February eCommunicator
February 2025

Official e-Newsletter of the Seaman School District
February 2025
An Update from Superintendent Brad Willson
The second semester is off and running. While we're focused on the needs of today, we're also beginning to look ahead for next year. I want to encourage families to start important conversations with your students about their course selections for the upcoming school year. These decisions are pivotal in shaping their educational journey and preparing them for their future endeavors, whether it’s college and/or career.
At USD 345, we provide a wide range of opportunities that cater to student interests and aspirations. From advanced placement courses to career and technical education pathways, our curriculum is designed to nurture talents and foster growth in various fields and various life paths.
Our dedicated team of educators and counselors stand ready to assist your family in navigating these choices. Whether you have questions about specific courses, career pathways, or college readiness, our staff is here to provide guidance and support. And I'm not just speaking to our 6th-11th grade parents. It's never too early to look ahead at what we offer so that you're well-equipped and prepared with the resources you need to help your students be ready for their future. It's never too early to start those conversations with our teachers! By starting these conversations early, we can help them chart a course that aligns with their passions and goals.
Building a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and schools is key to ensuring every student’s success. I strongly encourage parents and guardians to attend our upcoming parent-teacher conferences. These face-to-face meetings provide an invaluable opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, strengths, and areas for growth directly with those who work closely with them each day.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s education.
Important Dates
Feb 3: EL Site Council - 6 pm
Feb 3: EL PTO - 7pm
Feb 3: MELC Class Pictures
Feb 4: WI PTO Meeting - 5:30 pm
Feb 6: SHS Band Booster Club Meeting - 7 pm
Feb 8: SHS Baseball Trivia Night - 5:30 pm
Feb 10: Regular Board Meeting - 6pm @ SEC
Feb 11: LO Site Council - 5 pm
Feb 11: LO PTO - 6 pm
Feb 11: MELC PTO/Site Council - 5:30 pm
Feb 12: SHS Athletic Booster Club Meeting - 6:30 pm
Feb 13: SHS Musical - 7 pm
Feb 14: SHS Musical - 7 pm
Feb 15: SHS Musical - 7 pm
Feb 17: WI Class Pictures
Feb 17: No Boys & Girls Club (am and pm)
Feb 18: EL Pad Night
Feb 18: NH PTO - 6 pm
Feb 18: NH Site Council - 6:45 pm
Feb 19: EL Picture Day
Feb 20: No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences
Feb 21: No School
Feb 22: SHS Snowball Dance - 8 pm
Feb 24: SHS Fine Arts Booster Club Meeting - 7 pm
Feb 25: NH Pad Night
Feb 26: SHS Players Valentines Show - 7 pm
Feb 27: SEAF Banquet
April 24, 2025
If you have a child who will be five years old on or before August 31, 2025 and you live in the Seaman School District, please register for Kindergarten Orientation.
To be sure everyone is pre-registered and ready to enroll in July, we are asking that you complete the New Student Information sheet and supply us with your Proof of Residency.
Proof of Residency:
- A copy of a current lease with your name and address on it
- A home purchase document with your name and address on it
- A current utility bill with your name and address on it
Please email these documents to tdunham@usd345.com. If you do not have the ability to scan and email, taking a CLEAR picture on your cell phone and emailing the picture.
You can also mail the documents to Theresa Dunham, Seaman Education Center, 901 NW Lyman Rd., Topeka, KS 66608.
If neither of these options will work for you, please contact your elementary school to arrange a time to come fill out the New Student Information sheet and provide Proof of Residency.
Elmont: 286-8450
Logan: 575-8700
North Fairview: 286-8500
Northern Hills: 286-2992
West Indianola: 286-8550
The other documents (Birth Certificates, immunization record, and health assessment) can be brought to kindergarten orientation.
Registration Links Below
View our Boundary Map: www.seamanschools.org/map
6432 NW Elmont Rd. 66618
Registration Link
1124 NW Lyman Rd. 66608
Registration Link
1941 NE 39th St. 66617
Registration Link
5620 NW Topeka Blvd. 66617
Registration Link
4201 NW Brickyard Rd. 66618
Registration Link
April 24, 2025
Seaman Middle School & Seaman High School will be offering school tours so you can meet with principals and see our awesome students and staff in action!
On April 24, we will be hosting our Family Tour Day at the middle and high school level with a morning tour at the middle school and an afternoon tour at the high school for who are interested in learning more about joining our schools.
Please sign up to join us on a tour and learn more about the exciting opportunities at Seaman Middle School and Seaman High School.
SMS: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
5530 NW Topeka Blvd
SHS: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
4850 NW Rochester Rd
Registration Required
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
NOTE: Due to snow day cancellations, we will now be in session on April 18 and April 21. The At-a-Glance Calendar has been updated to reflect those changes.
The 2025-26 School Year Calendar is also available. Click here to download next year's calendar.
SEAF Banquet
The Seaman Education Advantage Foundation (SEAF) would like to invite you to the Annual SEAF Banquet. Superintendent Brad Willson will be delivering the State of the District and the SEAF foundation will be honoring several Seaman High School scholarship recipients. Teachers who received mini-grants will also be recognized with their programs on display.
The Seaman Education Advantage Foundation:
Raises and invests funds to provide for USD 345 staff and student special projects.
Gives student scholarships to Seaman High School seniors.
Hosts an annual Golf Tournament to raise funds for the foundation's activities.
Senior Athletic Passes
Are you a resident in the Seaman School District and over the age of 65? Stop by the Seaman Education Center (901 NY Lyman Rd) to pick up a Senior Athletic Pass. This pass will get you into all home games for free (with the exception of postseason play). This is a lifetime pass with no need to renew.
Thank you for coming out to games and supporting our students!
See Something, Say Something
Our See Something, Say Something reporting tool is anonymous. This form allows you and others to submit safety concerns to district officials. This reporting tool is continuously monitored by district staff. If you would like to receive follow-up correspondence you may leave your contact information. Reporting observed threats, behaviors, actions, and harassment help maintain a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff.
After you provide as much information as you have about a safety or security concern, here are the next steps the district follows:
1. A district official reviews your information and replies to your tip if contact info is provided.
2. Your tip is forwarded to the proper administration to begin investigation.
3. You are contacted (if contact info is provided) to provide any follow-up info, if needed.
4. Administration follows through with the investigation and any action steps necessary.
Crime Stoppers is another reporting tool available to Shawnee County residents. Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming fear and apathy. They assist local law enforcement agencies by gathering information through the use of online and mobile tools and encourage community members to volunteer vital information that could lead to the battle against crime.
Call the Anonymous Tip Line at (785) 234-0007 or submit information through their Mobile Application. Tips that lead to a felony arrest are eligible for a cash reward.
See Something, Say Something
Crime Stoppers
(785) 234-0007
Join our Team
We have open positions for the 2024-25 school year! Check out www.seamanschools.org/employment or give us a call at 785-575-8602 and we can visit with you about your interests and help you find a spot on our 345 team with paid training and flexible hours.
Seaman Parents as Teachers
Parents as Teachers is a FREE program offered to anyone in the Seaman School District. It is a voluntary program designed for all families with children ages prenatal to Kindergarten entry. Parents as Teachers (PAT) is based on two important concepts: 1.) Parents are their child's first and most influential teachers and 2.) experiences in the first years of a child's life are key to future success in school and life.
Parents as Teachers offers personal visits, group connections, screenings and a resource network. Call Mathes Early Learning Center at 785-286-7103 and leave a message for Angie or Tina. Also check out our Facebook Page, Seaman Parents as Teachers USD 345.
Visit Seaman Parents as Teachers online for more information.
School Board Meetings
Regular board meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm. Regular meetings may be adjourned to another time and place when necessary. Special meetings may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
Regular meetings typically take place at the Seaman Education Center. When meeting locations change, notice is sent out to the public and made available online. Board agendas go live on the Friday afternoon prior to the regular board meeting.
All regular meetings are streamed live and available on the district's YouTube channel. A recap of the meeting is also made available through the Board Digest.
Regular meetings for the 2024-25 school year:
February 10, 2025
March 10, 2025
April 14, 2025
May 12, 2025
June 9, 2025
July 14, 2025
Stay Connected with our Digital Flyerboard
Stay up-to-date and informed with events and resources available around the community by checking our digital flyerboard. You can view all flyers for the district or search by school. Digital flyers help us keep you informed and save our community partners resources.
Community organizations can upload their flyers for USD 345 families to receive through email. Click here for more information on how to upload community flyers.
What's for Lunch?
The Seaman Food and Nutrition Services is excited to introduce you to Titan LINQConnect, our new online meal payment portal. Parents can create an account in Titan LINQConnect to submit free and reduced applications, view menus, and pay meal fees.
Titan LINQConnect is replacing the MySchoolBucks system and all balances have been transferred to LINQConnect.
To make meal payments, please create a new account at https://www.linqconnect.com. You can also submit a free and reduced application through LINQConnect for the current school year.
Click on “REGISTER” to create a new account.
You will need the following information to successfully link your student(s) to your account:
1. First Name: As registered with the school
2. Last Name: As registered with the school
3. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
For further questions, please call Seaman Unified School District 345’s Food and Nutrition Services at 785-575-8650 or the contact support line for LINQConnect at 916-467-4700 option two.