that students will be absent, late or dismissed early and there won't be documentation for it to be excused. Please do not stress when you receive these letters, as they are meant to help keep families updated and also ensure our attendance records are accurate. If you have any questions or notes to provide from a medical professional, please contact the Front Office and we will be happy to update Aspen.
Thanks and stay well!
EWS Front Office & Nurse White
Nurse Update
February is American Heart Health Month
Keeping your heart healthy is one of the best ways to feel your best. Small heart-healthy choices you make every day can have a big impact on living a longer, happier and healthier life. Taking care of your heart can also decrease the risk of developing chronic disease in the future.
The HEART is a muscle about the size of your fist! It carries blood full of oxygen and nutrients all around the body and rids the body of waste. For school age kids, the heart beats anywhere from around 60 to 118 times a minute when you’re resting and even more than that when you’re active. That’s hard work!
Exercise is the best way to keep the heart strong and healthy. Kids can make it a goal to play outside as much as possible, get involved in sports, or even to participate in activities often such as tag or hide and seek!
Healthy eating is another great way to take care of the heart. Fruits and vegetables are at the top of every pediatrician’s heart-healthy food list. Try mixing them in a smoothie or preparing low-calorie dipping sauces to pair with them. Pediatricians also recommend whole grains, fish, and lean meats. (Cleveland Clinic, American Academy of Pediatrics.)
Here are a few tips to stay healthy and stop the spread this season:
With the change in the weather as we enter the winter months, we will see an increase in the number of coughs, colds, runny noses, and fevers.
Keep your child home from school if they have a fever, especially in combination with a cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, congestion, runny nose, or sore throat. They should remain home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.
Keep your child home from school for 24 hours if they have nausea, vomiting or diarrhea(return when tolerating a normal diet).
Keep your child home for 24 hours after receiving medication for treatment of illness/infection(such as antibiotics or eye ointments).
If your child still seems tired, pale, with little appetite, not tolerating solid foods, and generally “not themselves”, PLEASE DO NOT send them to school. Some Viral illnesses may take longer before your child is well enough to return to school. If you send your child to school to “see how they feel in a little while”, you are potentially exposing other students, and our staff, to a communicable illness. This Ripple effect exposes classmates and then their siblings and family members to the illness
Cold Weather Preparation:
We want to be able to send students outside for as long as possible despite the chilly temps. Please be sure students dress in layers for school- they need warm weather gear for outdoor play even when the inside temperature is warm. If students do not have appropriate cold weather/snow gear their outside activities may be somewhat limited so they stay warm and safe.
If you wear your boots to school, do not forget to pack your sneakers for Physical Education class!
A change of dry clothing(socks, pants and shoes) in backpacks can be helpful and keep students comfortable after snowy recess play.
Please remember to send students to school with a refillable water bottle. Hydration will help with dry skin and chapped lips.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 781-834-5090 x44500 or email me at awhite@mpsd.org.
Grade 5 - Save the Date!
Kindergarten Registration - Now Open!
Indoor Recess Clarification
Ideally, our goal is to have students enjoy fresh air and fun at outdoor recess as often as possible. Unfortunately, we've had to shift to indoor recess quite a bit lately due to the weather. To clarify, we take several factors into consideration and make a decision as soon as possible. Factors include:
- The "feels like" temperature (the threshold for indoor recess is approximately colder than 18 degrees OR warmer than 90 degrees)
- Condition of the playground and blacktop recess area (is it icy, muddy, etc)
- Wind (the school experiences stronger wind conditions due to being up on the hill)
We appreciate your patience and flexibility during these winter months to ensure the safety and health of our students!
Bus Reminder
Band & Strings Update
The following is a helpful update from Band & Strings:
- Musicians need their instruments at school EVERY WEDNESDAY for in-school lessons (please don't forget!)
- All 5th grade band & strings start before-school rehearsals on Wednesday, February 5th
- 4th grade band starts before-school rehearsals on Wednesday, March 5th
- 4th grade strings start before-school rehearsals on Wednesday, April 2nd
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Schoepflin at lschoepflin@mpsd.org (Strings) or Mr. Canzano at jcanzano@mpsd.org (Band). Thanks!
PTO News
As a reminder, BOOST stands for "Bringing Outstanding Opportunities to our Students and Teachers". This is the PTO's primary fundraiser of the year and every dollar donated goes directly to support educational and enrichment initiatives for our students. Thank you to all that generously donate to BOOST!
Click the link to learn more about BOOST or to make a donation: https://eamesway.ptboard.com/formvw?store=5690&form=1
Volunteering at EWS
Lunch Menu
Breakfast and lunch are free options to all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Please note, breakfast is available upon arrival from 8:35-8:50 am, however, students can also get breakfast during the morning once the school day starts if they skipped breakfast or forgot their snack. For more information, please visit MPSD School Nutrition.
Ice Cream Is Back On Fridays!
Starting on Friday, January 24th, students will be able to purchase ice cream at lunch time (on Fridays ONLY) for $1.50. Please be sure to check that your child has money on their account for ice cream expenses!
Families can add funds and track student purchases via www.myschoolbucks.com. For information on how to set up an account or add funds, please click here: My School Bucks.
Congratulations To This Week's Jr. Ram Award Winners!
We Are So Proud Of You! Keep Up The GREAT Work!
Memories From Our Week Together!
Monday Was A BUSY Day -- GRIT Challenge Celebrations & The 100th Day Of School!
Congratulations To This Year's 100 Penny Necklace Winner!
As A Reward For All Of Their GRIT, Students Earned A Fun & Festive Footwear Day!
(Tap Shoes! SO Cool!)
Students Dressed Up "Like 100 Year Olds"
SO Many Reasons To Love EWS On Valentine's Day!
MORE Special Memories From Our Week Together!
MPSD Events
Celebrate Marshfield's rich multicultural community at Mosaic! Whether you want to showcase your culture as an exhibitor or explore the many cultures that make Marshfield special, there's something for everyone. Enjoy live performances, music, raffles, and more! Mark your calendar for this vibrant event! Please register here by March 14, 2025. We are very excited for this new community event!
Marshfield Community News
Please visit the MPSD Community Events webpage for details on upcoming local events!