Marauder Minutes
Back to School Edition

As we start a new school year, we are thrilled to welcome each of you back to Davis. Whether you're returning or joining us for the first time, we are committed to fostering a positive, never-give-up mindset, and our #betheplus2 mentality highlights our belief that good can be found in any situation. This year promises to be legendary as we celebrate our twentieth year in existence. We look forward to embarking on this journey together!
School Supply List
All About ParentSquare
Wylie ISD has transitioned to ParentSquare, a unified communications platform designed to keep families informed and encourage greater engagement with our schools and district. It provides a safe way for parents, teachers, staff, school and district administrators to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Choose how to receive messages – email, text, or mobile app
- Choose when to receive information – instant or all at once at around 6 p.m. daily
- Communicate in their preferred language
- Share photos and files
- View calendar events
- Sign up to volunteer
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences
- …and much more, all conveniently located in one centralized platform.
Secondary students (grades 5-12) can also use ParentSquare with their Wylie ISD email address. It’s a one-stop shop for communication!
Click the link to read Dr. Vinson's Blog for more information!
Davis Intermediate Est. 2004
Davis Intermediate celebrates twenty years this year since opening the school doors in 2004.
Our school is named after Bill F. Davis. He was born in Oklahoma in 1928 and moved to Texas when he was four. He was really smart and finished school early, at just fifteen years old in 1943. After having a hard time finding a job, he joined the Navy at seventeen. He served in two big wars, World War II and the Korean Conflict. After the wars, he and his wife Mary moved to San Francisco. There, he got a degree in accounting from Golden Gate College before moving back to Texas.
For over thirty years, he worked for Concho Construction and also started his own company, Grayson Petroleum Company. He cared a lot about Wylie's community and was on the school board and Birmingham Land Board starting in 1964. He passed away in 2001, but his wife Mary still lives in Wylie. Mary Davis will often come to our school events to support and celebrate with us. We are so thankful for her and our namesake for the legacy of hard work and commitment that they share.
"Education opens the door to opportunity."
- Bill F. Davis
Intermediate Dress Code Policy
Wylie ISD spirit shirts are allowed to be worn each day of the week. College shirts are allowed to be worn on Thursdays. For additional information, please click the link below.
Think College Thursdays
Online Registration Access
Meet the Teacher Night
Meet the Teacher Night
Tuesday, August 6
5th Grade - 4:30-6:00
6th Grade - 6:00-7:30
Davis Chromebooks
Davis Facebook Page
If you have not already done so, we invite you to “Like” our Davis Facebook page. To access the Davis Facebook page, please click on the link below.
2024-2025 Davis PTA Executive Board
August 3 Wylie ISD Back to School Fair
Wylie ISD Back to School Page
As we prepare for a new school year, we want to ensure that all of our Marauders know what to expect when they come to Davis. We work hard to #betheplus2. The philosophy derived from a TED Talk video featuring Rita Pierson. We encourage you to watch it and share in our journey to “find the good” in all we do. “Minus eighteen sucks all the life out of you. Plus two says I ain’t all bad.”
Amen to that.
What's on Deck
8/03: Wylie ISD Back to School Fair 8:00-10:00 AM @ The Cross Church Event Center
8/6: 5th Grade Meet the Teacher Night 4:30-6:00 PM
8/6: 6th Grade Meet the Teacher Night 6:00-7:30 PM
8/08: First Day of School8/15: Kona Ice Day
8/19-8/30: Apex Fundraiser
8/29: Kona Ice Day
9/2: Labor Day (No School)
9/11: Wylie Way Day
9/12: Kona Ice Day
9/25: Yearbook Picture Day
9/26: Kona Ice Day
9/30: Staff Development (Student Holiday)
10/10: Kona Ice Day
10/2-10/4: 5th Grade Adventure Camp
10/14-10/18: Fall Break
10/23: Unity Day
11/06: Yearbook Makeup Picture Day
11/21: Thanksgiving Lunch
11/25-11/29: Thanksgiving Break
12/4: Relationships Day
12/11: McMillan/Davis Band Christmas Concert
12/20: Early Release Day @ 1:30 PM
12/23-1/3: Christmas Break
1/6: Staff Development (Student Holiday)
1/20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
2/5: Wylie Way Day
2/12: Spring Picture Day
2/17: Staff Development (Student Holiday)
3/10-14: College Week
3/17-21: Spring Break
3/27: Kona Ice Day
3/28: Day of Happiness
3/29: Celebrate the Arts
4/10: Kona Ice Day
4/15: STAAR 5-6 Reading
4/16: Davis Band Solo Festival
4/16: Day of Gratitude
4/18-21: Easter Break
4/23: STAAR 5 Science
4/24: Kona Ice Day
4/29: STAAR 5-6 Math
5/5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
5/8: Kona Ice Day
5/14: McMillan/Davis Band Spring Concert
5/15: Kona Ice Day
5/16: Day of Celebration
5/22: Early Release Day @ 1:30
We're Here for You
Our administrative team is here to support you in any way possible. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know!
Cody Summers, Principal
Davis Intermediate
Asoni White
6th Grade Assistant Principal
Crystal Miller
5th Grade Counselor
Davis Intermediate
Shamone Wilson
6th Grade Counselor
Reaching Our Highest Potential, Together
Davis Intermediate, in partnership with parents and the community, will provide students with collaborative and engaging learning experiences by meeting individual needs, building relationships, and encouraging lifelong learning.