The Panther Paw
August 12, 2024
First Week of School
The administration team would like to thank our students, faculty and staff members, and parents and families for a great first week of school!
We are excited to see how every student grows and reaches their full potential this school year!
Student Resource Time
Student Resource Time
This year at JCMS, all students are assigned an Student Resource Time (SRT) class period. This class period will serve as an opportunity for students to complete individualized assignments/activities, participate in group activities such as grade-level guidance lessons, etc. Students will also have the opportunity to receive additional support from our teachers. Students will be able to work directly with a math or English teacher, if needed, in the MTSS Lab. This will also serve as a period for class competitions during different spirit weeks.
Each day students will complete the following:
Management Monday: Students will review the newsletter, prepare their agenda for the week ahead, and check Skyward/Google Classroom.
Math Mania Tuesday: IXL Math Challenges
Working Wednesday: Homework/Reading Day
LA Learning Thursday: IXL Language Arts Challenges
Finish Up Friday: Week wrap up!
NWEA Testing
Students will begin NWEA testing this week. NWEA is the assessment that Jennings County Schools utilizes to track growth levels for each student during the school year. Students will test in their Language Arts and Math classes this week.
Here is the testing schedule JCMS will follow:
- Tuesday, August 13th and Wednesday, August 14th: Students will take the Reading test
- Thursday, August 15th and Friday, August 16th: Students will take the Math test
- Tuesday, August 20th and Wednesday, August 21st: Students will take the Language test
Students should make sure they have their Chromebook charged and ready for testing.
A Wellness Update from Food Service
Did you know that Jennings County has a local farmers market? Visit it at the City Park every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday during the summer months from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Choose from several fresh fruits and vegetables to prepare and eat at home!
A reminder that breakfast and lunch money can be turned into Mrs. Ross-Malcolm in the Main Office daily.
What's Happening at JCMS
- JCMS Volleyball will play against Silver Creek at Silver Creek. Game starts at 6:00 PM.
Best of luck, Panthers!