ThunderRidge Weekly Update
Patterson's Perspective
Grizzly Families,
What an amazing time we had last week with all of the Homecoming events and Field Day!
It's hard to believe we are already at the end of our first quarter. Thank you to all who came out for Parent/Teacher Conferences last night. If you were not able to attend last night, or if a teacher you were hoping to meet with was not available, we will be holding conferences again after Fall Break on October 26th from 4:00-6:00pm. Progress grades will be posted to Infinite Campus today.
I hope you are all able to enjoy some family time over Fall Break. Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Sean Patterson
Principal, ThunderRidge High School
Important Dates
📷 October 13 - Senior Photos Due
✏️ October 13 - End of First Quarter
⛔ October 16-20 - FALL BREAK/NO SCHOOL
🏀 October 24 - Winter Sports Registration Opens
👻 October 24 - Trick or Treat Street - Halls of TR - 6:00 - 7:30pm
🍎 October 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 6:00pm
📚 November 2 - Academic Showcase - 5:30 - 7:30pm
Bell Schedule for October 23-27
Monday - Blue Day
Tuesday - Green Day
Wednesday - Blue Day
Thursday - Green Day
Friday - ALL Day with PLC
Due to the new common bell schedule, our staff will have PLCs every Friday morning if it is a regular 5-day week.
On PLC days, classes will begin at 8:25am and students will follow an 'ALL' day class schedule. If your student needs to arrive at school prior to 8:25am, they may go to the Library or Commons until class starts. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria.
ThunderRidge Athletics
ThunderRidge Winter Sports Registration Opens October 24
Winter Sports Registration opens October 24th. You can register on our Athletic Registration Website. First day of practice and tryouts are November 13th.
Girls Wrestling Co-Op Informational Meeting
Girls wrestling is becoming one of the fastest growing girls sports in the nation. Colorado has seen an increase of 200% over the past 2 years. ThunderRidge currently has 3 girls participating in our Highlands Ranch area co-op wrestling team. Girls wrestling is a no-cut sport where girls can receive an athletic letter for their participation. If you are interested in learning more about this fun sport, there will be an informational meeting in the ThunderRidge library on November 8th from 6:00 - 7:00pm.
Click the image to keep up with all ThunderRidge Athletics information!
Illness Guidelines
If your student is not feeling well or showing any symptoms of illness, please keep them home so they can get healthy and to protect other students and staff.
If your student is absent, please call the attendance line at 303-387-2002. If you see a doctor due to illness, please have your student bring a doctor's note when they return to school.
For more information, please see the DCSD Guidelines for Determining Student Attendance on the District Website.
Trick or Treat Street
Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 26, 2023 4:00-6:00pm
If you were unable to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences last night, or if a teacher was out due to activities or illness, you will have another opportunity to meet with them after Fall Break.
Conferences will be open house style in the main hallway of ThunderRidge.
This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet with your child's teachers. Please limit each conference to 5 minutes, so you can see as many teachers as possible. If you need additional time, please email the teacher directly to make arrangements.
Counselor's Corner
TRHS Counselors visited with 273 students this past week for academic and social emotional support, as well as post secondary planning. Counselors continue to work on college and career planning, as the college application season is underway. Don't forget Colorado Free Application Days on Oct 17-19, when students can have their application fees waived to any Colorado college!
Feeling stressed? Take a minute to be mindful:
- Sit in a chair, in a relaxed, upright and dignified posture with your feet planted on the ground.
- Then closing your eyes, bring your focus to the breath. Continue to breathe normally in and out and do this for a few breaths.
- Once you feel comfortable that you have a sense of your breath begin the 1 minute, setting a timer if that helps.
- Mentally count each breath. Breathe in, breathe out, count 1. Breathe in, breathe out, count 2, etc.
- Take note of how you feel - you just gave yourself the gift of calm and focus!
Information for the Class of 2024
Senior Photos are Due TODAY (October 13th)
Senior Photos are due October 13th / Senior Ads are due December 15th
Senior photo upload is available - school code 7751. Click here for more information.
Caps & Gowns and Graduation Memorabilia
Caps & gowns and graduation memorabilia can now be ordered from Herff Jones!
If you were unable to purchase a cap and gown in-person yesterday, please visit the Herff Jones website here to place an order. You can stop by the main office to pick up an information packet if you would like more details. Order your cap and gown by December 17th to receive early bird pricing.
Free Colorado Application Days - October 17-19th
If you are applying to any Colorado colleges or universities, click here to take advantage of Colorado Free Application Days October 17-19! (If applying to Colorado State University Fort Collins- you can apply for free everyday.)
IB Update
Happy Fall Break everyone!!
We here in the International Baccalaureate Department wanted to encourage you all to experience the world around you as you go on break this week. While you are away from school for the week we wanted to give you some ideas for how to engage with global mindedness with any free time you may have. All of these are suggestions, so do any and all that sound appealing to you:
- Travel to a location you have not been before and learn about a new culture. Get yourself out of your comfort zone, while staying safe, and find something new in this amazing world.
- Go to a local restaurant that specializes in a cuisine you have never tried. Some of the best areas in Denver to find unique and different cuisine are out in Aurora, up in Arvada, and off of Federal Boulevard.
- Try a new recipe from a culture you are interested in. Cook, bake, and explore the tastes of the world from the comfort of your own kitchen. Try going to an internationally focused grocery store to find new flavors and foods.
- Watch a television show/movie from a different part of the world. Check out the different series and movies on your streaming services that you have access to. Try watching something in a language you don't speak and turn on the subtitles.
- Explore musical stylings from around the world. Check out Radio Garden HERE where you can listen to radio stations from around the world.
Enjoy your break and we look forward to hearing about all the cool International things you did over break as we return in a week!
This Week in Advisement
Sophomores continued to conference with their Advisement teachers. Students and parents should see a first grade in Infinite Campus by the end this week. Students also completed a Career Cluster survey in Naviance. Finally, students should have continued their research on their project goal.
This was another opportunity for juniors to explore the world of work, as they prepare for life after high school. Up next, they will continue to prepare for a job as they learn about the resume writing process, dun dun duuuuuuun!!
This week in Advisement, Seniors reviewed the Letter of Intent process, as well as the Letter of Intent approval process. They then completed a Senior Project brainstorm sheet on 2 of their potential project ideas.
The DCSD Board of Education voted unanimously to place a $66M Mill Levy Override and $484M Bond on the November 2023 ballot. All seven Board directors expressed their strong support and personal dedication to our students and our staff.
The Board also unanimously adopted a compensation resolution that will automatically trigger if the MLO passes. For school district staff, this means pay increases would happen automatically should the MLO pass (with increases being paid retroactively back to July 1).
To learn more about how additional funding would benefit our schools and our staff, visit We also encourage you to read through the MLO/Bond plan.
Community Events and Fundraisers
Restaurant Nights to Support the Boys' Basketball Team
Check out the flyer for opportunities to support the boys' basketball team.
HRCA Haunted Forest
Board & Brush Creative Studio
October 25
15% of each 'Pick Your Project' registration will be given back to the TRHS Band.
Red Cross Babysitter's Training Course
Rocky Mountain CPR & First Aid
October 18, 19, 21
9:00am - 3:00pm
Community Service Opportunities
HRCA Haunted Forest Volunteers Needed
October 20 and 21 (both dates are required)
4:30 – 10:30pm
Click here for more information and to sign up.
We also have additional volunteer opportunities for setup and teardown, or for guiding people in and out of the trail:
Setup Volunteers:
Guide Volunteers:
Night of the 20th:
Night of the 21st:
Takedown Volunteers:
Congratulations to Our Students of the Month
ThunderRidge is proud to offer a wide variety of clubs and activities!
Click the bar above for a full list including times, days and locations.
TR Apparel Store
Shop for your customizeable TR gear anytime at the TRHS Online Apparel Store.
About Us
Principal Sean Patterson
Mission Statement:
Empowering Grizzlies through curiousity, compassion, courage, community and service.
Location: 1991 West Wildcat Reserve Parkway, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA
Phone: 303.387.2000
Twitter: @TRidgeGrizzlies
American Furniture Warehouse Back to School Rally - Better Your Home, Better Your School
Mention ThunderRidge at check-out and a percentage of your purchase will be donated back to the school!
Purchases count any time of the year.