The Lasting Legacy of Coach Jim Polite
Walnut High School Senior, Dartanian Sloan, paid tribute to the late great Jim Polite as part of his Eagle Scout Service Project. Jim Polite spent 50 years at Walnut High School as a coach, teacher, and mentor who impacted thousands of lives along the way. Special thanks to Athletic Director, Jerry Person, and Head Track and Field Coach, Keith Thompson, for their help in making this project come together. May the legacy of Jim Polite never be forgotten.
- *Periods 1-3 Block Schedule - 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Period 4 Tutorial - 1:10 pm-1:35 pm
Period 5 Tutorial - 1:37 pm-2:02 pm
Period 6 Tutorial - 2:05 pm - 2:30 pm
- *Periods 4-6 Block Schedule - 8:00 am-12:30 pm
- Period 1 Tutorial - 1:10 pm-1:35 pm
- Period 2 Tutorial - 1:37 pm-2:02 pm
- Period 3 Tutorial - 2:05 pm - 2:30 pm
- Free Algebra 2 Tutoring T/TH
- *Periods 1-3 Block Schedule - 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Period 4 Tutorial - 1:10 pm-1:35 pm
Period 5 Tutorial - 1:37 pm-2:02 pm
Period 6 Tutorial - 2:05 pm - 2:30 pm
- *Periods 4-6 Block Schedule - 8:00 am-12:30 pm
- Period 1 Tutorial - 1:10 pm-1:35 pm
- Period 2 Tutorial - 1:37 pm-2:02 pm
- Period 3 Tutorial - 2:05 pm - 2:30 pm
*Periods 1-6 Block Schedule - 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Staff/PD/Collaboration/Prep 1:10 pm - 2:30 pm
About our schedule
- Our distance learning schedule follows the recommended and required amount of instructional time for all students. Additionally, we created tutorial time after lunch for our teachers and students to use for the whole group, small group, or individual instruction, intervention, enrichment, or remediation. This time may also be used for Office Hours, homework time, GLC appointments, Social-Emotional Support, SST, 504, and IEP time.
Distance Learning Resource Guide
News and Announcements
First Semester Grades Available on Parent Portal January 12
Below is an informational video on how to check your child's grades from parent portal.
Six reasons Parents Should Check Online Grades
Walnut High Key Club Helps Those in Need
The Walnut High School Key Club in partnership with the Walnut Valley Kiwanis Club helped over 90 families in need in our community by providing frozen turkeys, $25 gift cards, and non-perishable foods during the Holiday season.
A big THANK YOU to our Key Club members and advisor, Justin Panlilio.
WHS Hands4Hope Contributes to a good cause
"Good Job and THANK YOU to everyone who participated, you’re making people’s days brighter and giving them a chance to connect with a new friend even with COVID limiting their exposure to people. Last but not least thank you to Regency Grand for allowing us to make this event happen and being so kind. We can’t wait to hear back from our lovely seniors and continue our pen pal relationships!" -WHS Hands4Hope
Calling All High School Leaders!
Student Led (SLED) is a new program entirely run by driven college students that is centered on leadership, service, and mentorship! We are looking for high school students to become SLED’s first ever group of mentees and join our virtual community of passionate, young servant leaders!
As a mentee, you will have the opportunity to hone your leadership, interpersonal, and life skills through service projects, team building activities, and specialized workshops. Additionally, you’ll also have the chance to not only grow as an individual alongside like minded SoCal high school companions, but to build a relationship with one of our college mentors. In fact, our mentor team consists of a variety of insightful individuals: NCAA athletes; students studying STEM, Business, Psychology, Graphic Design, etc.; former student body and club presidents, sports captains, community service leaders; and scholars from top universities like UCLA, USC, and UC Berkeley.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to lead, bond, serve, and inspire! If you are interested, please fill out our interest form: by January 15th, and for more information, visit our website, or follow us on Instagram, @sledleadership! Don’t worry, we follow back! Thank you, and we hope to meet you soon!
Each month, Wolf Corp. Robotics Team plans to host a STEAM Fun workshop to spread STEM opportunities and education open to all members of our community while encouraging more girls to participate.
At each event, Wolf Corp will give away 15 mini-STEM kits and host a virtual lesson on how to use them.
- January 09, 2021 at 6PM on Zoom
- For kids age 8+
- Space is LIMITED!
Hosted by Wolf Corp Robotics Team from Walnut High School Robotics Club
ORDER MORE SCHOOL PICTURES - South Coast Photographic
Did you forget to order your son’s or daughter’s school photos this year, or would you like to order more? It’s not too late, this year their photos are available for viewing & ordering online.
Send out photos for the holidays to show your relatives how your child has grown!
Orders received by December 11th will be shipped by December 18th
Just follow these simple steps:
- Go to:
- Click on K-11 Fall Photos icon
- On the upper left side of screen click search for photos
- Type in the student’s school ID number (in some cases it will be permanent ID#)
- The student’s image will appear click on the image and begin to create an account.
- Select the package
- ENJOY!!!!
- Also click on our Sports/Campus Life page to view photos taken throughout the year
Questions? Please call South Coast Photographic at (714) 630-8584 ext. 103
2021 Yearbooks are still on sale!
Yearbooks are still on sale. $100 until April 1st. Don't miss out! Click here to buy your 2021 WHS Yearbook!
Act now before the price increases. Head to and use the code: 2864
Celebrate Your Child's Birthday on our Marquee!
BIRTHDAY MARQUEE is now available! If you have a student that has a birthday coming up, be sure to make a birthday dedication on the WHS marquee! All proceeds goes to support WHS students and staff so RESERVE YOURS TODAY!
Great idea for WHS staff, teachers and Alums too!
Do you need Algebra 2 Help? Mr. Luu is here to help you!
CSUF Free Tutoring for k-12 students
Cal State Fullerton is offering a free Virtual Tutoring program at Cal State Fullerton for students. Tutoring services are for K-12 students in various subjects. Below is a short description for your convenience.
The College of Education at California State University, Fullerton has created a free virtual tutoring program for 1st-12th grade. This tutoring program includes math, science, language arts and social studies. In addition, the program has tutors who can tutor students who are taking high school Spanish or French, and students who are participating in dual immersion programs. Please use this link to sign up for a date, time and subject area:
Seniors! | WVEF Scholarship Application
Walnut Valley Educational Foundation (WVEF) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a quality education for the students of the Walnut Valley Unified School District. To that end, we will raise financial support and develop fiscal resources to fund a wide variety of enrichment and extra curricular opportunities for students and staff within the Walnut Valley Unified School District (WVUSD). APPLICATIONS SENT BY MAIL MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 17, 2021. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS, OR APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER MAY 17, 2021, WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
15 Scholarship Programs Giving Out 1,000 Individual Scholarships!
2021 Equitable Excellence Scholarship Program for Students: High school seniors apply via one application to be considered for a scholarship of $2,500, $10,000 or $25,000.
- Over $1.4 million in Scholarships will be awarded
- 10 $25,000 Winners
- 42 $10,000 Winners
- 300+ $2,500 Winners
The deadline is now January 28, 2021. Please continue to encourage students to apply.
All winners will be announced at the end of April.
$2,500 winners will be tied via zip codes to Equitable Advisor branches. The number of scholarships awarded per branch are based on number of applications submitted within each branch area.
- Top 10 branches = 11 awards per branch
- Next 15 branches = 9 awards per branch
- Remaining branches = 8 awards per branch
2021 Equitable Excellence Scholarship – deadline extended to January 28, 2021
Scholarship application link: Click here
School Grant: The program will continue to recognize the important role educators play in a student’s success toward attending college. For every student who wins a scholarship regardless of amount, a grant of $1,000 will be made to his or her high school.
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Kaising Lui at (213) 251-1668.
Jackie Robinson Scholarship Opportunity
WHS Emotional Support Resources
GLC Listing
9th GRADE (Class of 2024)
Nathan Newman (A – Li)
Jenny Alegre (Lo – Z)
10th GRADE (Class of 2023)
Jennifer Tucker (A – Li)
Jeff Jacks (Lo – Z)
11th GRADE (Class of 2022)
Ken McDill (A - Li)
Corolar Schultz (Lo – Z)
12th GRADE (Class of 2021)
Viviana Hoyos (A – Lo)
Sonia Nunez (Lu – Z)
ADP (Academic Design Program)
Elisabeth Everts
Intervention Counselor
Jennifer Peiten
Hello seniors! Check out the latest message from your GLCs as we wrap up the first semester.
SENIORS: Are you interested in attending Mt. Sac?
2021-22 FAFSA
Collegewise | Runway : A Wiser Path to College
Hey Mustangs!
Our partners at Collegewise have launched Runway, a free series of college planning programs and resources, carefully structured to give students and parents the tips, tools, and timelines they need to reach their college goals in the year (the experience, really) that is 2020. There are specific programs for all high school grade levels and we are one of the very first districts to get access to this programming.
This program is available to all of you and there is no cost for access.
Please see the attached flyer for more details, and to sign up.
WebGrants 4 Seniors
SENIORS, your GPA has been uploaded to the California Student Aid Commission for Cal Grant Verification.
You can create an account on to view your status.
College Application Night and Financial Aid Night Video Links
We also posted a Financial Aid Q & A below.
Student CLASSROOM Expectations
- Teachers will be taking attendance everyday. Students will need to keep their cameras for attendance, participation, and checking for understanding. Teachers will let students know if they can turn off their camera during certain times in the class.
- Students are not allowed to record without teacher permission.
- New legislation (AB 77) states that if a student is absent 3 days in the week, the parent will be contacted to support the student to re-engage with Distance Learning.
- Normal grading policy begins the first day of school. Teachers will cover their grading policy in their syllabus as well as in their Back to School Night presentation.
- More information regarding Distance Behavioral Expectations is located below .
WVUSD Distance Learning Behavioral Expectations for Students
Please remember that attendance counts, every period, every day. Students will be marked absent if they are not on camera at the beginning of each period to verify their attendance.
If your student is having difficulty logging in, please contact your teacher immediately, and remember to clear their attendance by the end of the day.
All single period absences will need to be reconciled through the attendance office by the student. If marked absent, students will receive an email from the attendance office notifying them that they have been marked absent. The notification will include the date and period of the absence. The student will need to contact the Attendance Department to make any necessary corrections to their individual period attendance. For full-day absences, a parent/guardian must contact the attendance office by the end of the day.
We are so happy to see all of our students online and learning. They are working hard and making us proud. Keep up the great work!
Attendance Reporting Hotline:
- 9 & 10 Grades: 909-594-1333 Ext. 43642
- 11 & 12 Grades : 909 - 594-1333 Ext 43625
Textbook Room Open for Students
The textbook room is open for any students that need to pick up or check-in books.
Hours: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm.
WHS Kitchen: Serving Free Grab and go Meals
The WHS Kitchen is serving daily M - F - 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Please see the map below.
on campus safety screening
For your safety, if you or your student come onto campus to pick up instructional materials, play sports, or have an appointment, please be aware you will be asked to fill out a visitor/parent/student assessment. Due to Covid- 19 the assessment is required by the State and the form itself is "CONFIDENTIAL."
The questions are as follows:
1. Are you experiencing any symptoms such as current or recent fever (100.4° or higher), chills, cough, shortness of breath or respiratory illness, sudden lack of taste or smell, or sudden onset of unexplained gastrointestinal illness?
2. Have you been in close contact** with any person who has tested positive COVID-19 within the last 14 day?
3. Have you or anyone living with you been out of the country within the last 14 days?
**CLOSE CONTACT is defined as: Being within approximately 6 feet of a COVID-19 case for 10 minutes or more; close contact can occur when having direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case (being coughed on).
Please note: If you answer YES to any of these questions, please do not come to campus. We appreciate your efforts to keep us all safe during these uncertain times.
Virtual Tour of Walnut High School
Due to our current circumstances, we cannot give you a physical tour of our campus, but instead, we used a 360-degree camera to help you get familiar with Walnut High School. I encourage you to click on the link, use your computer or mobile device to move around, and see what Walnut High School has to offer. Use this virtual tour to click on photos, learn more information, as well as hear voice-overs from our staff members. Below is a quick overview of our virtual tour and a map of all our scenes.
Our Virtual Tour is located on our webpage under "About Us" if you ever need access for future reference.
Walnut High School
Due to COVID 19 our office is CLOSED. However, our office staff is available to assist you by phone at (909) 594-1333. Our office is open (by phone) from 7:30 am-3:30 pm.
Location: 400 Pierre Road, Walnut, CA, USA
Phone: 909-594-1333
Twitter: @walnut_mustangs