CVU Celebrations
August 30, 2024
Dear CVU Community,
Welcome to CVU Celebrations. For those who are new to Celebrations, this is our weekly publication that highlights the good that we see within our building and community each week. At times, we also use this platform to share more serious issues with our CVU community. But today, it’s just the joy of being back together!
Parents, ask your students for a moment of joy from their week. For me, it was yesterday during “speed dating” with our co-advisory as I listened to one of my seniors asking our new ninth graders thoughtful and curious questions. They were heartfelt and genuine. And an excellent start to creating a sense of belonging for our newest members.
Thank you students, faculty, staff and families for a wonderful start to the 2024-2025 school year. Enjoy the long weekend! Be safe and have fun.
If you have not done so already, please fill out the PowerSchool forms available on the main CVU website for your child as soon as possible. They are part of our required Annual Updates that should be completed at the beginning of each school year. These forms include: Student Contact Updates, Student Health Update, and the School Permissions Update. These forms will be necessary for your child to attend field trips and receive medication for this school year. If you need any assistance, feel free to call your house office or the health office. Thank you for taking the time to get these done.
Upcoming Dates
9/2 - Labor Day, No School
9/3 - Senior Class Meeting, 10:00 Theater
9/4 - Junior Class Meeting, 10:00 Theater
9/5 - Sophomore Class Meeting, 10:00 Theater
9/6 - Beltrami Picture Day (see details under Community/Notes)
Student Celebrations
Co-Presidents Lily, Lauren, George and Chase bringing awesome energy during morning announcement.
Seniors ready for the first day of school!
Aaron Mack, Alex Cummings, Anderson McEnaney, and George Charlson
Please read the linked letter from our Direction Center regarding Senior Kick Off!
Ninth graders in Fairbanks learning how to learn together.
Are you interested in Scuba Diving for your RISE program this June?
Are you interested in Marine Conservation?
How would you like to go with 20 other CVU students to Belize this coming June for RISE?
There will be an info meeting for ANY interested students in grades 10-12 and their parents on Thursday, Sept 19th at 7pm in room 160 (Chorus Room).
Check out Belize information slideshow and a video of last year’s Coral Reef Restoration RISE trip to the Bahamas! Trip is focused on Scuba Diving and Marine Conservation and eradication of invasive species. Students that are in grades 10-12 are being considered. Students with Scuba Certification will have priority....although this year's trip can include possible Scuba Certification, but will require extra money.
If you are interested in getting Scuba Certified in Vermont, go to Waterfront Diving Center website/phone to find out about “Open Water” certification classes!
Contact Olaf Verdonk (overdonk@cvsdvt.org) or Andy Miskavage(amiskavage@cvsdvt.org) for more info.
Faculty/Staff Celebrations
Main Office Administrative Assistant extraordinaire, Jacqui, has had a busy week welcoming back our students and handing out parking passes. Thank you, Jacqui.
Katie Mack, CVU’s new librarian, kicking the year off with Nichols Core 9th graders.
Community Celebrations/Notes
Noteworthy items from Jacqui in the Main Office
Lost, dazed or confused? Check out the Daily announcements to stay informed!
Picture Day is Friday, September 6th
Paper order forms are available in House Offices and Main Office
Online orders can be placed at www.bsnap.hhimagehost.com
Password is CVU324