CGS Newsletter
August 30, 2024
This week:
We had a great start to the school year. Students are learning routines and showing their BEST! Thank you for your support of students and partnership with staff.
Happy Labor Day!
- August 30 & September 2nd: NO SCHOOL
- September 4th: First day for Kindergarten
Show your CGS Pride!
CGS Spirit Wear!
We are so excited to offer our ONLINE CGS Student Spirit store! Students and STAFF can show their pride for CGS in whatever style they choose! We will continue to have CGS “We are proud WEDNESDAY.” Each Wednesday CGS staff and students are welcomed to show their spirit in blue and white or CGS apparel. Funds raised will help support our positive school culture.
How do I contact a member of the administration?
- Principal Katherine Proietti: keproietti@methuen.k12.ma.us 9787229051 ext 5211
- Associate Principal gr 5-8 David Lacroix: ddlacroix@methuen.k12.ma.us 978 7229051 ext 5221
- Associate Principal gr K-4 Mary Ellen Lucas: mnlucas@methuen.k12.ma.us 9787229051 ext 5213
Updates and reminders💡
Cafeteria Update
We are excited to announce that we now have a share table in the cafeteria. Students can place their unwanted items in baskets at the identified space in the cafeteria. This will allow any hungry student to access a nutritious snack.
School Picture Day
School Name: Comprehensive Grammar School
Picture Day Date: Monday, September 16
Picture Day ID: EVT8GTRNR
Please read!
- Important school transportation information. Please make note of this information to help make a smooth transition.
Interested in joining the School Council?
It takes a strong team to help build bright futures for our students. Please consider joining our CGS school council. This important group is so valuable to our CGS growth and student success. Those interested should click the link for information.
Parent Teacher Organization
Our wonderful PTO needs you! This committed group of teachers, parents and administrators works tirelessly to provide our students with enrichment activities and other opportunities. Please be on the lookout for PTO news and events. If you have PTO related questions or ideas, please reach out via the Facebook page: CGS PTO. Meeting schedules and updates will be posted regularly on the site.
Contact information and Infinite Campus portal
Often, phone numbers and email addresses will change during summer breaks and need to be updated. It is important to have current contact information to communicate effectively with families. Please see below for information about how to update personal information in IC:
● Change of Address - All address changes must be reported to the Family Resource Center.
● Change Phone Number or Email Address
● Set up your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account
Updates can be made in the IC Parent Portal or by contacting the CGS secretaries.
Upper school secretary - zamaalouf@methuen.k12.ma.us
Lower school secretary - beprerez@methuen.k12.ma.us