SLMS Titan News
Week of August 12, 2024
Principal Update
SLMS Parents and Guardians,
We have completed our first full week of school! Thank you for ensuring your Titans arrive to campus on time by 8:50 AM. We are enjoying the start of the year and learning more about our new 6th grade Titans, new students, and all of our returning students. We are off to a great year!
Save the Date: Open House is Thursday, August 29th from 6:00 - 8:10 PM. We hope to see all of our Titan Families at this event! A seperate email will be sent soon.
Please read the newsletter completely as it contains important information including requirements for student ID badges. SLMS students will receive their badges on Monday and they are required to wear them at all times.
Enjoy the weekend. See you on Monday!
Dr. Latoya Garrett
At SLMS WE model the TITAN WAY
Student ID Badges
This year, the district is providing students with school ID badges, which students are required to wear at all times at school and on buses. Next week, all SLMS students will receive their FBISD ID badge.
The benefits of ID badges are:
- Increased security on school campuses – badges provide a quick way to know when someone may be trespassing onto a campus.
- Ease of transactions in cafeterias and libraries – badges may be used to purchase meals and check out books.
- Use with new Stopfinder bus software – bus riders will scan their badges when they get on and off buses to provide parents and school staff with nearly real-time information about bus arrival times and confirmation that students are on the right bus.
The district is in Phase 1 of using Stopfinder bus software. During the initial phase, the district will ensure Stopfinder is programmed to provide the most accurate data to parents and school staff.
During Phase 2, the parent app will be activated. Parents will receive a notification when the app is ready for downloading.
Breakfast and Lunch at SLMS is at NO Cost
SLMS will implement the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for the 2024-2025 school year. We still need all parents to fill out the Income Survey so that accurate information is associated with your child's account.
The CEP program provides a healthy breakfast and lunch each day at NO CHARGE for ALL students enrilled. This year ALL SLMS students will eat breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE daily.
Counseling Corner
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to see all of the excited faces back on campus.
Below is a link to the FBISD website where the Middle School course guide is located in case you have any questions about courses.
Please see the following policy on schedule corrections:
(details on Page 4 of the guide)
In order to maintain balance of classroom numbers and to minimize disruptions to the academic process, schedule changes will be made for the following reasons by using the Schedule Change Request Form. • A student has already taken a class in which they are currently scheduled. • A male has been scheduled into a female PE/Athletics, or vice versa. • A student is in a class for which they do not have the appropriate prerequisite (i.e., enrolled in • Spanish II and has not taken Spanish I).
(must be initiated by August 20, 2024)
Level Changes (regular to AAC or AAC to regular) can be initiated following Progress Report 1 (September 9, 2024), by contacting your child’s subject-area teacher.
WEB day was Friday, August 16! Our 6th graders had a great morning of meeting other new Titans and engaging in team-building activities with our 8th grade WEB leaders. 6th graders will have visits by their WEB leaders in their AVID 6/elective classes throughout the year for lessons such as bullying-prevention, study-skills, cyber-safety, and more! WEB leaders are excited to see their 6th graders on September 19 for their first classroom visit.
Back-to-School Dance hosted by WEB---tickets on sale starting Monday!
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please reach out to your child’s grade level counselor:
Nafecia Brinson-6
Eleni Smith-7
Kimberly Seright-8
SLMS Reminders
College Shirt Wednesdays
Our FBISD's counseling and postsecondary mission is to support every student in Fort Bend ISD to achieve mental wellness, academic, and personal success in K-12 education and prepare for his or her post-secondary goals and aspirations. At Sugar Land Middle School, we promote wearing a college shirt on Wednesdays. Students who participate can earn Titan Bucks!
Titan Spirit Day on Fridays
On Fridays, we promote showing our school pride. Encourage your student to wear a Titan shirt on Friday! If you would like to purchase a Titan shirt, please purchase through our SLMS PTO
Cell Phone Policy
Students may bring a cell phone for communication before/after school. During the school day, cell phone access is restricted and cell phones must be off and placed in backpacks. Cell phones not adhering to the school policy will be confiscated and students can pick them up at the end of the school day (for the first and second confiscation).
On the third confiscation, a parent will be required to pick up the cell phone and pay a $15 fee to SLMS. The district cell phone policy can be found in The Student Code of Conduct. Click here to access the FBISD Student Code of Conduct
If a student needs to make a phone call, we have office phones that can be accessed with permission.
Dress Code
Students must comply with the following dress and grooming standards, including in online learning platforms.
2024-2025 EquippED Laptop Insurance
The FBISD EquippED insurance will cover up to two repairs per year (at 100%) or one total loss (at 100% after a $150 deductible). Laptop repairs with insurance are covered at 100%. A lost, stolen, or unrepairable laptop replacement (total loss) is covered at 100% after a $150 deductible. Once purchased, coverage is valid through August 15, 2025.
$35.00 per student - Standard Fee
15.00 per student - Student on Free and Reduced Lunch program (status will be verified after payment)
Students on Free/Reduced Lunch:
- Reduced pricing is established for students who have been approved for free or reduced lunch from FBISD Nutrition Services for this school year.
To pay your insurance fee:
- Select "Make a Payment" for the appropriate student (or "Add New Student" if needed).
- Choose your fee type from the drop down menu, then "Add to Cart."
- Once you've added an item to your cart, click back to this page or look for the "Continue Shopping" button to make additional payments.
Questions, email support@fortbendisd.gov
SLMS Football Schedule
SLMS Volleyball Schedule
Athletic Information for 2024-2025
Attention Student-Athletes!To play sports, you must be GREEN in Rank One.
Welcome Back Letter Reminders
A few reminders:
- Building Open – Each day the building will open at 8:20 a.m. and students must be in their classroom by 8:50 a.m. This is a change from last year. School dismisses at 4:10 p.m.
- Please make sure you have completed the online verification of student information and enrollment in Skyward Family Access. Link to Skyward Family Access |
- Ensure you are set to receive information from the school through Blackboard Connect. Follow the instructions at www.fortbendisd.com/blackboardconnect
- Look for your child(ren)'s bus route information, if applicable by visiting the Bus Route Info page
- Complete or renew your application for Free or Reduced Meal Program by visiting the Free and Reduced Meal program web page on the district website
- Ensure your child(ren)'s vaccination/immunization records are up-to-date. This particularly important if your child will be in 7th grade this year, as there were some updates your child needs to have before attending school. Our deadline to receive your information is August 7 at noon in order for your child to attend school on the first day. For more information visit the district's School Health Services web page
- Be sure to check your students’ lunch account https://fortbendisd.revtrak.net/
- Dismissal –At the beginning of the year our dismissal lines are long so please be patient as our new families get accustomed to our dismissal. In order to assist with expediting the line and to make sure all students are dismissed safely, we ask that you follow our dismissal plan. If your student is a car rider, they will need to be picked up in the driveway at the front of the school. There is no pickup or drop off along the street as this is a huge safety concern. The bus ramp is for buses only.
- Laptops - All students are required to have an EquippED 1:1 laptop for classroom instruction. If you did not pick-up your laptop this week, your child will receive one during the month of August while on campus.
PTO Updates
A Message from the SLMS PTO
Greetings Titan Families!
The new year is here! We are looking for more SLMS PTO Board members so whether you are new to volunteering or are a seasoned PTO/PTA volunteer, we invite you to join the SLMS PTO Board. The majority of our board is made up of full/part-time working parents who all share the same goal - support the Titan students, Titan teachers and staff and the school as a whole! Join us and help make a difference!
Helpful PTO Links & Dates
- Become a PTO Member - membership is free and includes access to our monthly newsletter
- Become an approved Volunteer - all volunteers must complete an annual district background check
- Make a one time donation via Cheddar Up or a recurring donation via PayPal.
- Purchase Spirit Items through our Cheddar Up Store
- Purchase a Happy Birthday Marquee Greeting through our Cheddar Up Store
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and bookmark our website: http://www.slmspto.weebly.com
- Donate used clothing & toys to the Textile Bin located near the bus ramp. Please do not place oversized items at the bin
Upcoming Spirit Night
- 9/17 Chick-Fil-A Sugar Land 6am-9pm (drive thru till 10pm) Order through the app (easiest), drop the receipt in the card if dining in, or tell the drive-thru attendant.
Thank you to all the parents and Titan staff who have already joined/renewed their membership and donated to support our efforts! Questions? Contact us at slmsmembership@gmail.com. Volunteer questions? Contact us at slmstitansvips@gmail.com
Together we are TITANS!
Support SLMS PTO through Kroger Community Rewards
The Kroger Family of Companies is committed to community engagement, positive social impact and charitable giving at the national and local levels. Every community is unique, but our common goal is to partner with the neighborhoods we serve and help the people there live healthier lives.
One of the ways in which we do this is through our Kroger Community Rewards program. This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card.
Here’s how it works:
- Go to www.kroger.com and create an account or sign in to your account.
- Go to “My Account” at the top right corner.
- Go to “Community Rewards” on the left-side menu.
- Search for “SLMS PTO” or “CN110” under “Find an Organization”.
- Click “Enroll” and confirm that you are enrolled in Community Rewards with SLMS PTO
Monthly Donations to PTO
Support our students and staff by setting up a monthly donation to PTO. You can set this automatic donation starting at a few dollars. Remember that every dollar helps our PTO do AMAZING things for our community.
Reference Information
2024-2025 School Year
Important Contact Information
Sixth Grade
- Associate Principal - Monika Martin (monika.martin@fortbendisd.gov)
- Counselor - Nafecia Brinson (nafecia.brinson@fortbendisd.gov)
Seventh Grade
- Assistant Principal - Dawn Rogers (dawn.rogers@fortbendisd.gov)
- Counselor - Eleni Smith (eleni.smith@fortbendisd.gov)
Eighth Grade
- Assistant Principal - Luster Goodwin (luster.goodwin@fortbendisd.gov)
- Counselor - Kim Seright (kimberly.seright@fortbendisd.gov)
Counselor Clerk - Asia Stewart (asia.stewart@fortbendisd.gov)
Assistant Principal Secretaries
- 7th and 8th Grade - Tina Garcia (diamantina.ibarragar@fortbendisd.gov)
- 6th Grade - Mayra Morales (mayra.morales@fortbendisd.gov)
Attendance - Mary Beth LaVergne (mary.lavergne@fortbendisd.gov)
Registrar - Tandi Phillips (tandi.phillips@fortbendisd.gov)
Nurse - Gwendolyn Davis (gwendolyn.davis@fortbendisd.gov)
Clinic Aide - Cathy Tekrouri (cathy.tekrouri@fortbendisd.gov)
Executive Assistant to Principal - Mary Connealy (mary.connealy@fortbendisd.gov)
Principal - Dr. Latoya Garrett (latoya.garrett@fortbendisd.gov)
Sugar Land Middle School
49th Year at SLMS
Inspiring and equipping the young men and women of our community for futures beyond what they can imagine since September 2, 1975.
SLMS Campus Mission Statement
Working collaboratively, the Sugar Land Middle School Professional Learning Community will commit to creating a safe environment with high expectations leading to physical, social, emotional, and academic success for all Titans.
Office Hours
8:20-4:20 PM
Email: latoya.garrett@fortbendisd.gov
Website: www.fortbendisd.com/slms
Location: 321 7th Street, Sugar Land, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 634-3080
X: @SLMSTitans
Principal of Sugar Land Middle School in Sugar Land, TX. Home of the Titans!