Week 11 Announcements
Due this week: DAT L3 and L4
10 Days left in the course!
Hey Students! There are 10 days remaining in the the course. All work is DUE BY MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9TH. Wrapping up a course is always a bit hectic and feels like a race, don't panic. :) Plan out your time to get the course done by the deadline. If you need help laying out a plan, let me know.
If you have had extenuating circumstances that have kept you from progressing, please notify me. If you have any questions or concerns, please notify me. If you are a rock star finishing on time, congratulate yourself! Grades will be updated today, so check your progress and plan accordingly. - Ms. A out
Contact Ms. A with Questions
In the summer, texting will get the fastest response.
Text #: 631-494-2462
Email: aadams@kpbsd.org
Website: www.teachingjedi.com
Twitter: @teachingjedi