August 2024

Greetings New Hope High School Champions and Families
Hello October!
This month is packed with activities, from Homecoming to Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences, which will mark the wrap-up of the first nine-week period. It is important to make plans to meet with your New Hope Champions teachers to discuss how students are progressing toward recovering lost credit and earning their current credits. Time continues to fly by this month, with plenty of opportunities to still have fun!
Much Love,
Gina Hutchins
The picture above is our data for attendance for the month of September. Parents are sent notifications via email/text when a student has been marked absent/tardy in a class period. We appreciate the parents who are responding to let us why their student is out as it helps us make the appropriate notation in Synergy.
HOWEVER, we can do better. The ultimate goal is to help all of our New Hope Champions catch up on lost credits while continuing to earn their current year credits. Whether your Junior New Hope Champion wants to return to the LHS campus for their senior year or your Senior New Hope Champion is planning to take the monumental walk across the stage in May 2025, attendance is the one factor that can be the make or break for this event happening. Please help us encourage your New Hope Champion to attend school daily and to be on time. This is an expectation they will have in all future endeavors whether its to a family event/celebration, a job, or college. Being present is often the one thing we are all held accountable for in our life. Building good habits now will help our Champions be successful in their future.
Following a dress code is important because it fosters a sense of community, professionalism, and respect in any environment. Dress codes help set the tone for focus and engagement, whether in schools, workplaces, or events. They aren't just about appearance; they reflect shared values and standards that contribute to a positive atmosphere. Adhering to these expectations demonstrates responsibility and consideration for others, creating a more cohesive and respectful environment for everyone.
Important Dates
September 30th - October 4th - Homecoming Week
October 1st - Senior College Fair LHS Back Gym 8:30 - 9:30 - Permission granted on Sept 30 in NHHS Office
October 4th - End of 1st Nine Week Grading Period
October 8th - School Board Meeting
October 16th - Student - Parent - Teacher Conferences
October 23rd - PSAT/NMSQT Test Day for ALL JUNIORS
October 24th - 60th day of school
Tuesday, October 1st, 8:30 - 9:30
Senior College Fair - LHS Back Gym
SENIORS - If you are interested in participating in the Senior College Fair you will need to come check in the office at NHHS to get a pass to be allowed to attend. Without this pass you will not be allowed to attend and the absence will be counted as unexcused. There will also be a check in for NHHS students who attend, too.
SENIORS - Class of 2025
Gradzilla Contact Information
Albert Lopez
Vice President
Sales and marketing
2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Community Events
Sports Schedules - Click on picture
Apprenticeship Program Opportunity
New Mexico Rural Water Association (NMRWA) has a two (2) year Water/Wastewater Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). We help train water and/or wastewater apprentices to attain their Level 2 operator certification to operate water and/or wastewater treatment plants. Apprentices work alongside a mentor and do most classes online. For more information regarding our program see the flyer (below).
To qualify, applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a valid driver’s license, graduated from high school, or have a GED and be physically capable of performing the essential functions of the apprenticeship program, with or without a reasonable accommodation, and without posing a direct threat to the health and safety of the individual or others.
To graduate from this program, the apprentice must complete:
- At least 4000 OJT hours from the Water or Wastewater Treatment Plant employer
- Earn 4 satisfactory evaluations from a mentor (one every 6-months) from employer
- At least 288 RTI (Related Technical Instruction) class hours from NMRWA RAP
- Attend 4 scheduled conferences (Annual Conference in April near Albuquerque; Fall Conference in Las Cruces) from NMRWA RAP
- Pass the New Mexico Environment Department Water or Wastewater Operator Levels 1 & 2 exams.
The NMRWA RAP may be able to pay for the apprentices’ RTI class hours for the full 2 years, as long as funding remains available. At this time, funding is available.
To Apply click on this link: https://apprenticeship.nrwa.org
More information to come
Planning to attend college or a career school. This article will help you with what you need to do to complete your FAFSA form. Click the picture below for more information.
New Hope High School
Maria Hernandez - Secretary
Email: ginahutchins@lovingtonschools.net
Website: https://new.lovingtonschools.net/
Location: 601 North 5th Street, Lovington, NM, USA
Phone: 575-739-2416
Proud principal of our New Hope HS Champions.
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." — Maya Angelou, American poet, and civil rights activist