Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
If you are interested in competing for the Talawanda Swim & Dive team this winter please plan to attend the pre-season meeting next Monday, October 14th at 7 PM in the high school cafeteria. At the meeting you'll be able to meet the coaches of the team and the practice and meet schedules for the season will be distributed. You will also learn what the expectations are for all team members. If you cannot make the meeting please see Coach Pasquale in Room 418.
Talawanda High School artists have been hard at work painting rain barrels for the upcoming TMS fundraiser event. Here's a sneak peek of what they are finishing up today. Barrels will be up for auction this Monday at Talawanda Middle School, during the Water for South Sudan Community fundraiser, 6-8 pm. Hope to see you there!
Monday, October 14th
Tribune 5:30-6:30 PM Room 315
Tuesday, October 15th
Art Club-3:00-3:45 PM Room 603
Mock Trial 5:00-7:00 PM Room 315
Wednesday, October 16th
Robotics Club 3:00 PM - Room 412- All are welcome and snacks provided
Diversity Club 3:00 PM Room 400
Chess Club 3:00 PM Room 603
Thursday, October 17th
Mock Trial 5:00-7:00 PM Room 315
Saturday, October 19th
6:00-11:00PM Star Party- See Flyer Below
Capitals of the British Isles - Summer 2026
Mr. Johnson will lead an EF tour to Ireland and the United Kingdom in the summer of 2026 through EF Tours. Interested parties should attend the informational meeting on October 24th at 6:00 PM in Mr. Johnson's room, room 120. Click on the link or scan the QR code to RSVP to the meeting.
Monday, October 14th
7:00 PM Swim/Dive Informational Meeting, Cafeteria
Tuesday, October 15th
7:00 PM Band Concert, PAC
Thursday, October 17th
End of 1st Quarter
8:15-9:15 AM Picture Retake Day
7:00 PM Board of Education Meeting, PAC
Friday, October 18th
No School-Fall Break
Community Flyer Page
Click here for the community flyer page.