St. Katharine Drexel School
December 12, 2024 Newsletter #15

December 12, 2024 Newsletter #15
Principal's Corner
Season of Advent at SKDS / Week 2: Peace
SKDS in the 2024 Beaver Dam Holiday Parade
Upcoming Events
12/12 Christmas Program / 1:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. / Gym
12/17 Good Old A cappella from BDHS / 8:15-8:45 a.m. / Church
12/17 Grades 5K-3 Visit Hillside Manor / 1:30-2:30 p.m.
12/21 Christmas Break Begins
1/2/25 Classes Resume
1/20 Teacher In-Service / No Classes
1/21 Parade of Bands
1/22 Grade 8 Visits the YMCA
1/25 Chili/Taco Supper after 4:30 p.m. Mass to Kick-Off Catholic Schools’ Week
1/30 The 8th-Grade Students visit the BDHS
1/30 Festival of the Educational Arts
2/1 An Evening of Glitz
2/7 Teacher In-Service / No Classes
2/17 3K & 5K Round Up
2/27 End of Trimester 2
Join Us Tonight at 6:30 PM!
Please Join Us For An Evening of Glitz
An Evening of Glitz Donation Form
Would you or your business like to donate to Glitz?
Milk Money Reminder
Second trimester milk money was due on Wednesday, November 20.
If your child is taking milk, and you have not already paid,
please send $25.00 for grades K-8. Thank you.
Learn To Skate
You Can Still Join The Parish Children's Choir
Joyful Noise
Grades 1-8
The parish Children’s Choir JOYFUL NOISE is still accepting students in grades 1-8 to join in the fun! Rehearsals will be most Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30 PM in St. Cecilia’s Room just off the church narthex. We will sing for approximately one 10:00 Mass per month including Christmas Eve and Easter.
We will meet in the school cafeteria immediately after school and walk over to the St. Cecilia room for rehearsal. I will hand out a permission slip and other materials. It is very important that parents fill out and return the permission slip, as there will be no separate parents’ meeting. Students who have sports or other activities on some Thursdays are welcome as often as they are able to attend.
Any questions, please contact Paul Kennedy
920-887-2082 ext. 310
Invitation to attend Christmas Eve Mass
Scripmas for the SKDS Teachers & Staff
Christmas is Coming
...it’s just weeks away!
We’ll help with the shopping for the
SKDS Teachers/Staff on your list with SCRIPMAS!
Indicate on the order forms how much and to whom you would like to give.
Send the order form and money to school in an envelope marked “SCRIPMAS.”
Please write a separate check for your Scripmas order to SKDS Scrip.
Any questions contact Kristy Piotrowski 262-689-5584.
Teachers and staff will receive their certificate on the last day before Christmas vacation.
All teacher certificates must be included on the “Teachers/Staff” order form.
No individual teacher certificates will be printed.
The teacher or staff member can use this certificate to purchase
whatever Scrip certificates they’d like!
The program is so simple!
*You send in whatever dollar amount you’d like, for whomever you’d like.
*You have fewer gifts to think about.
*The teacher/staff can choose the Scrip gift card he/she chooses.
*Our school benefits with a percentage of the dollar amount purchased.
SCRIP Program Information
SCRIP will be sold on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the SCRIP Office.
SCRIP will be sold after the 8:20 a.m. Mass on Fridays.
SCRIP for Christmas Gifts!
Christmas is right around the corner! SCRIP cards are a wonderful Christmas gift for anyone! Would you like to order a large amount of SCRIP cards? Are you looking for something special? Please email the SCRIP office at scrip@stkatharinedrexelbd.org, stop in on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm – 8:00pm, or click on the button below for a list of the SCRIP Participating Retailers.
Many Thanks!
A heartfelt thank you to all school families for buying and selling this year’s Football Mania tickets! Ticket sales brought in $11,000 for St. Katharine Drexel School!
Thank you for supporting SKDS!
Football Mania Winners / Week 6
Ticket #245 Bernie Nortman, Beaver Dam, WI
Ticket #1722 Leonard Choyce, Medinah, IL
Ticket #205 Allen & Helen Engel, Dunwoody, GA
Ticket #2096 Dave Johnsen, Beaver Dam, WI
Ticket #2085 Emily McCarthy, Beaver Dam, WI
Random Ticket Winner Chloe Sinotte, Waupun, WI
3K Is Still In Need Of Gallon Plastic Milk Jugs
Our 3K Students will be making an igloo out of gallon-sized plastic milk jugs. They will need 150 milk jugs to complete this project. Please send to school your rinsed-out milk jugs and help our youngest SKDS students build an igloo. Thank you!
Virtue of the Month
The Virtue of the Month of December is GENEROSITY!
During the month of December, we practice the virtue of generosity. Generosity is giving of oneself in a willing and cheerful manner for the good of others. Generosity is sharing your possessions and time with others. When you are generous, you give to others what they need without thinking about the cost. How will you show your generosity to others today?
December Lunch Menu
Before School and After School Care
Before School Program hours are 6:45 - 7:45 a.m.
After School Program hours are 3:15 - 6:00 p.m. The Before and After School Program is available on FULL school days.
Click on the picture to access Before School Care and After School Care registration information.
Let us pray for...
~Our Priests Fr. Will, Fr. Thomas, and Fr. Nick
~Our Pope, Francis
~Our Archbishop, Jerome E. Listecki
~Those affected by the hurricanes
~Refugees fleeing difficult situations
~All those placed on our school prayer list and on our parish prayer chain, especially Haley Angst
~Those in need of healing: body, mind and spirit
~For our country
~Peace in our world
~Our students and their families
~The poor souls in purgatory
~Those who have no one to pray for them
~Those most who are in most need of our prayers