BRMS May Newsletter
May 20th, 2024
A Word From the Principal Team
Hello Badger Ridge Families! Happy May and end of the 23-24 school year! This month, once again, has been a busy one! Students have taken end of year assessments amongst many other fun and exciting things such as concerts, contributing to Teacher Appreciation Week, the student v. staff basketball game, and more. Our students have earned a nice long summer break, and families, you should be proud of our scholars for an amazing school year! So with that, today's newsletter holds information about our family night celebration, some information useful to you for the summer, end of year celebrations for students, and more. We plan to have a couple of summer newsletters as well, so stay tuned!
Important Dates to Know
May 23rd - BRMS Spring Family Festival
May 27th - NO SCHOOL; Memorial Day
June 3rd - No Late Start Monday
June 5th - 8th Grade Dance
June 6th - 8th Grade Promotion
June 6th - 6th and 7th Grade Field Day
June 7th - Last Day of School
Assessments at BRMS
Spring Star reports will be mailed home in June. You will also receive an email communication in early June about the Star reports and how to interpret them. If you have any questions please reach out to Julie Briggs, our Curriculum and Learning Specialist at briggsj@verona.k12.wi.us.
Notes From Our Nurse
Allergy season is upon us! Here are a few reminders:
We do not stock allergy medications in the Health Office
You are able to store allergy medications in the Health Office with a signed Parent Medication Consent
A signed Parent Medication Consent Form is required to self-carry allergy medication
End of the School Year Medications & Supplies
All medications and supplies need to be picked up from the Health Office at the end of the school year. Any medications or supplies not picked up will be disposed of.
Watch for an email from a school nurse with additional information.
School Announcements
Spring Family Festival
On May 23, 2024 from 5-7pm, we will have our Spring Family Festival at Badger Ridge! Remember that we have transportation for students in select neighborhoods to bring students to and from the school. Please read this document for additional information about the transportation and the permission form that will need to be signed if your child chooses to ride the school bus. Other than that, let's plan on a lot of fun with games, crafts, open gym, food, music, sports, a raffle, and more!
8th Grade Events
8th Grade Families! This is just a final reminder about the upcoming 8th grade events that will be taking place between June 5th and June 6th. Please refer back to this family communication that was sent out on April 30th. If you have any questions about any of the 8th grade events, please contact Associate Principal Glass-Thompson at glassths@verona.k12.wi.us.
8th Grade Promotion Tickets
Four tickets have been allotted to each student for promotion this year. This is a reminder that if you have extra tickets that your family does not plan to use, please send these tickets back to school with your child to turn into the BRMS Main Office or drop them off to the attendance window yourself so that families who may need extra tickets are able to request and receive them. Thank you!
Last Day of School Dismissal Times
This is another friendly and final reminder about dismissal times for all school levels in the district on June 7th:
- Elementary School: 11:30am
- CKCS & Middle Schools: 12:35pm
- High School: 12:55
Back to School Night - AUGUST (Save the Date!)
Save the Date! Back to School Night for next school year will be August 28th from 5pm to 7pm at Badger Ridge. More detailed information will come out about Back to School Night in our June newsletter. Please note that our teams are working on student schedules, and they are slated to be ready some time in August. As always, schedules will be available for pick up as well at Back to School Night. Can't wait to see you all there!
Yearbook Information
We are thrilled to share that EVERY student will receive a yearbook again this year! They will be handed out in advisory in the last week of school. More specifics will be shared out as we get closer to distribution.
Throughout the year, many of our house teachers engaged in AVID Professional Learning Modules to learn about, or deepen their understanding of, high-impact AVID strategies to support student learning. They learned about how WICOR can support and increase rigor, and AVID core strategies of Philosophical Chairs and Socratic Seminars and more. At Badger Ridge, we now have 70% of our house teachers officially AVID Trained. We are excited to see the impact of their learning on your students in the years ahead.
Tech News and Updates
iPads and charging cords will be collected during the last weeks of school. 6th grade devices will be collected on May 31st, 7th grade on June 3rd, and 8th grade on June 4th. Please have students bring their devices and charging cords on their grade’s collection day. Students will be issued a Chromebook at the start of the 2024 - 2025 school year.
We need your help! We’re still looking for yard games, volunteers and snack donations for the 8th Grade Celebration at Harriet Park on June 5th! If you are interested in supporting, use this form. Thank you!
Parent Resource of the Month
We know that needs don’t go away in the summer! Badger Ridge Social Worker, Sarah Hall, will be available to support families through July 19th. You can reach Sarah by email at halls@verona.k12.wi.us or (608)313-4797. You may also choose to reach out to Joining Forces for family (contact below).
Joining Forces for Families (JFF) 1200 East Verona Ave., Verona, WI 53593
- Lisa Hemauer hemauer@countyofdane.com 608-575-1064
- Ryan Estrella (Español) estrella@countyofdane.com 608-225-9871