Community Update Week of Sept 9th
Sharing information for the Wootton High School community.
Safety at Wootton
As a nation, we once again face the terrible news that gun violence has led to tragic circumstances in Georgia. I hope you will join me in expressing collective sympathy and outrage regarding the loss of more innocent lives.
Events, such as this, can cause anxiety and emotions for students and staff. I encourage students to reach out to a trusted adult if they are feeling concerned and unsettled. Counseling Services has been and will remain available to students. Our Counseling Department is ready to support as needed. I want to assure you we are taking proactive steps to prepare for emergency situations. Our school has trained all staff and students on emergency procedures, met as an On-Site Emergency Team (OSET) to review our emergency roles and responsibilities, held our first fire drill of the year, and are preparing for Safety Day in late September.
Each day we -
Ensure all doors are properly secured throughout the academic day following student arrival. Our security and building services teams do routine checks throughout the day to keep all doors closed and locked.
Employ daily plans so the security team is continually monitoring the school building.
Ensure the front office staff follow all procedures when guests come into the building.
Encourage students, staff, and community members to report concerns. The Maryland Safe Schools Tipline is an anonymous and free reporting system available to students, teachers, school staff members, parents and the general public to report any school or student safety concerns, including mental health concerns. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. (1-833-MD-B-SAFE / 1-833-632-7233).
In closing, it is essential that we share with our entire school community that our school is safe and will continue to focus on this important topic at Wootton.
Doug Nelson
Athletics Safety Information
Safety at athletic events is important. My purpose in writing to you is to reconvey information that you need to know about athletics. Additionally, this message underscores safety measures that are in place for large athletic events or events that are Tier 2 and higher.
Let's begin with what is most important: all Wootton High School guests, including students and families, are expected to be positive and appropriate fans while attending the game. This is an expectation for all guests. If this expectation is not being met, then please know your behaviors and actions will be addressed by school system staff. I request that you please work with us as partners to create an exciting and safe evening of competition for everyone in attendance.
Please review the information below:
- Students at the participating schools will be allowed to attend with a valid ticket and by presenting a student ID or Synergy verification. All other school-aged spectators must be accompanied by an adult chaperone - this includes all elementary and middle school students. Adult chaperones must stay with and supervise students for the duration of their stay at the game. Spectators should expect to take additional time to gain entrance to events, as school IDs and enrollment are verified at the gate.
- Inappropriate and unruly behavior at athletic events will likely result in your removal from the event and your suspension from subsequent MCPS athletic activities.
- Students and spectators should primarily be in the stands during the game. You may move to the bathrooms and concession stand and should return to the stands once done. After entering the stadium, Wootton students should go to the home section.
- There is no re-entry to events. Spectators will not be admitted after halftime. The stadium will be cleared at the conclusion of the JV event.
- Backpacks and outside drinks are not allowed.
- At the conclusion of the contest, Wootton fans are expected to promptly exit and leave campus at the end of the game and must have a pre-determined way home. Students who are chronically staying after games without a plan to depart will be asked to no longer attend such events.
- Only student-athletes, coaches, game officials, athletic department staff, credentialed personnel, and media are permitted on the sidelines of the field. Everyone must stay behind the fence in the stadium.
- Tickets are $5 and can be purchased through the GoFan App or at the door.
I am, also, providing you with additional details about the MCPS Athletics Safety Plan below. Thank you for your support of these measures so everyone can enjoy safe and healthy competition this season.
Tye Dye Event
Returning for it's second year, we will again have a school Tie-Dye Event during the school day to create each grades' SPIRIT SHIRTS! Shirts are currently on sale on School Cash Online. You can access that payment link by going to mcpsmd.schoolcashonline.com and logging in or registering if it is your first time. Each student's shirt is already automatically linked in your account. Each shirt is only $20 ($22 for 2X and 3X). More information and shirt designs can be found here. For Seniors, your white shirts can also be bundled on School Cash Online for $35 ($39 for 2X and 3X) with the official black senior shirt needed for the panoramic senior photo. We recommend buying them both for that discounted price! More information can be found here.
We will then have the school-wide tie-dye event on Wednesday, October 16th during the school day for us all to tie-dye your class white spirit shirt as a school! The shirt cost includes the shirt, the tie-dye, the rubber bands, and the Ziploc bags we will give you at the event. We will wear these shirts as a full school throughout the year. including the Homecoming Pep Rally the next day on October 17th!
All shirts are only on sale until Wednesday 9/25, so get it early! They are only available for a short time! Show your Wootton Patriots pride and your class spirit! Let Mr. Schwartz (Keith_A_Schwartz@mcpsmd.org or room 123) if you have any questions!
An Exciting Week at Wootton
Girls Flag Football
Seniors Enjoy a Senior Sunrise
New Upgraded Bathrooms
❗ IMPORTANT - Opening of School Logistics Continue 🚫
Please continue to follow these guidelines.
- 1st floor hallways near 128, 130, and 141 will be reopened. The new bathroom will remain closed until all inspections have been completed.
- 2nd floor hallways near 230 and 240 is open.
- The entrance to the building from the lower lot will be opened for use in the morning. Students who go outside during lunch must re-enter the building through the main entrance.
Important Back-to-School Reminders
Dropping off on Wootton Parkway
Please do NOT drop your students off on Wootton Parkway. It is extremely dangerous. Please utilize the drop-off location in the lower parking lot. Monitoring may take place by Wootton Administration and MC Police. Thank you for your support with this request.
Parking in the front of the school is reserved parking. Please refrain from parking in the front parking lot (bus loop) even if your visit to the school will be brief.
Drop-Off Table
If you need to deliver something for a student, you can use the drop-off table in the main office. Students can check the table between classes or during lunch. For safety reasons, food that hasn’t been picked up by 3:00 p.m. will be thrown out. Other items like clothing, etc. will be given to lost and found after one week. Please clearly label the item so there is no confusion with other students who are picking up items.
Meet our Social Worker and Bridge to Wellness Staff
Time Management and Organizational Skills Group
Directory Withholding and Student Privacy notice
Activity Bus Schedule
Activity buses start Tuesday, September 10 and will run Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays until Thursday, June 5, 2025. Buses will not run on early dismissal days.
Wootton Daily Announcements
Wootton College and Career Center
Wootton College & Career Fair
The annual Wootton College & Career fair is Tuesday, October 1, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM, in the upper/staff parking lot adjacent to the Auditorium. Over 65 colleges are participating. Military and career resources will also be present.
College Visits
Temple University
Sean Driscoll
College & Career Center
9/9/24 9:15 AM
The George Washington University
Jordan Vaughn
College & Career Center
9/9/24 10:50 AM
Tufts University
Meredith Lian
College & Career Center
9/9/24 2:35 PM
Binghamton University
Mikayla Ridley
College & Career Center
9/10/24 7:45 AM
Rice University
Channing Wang
College & Career Center
9/10/24 9:15 AM
Allegheny College
Sarah DiNardo
College & Career Center
9/10/24 11:30 AM
Elon University
Serena Crosby-Brown
College & Career Center
9/11/24 9:15 AM
Kenyon College
Mackie Avis
College & Career Center
9/11/24 11:30 AM
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Archibaldo Lora
College & Career Center
9/12/24 9:15 AM
Georgetown University
Kathryn Timlin
College & Career Center
9/12/24 9:45 AM
Johns Hopkins University
Aliia Matthew
College & Career Center
9/12/24 11:30 AM
MCPS Information
Annual Verification of Contact Information
The Annual Verification of Contact Information is available in ParentVUE in Online Registrations. Please take this time to confirm that your information is correct.
Or you may return the Student Emergency form that was passed out in homeroom this past week.
2025-2026 MCPS High School Regional/Countywide Application Programs At-A-Glance
For Grades 9, 10 and 11 Students
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) offers a wide range of high school application programs for students entering Grades 9–12. These programs have a centralized admissions process, which begins with a common online application. The admission process opens in early October 2024.
Fall 2024 MCPS Gr 9-11 Programs At A Glance, Eligibility and Open House Dates
Girls With Impact (GWI)
Calling all girls in Grades 9–12 and gender-expansive youth who want to learn about entrepreneurship and build their business skills. Sign up now for this FREE live, virtual, afterschool 10-week Business and Leadership Academy. This fantastic opportunity will cover the skills and resources needed to get you from ideation to the launch of your venture ideas. The classes are one hour each and are managed by a trained coach with a master's in business administration. Select from days and times or a school-specific section to register for the Business and Leadership Academy at https://www.girlswithimpact.org/mcps-gwi-registration.
City of Rockville
Attendance Is Important!
Regular daily attendance is expected. It is critical to a child's academic success. Parent/caregiver support of regular daily attendance is essential. Parents/caregivers should provide a note within 3 days stating the reason for absence. This will ensure the absence is marked excused. Students who were absent from school have the responsibility to request make-up work from their teacher.