Central Stars Circular
November 5, 2024
Principal's Column
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out regarding an important topic: punctuality and attendance. Recently, we have noticed an increase in tardiness, and we kindly ask for your assistance in ensuring that students arrive on time each day. Being on time is essential for a successful start to the day and helps students get the most out of their learning experiences.
Additionally, we want to remind you of the importance of notifying the school office if your child will be absent. When we do not receive a call, the absence is marked as unexcused, which may impact your child’s attendance record. A quick call helps us keep accurate records and ensures that all students are accounted for.
With the colder months upon us, please remember to dress your child in warm, winter-appropriate clothing each day. Layers, hats, gloves, and jackets will help them stay comfortable and ready for outdoor recess and any activities that might take place outside.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in creating a positive and productive learning environment. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Educationally yours,
Mrs. Perreault
Central Elementary Principal
Huge Shout Out and Thank You to Northern Michigan Asphalt Repair
Have you seen our new Spirit Shirts coming home? We’re thrilled to share that every student and staff member received one, thanks to the generosity of Northern Michigan Asphalt Repair! We want to extend a huge thank you to them for making this possible and for helping us show our school spirit in style!
Enjoy the Halloween Candy at Home
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! As we settle back in, please encourage your children to leave their Halloween candy at home. I know they may be excited to bring some treats for lunch or snack, but let’s help keep our learning spaces focused by saving those goodies for home. Thank you for your support!
Adults picking up students after school
For the safety and security of our students, it’s essential that anyone picking up your child after school is on the approved pick-up list. If someone different will be picking up your child, please call the office to ensure they’re added to the list.
Join us in Our Central Star Spirit Wednesdays
Run a Thon
We want to give a huge shout out and thank you for your Run-a-thon donations, we really couldn't do this without your support! Here are the current standings by class:
Jonker $1,163.25
Lansing $1,652.10
McDonough $2,627.00
Nayback $2,017.00
Mallory $1,446.75
Radoy $1,344.00
Gudmunsen $1,104.00
Willison $898.00
Harju $1,302.25
Southwell $1,309.44
Kennedy $2,915.90
Vuke $1,267.00
School Total $19,011.34
Our school fundraising goal is $20,000, and we are so close! If we reach our goal, the kids will win a day of bounce houses in the gym! We are extending our donation due date to Friday, November 8th, in the hopes of reaching our class and school goals. If you have any other donations at home feel free to send them in.
Early Literacy Survey
Parents/guardians of children birth-age 10: Please take part in an early literacy survey!
Are you a Michigan parent or guardian? Interested in winning a $25 gift card? Simply fill out this short survey about literacy skills and programs! You must be a parent/guardian of a child ages 0-10 to participate. The survey is being administered as part of a statewide early literacy media campaign funded by 35i funds through the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement and Potential. Link to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MILearningSurvey
Thank you for contributing to this important initiative.
Thank you!
Beth and Carolyn
Mascot Survey
One of our Board goals for the 24-25 school year is to explore the creation of a new Northmen mascot. We have partnered with Jostens, who publishes our high school yearbook, to help us with this process. Their first step is to seek stakeholder input on the traits of a Northmen. We are asking for your help by completing the 6 survey items below. The survey will be open through Monday, November 11th.
Jostens has a great deal of experience in this area and we are looking forward to working with them. Once they compile the survey results, their next step will be to create several designs. Our goal is to have a new Petoskey Northmen mascot by the end of the school year.
Music Corner with Ms. Laur
45+Kindergartners and 1st graders are learning to play the pulse against rhythm. You can try this at home: pat the steady beat while singing a song! It’s one of the fundamental levels of harmony.
PBIS Rewards and Clubs
Have you noticed STARS tickets coming home with your child? These are part of our positive reward system! Students earn tickets for demonstrating STARS behavior. With each ticket, they have the chance to join various Star Clubs and can even have their names drawn during our assemblies. We’re excited to celebrate their achievements and encourage positive actions!
STARS stands for:
Show Kindness
Aim High
Stay Safe
Lost and Found
We have noticed a growing number of items in our Lost and Found. To help us return belongings to their rightful owners, please make sure your child’s clothing, lunch boxes, and other personal items are clearly labeled. This simple step makes it much easier for us to reunite lost items with their owners. Thank you for your help in keeping our Lost and Found under control!
Auggie is doing an amazing job!!!
Remind Updates
Remind is up and running. You should be getting messages from the school please call the office.
Follow Our Central Facebook Page
Follow our Central Elementary Facebook page for updates and all things Central!!
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 1st - No School
Nov. 6th - Whole school is attending "A Night on Broadway"
Nov. 11th - Veterans' Day
Nov. 13th - PTO Meeting 3:30 in the Library
Nov. 27-29th - No School
Dec. 9-12th - Holiday Shop
Dec. 23 - Jan. 3rd - No School
Jan. 6th - School Resumes