Masons Cove Family Handbook

MCE Quick Facts
Principal: Amy Phelps
Secretary: Loretta Martin
Nurse: Gail Lee
Counselor: Laura Armentrout
Cafeteria Manager: Lynne Bowles
Address: 3370 Bradshaw Road, Salem, VA 24153
Phone Number: 387-6530
Fax Number: 387-6995
School Office Hours: 7:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
School Webpage: https://www.rcps.us/MCES
Student Hours:
7:45 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. (the doors will open at 7:25 a.m. for students.)
The "warning" bell rings at 7:43 a.m. The bell rings at 7:45 a.m. to signal the start the school. Students who are not in their classroom by 7:45 a.m. are considered tardy.
MCES Daily Schedule
7:15 a.m. MCE office opens
7:25 a.m. School doors open; buses and car riders arrive; breakfast is served
7:43 a.m. Warning Tardy Bell Rings
7:45 a.m. Tardy bell rings & school day begins
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Lunch is served
1:30 p.m. Deadline for any transportation changes
2:22 p.m. Afternoon announcements
2:25 p.m. Bus dismissal; Car Rider dismissal to follow
2:45 p.m. Dismissal for school staff
3:30 p.m. MCE office closes
Arrival and Dismissal
Your attention and cooperation is imperative to ensure the safety of all children.
Any change in transportation needs to be made by 1:30 p.m.
Safety- For the safety of all students who ride buses, appropriate and safe behavior is required at all times while on the bus. This includes speaking quietly, staying seated, and not disturbing the driver. Please refer to your Student Conduct Code (Student Transportation) and review bus safety rules/procedures with your child.
Bus Route- Specific bus routes can be found on the Roanoke County Public Schools website under Departments > Transportation > Bus Routes > Bus Routes > Masons Cove Elementary. If you need assistance finding information about your child’s bus route, or your PK-2nd grade student’s bus stop is not listed please contact the MCE front office at (540) 387-6530.
PK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade students on the bus- Pre K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students must have a parent, adult who is listed on the student's emergency card, or an individual who is at least 14 years of age at the bus stop (visible to the bus driver) in the afternoon to receive them. The parent must provide written permission, which is pre-approved by the school administration, for individuals not listed on the emergency card and for any minor (age 14 to 17) in the afternoon to receive them. If a parent, other adults listed on the student's emergency card, or the pre-approved adult or minor is not at the bus stop, the child will be kept on the bus and returned to the elementary school.
Bus changes- For safety reasons, a note or phone call from a parent is required for a student to ride a bus other than the one designated to them.
Morning Car Rider Drop Off Procedures:
In an effort to maintain a safe environment, we have established guidelines for the morning car rider drop off. These guidelines are for all students, PK through 5th grade.
1. Parents should go through the car rider line to drop off their student(s).
2. Parents should stay in their vehicle throughout the car rider drop off.
3. Whenever possible, children being dropped off at MCE should be seated on the passenger side of the vehicle so they can safety exit the vehicle onto the sidewalk.
4. We have several staff members assigned to car duty in the morning to expedite the process.
5. Students should be ready to exit the car when the school employee opens their car door.
*Do not pull around other cars in line.
- Walking your student to the school doors- If a parent wants to walk their child to the entrance of the school they can park in the spots closest to the playground and walk with their child to the front of the building using the side walk. Parents must stay with their child while walking to the entrance. Due to safety risk, parents should not walk their children across the car rider line.
Afternoon Car Rider Procedures
1. Car rider dismissal will begin after the buses have left the lot.
2. Parents or Guardians should line their cars up along the sidewalk.
3. An MCE Employee will come out to write down the car order.
4. Students will be called out to the cars 3 at a time.
Transportation Changes- Any change to a student’s afternoon transportation needs to be made by 1:30 p.m. We cannot make transportation changes after this time. Transportation changes can only be accepted by a note sent in with a student and a phone call answered by the office. Do not email teachers or school staff members with transportation changes. These changes must be through a written note or phone call to the office.
Other Dismissal Information-
• A child may be excused from the classroom only when the parent or adult designated by the parent comes to the office and signs the child out.
• When someone other than the parent/guardian picks a student up, a note or a phone call from the parent is required.
• For safety reasons, a picture ID may be required before a child is released.
Why the Concern in Elementary School?
Attendance has been increasingly the focus of attention among school divisions and educators. In fact, the Virginia Department of Education Standards of Accreditation includes chronic absenteeism a factor in determining if a school meets accreditation standards. According to research, regular attendance is a significant factor in a student’s success:
- Chronic absenteeism correlates to low academic achievement.
- Absenteeism is a powerful predictor of dropout rates.
- Absenteeism has been linked to poor outcomes later in life.
What is Chronic Absenteeism?
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing ten percent or more of the academic year for any reason, including excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions. Based on a 180-day school year, that means approximately 18 days per year or 2 to 3 days per month.
Truancy is the act of accruing one or more unexcused absences, where the parent is unaware of or does not support the student’s absence, or where the parent’s provided reason for the absence is not acceptable to the school administration.
Missed instruction, regardless of the reason, can have significant academic consequences. Therefore, the broader emphasis is on improving attendance for every student.
Roanoke County Attendance Policy
Excused Absences and Tardies
Parents of students who are absent or tardy must inform the school in writing of the reason for the absence or tardy no later than upon the student’s return to school (emailed message is acceptable). School staff records the student’s absence or tardy for each day as “excused” or “unexcused”. Please be aware that, if absences and tardies that are excused solely by parent explanation become excessive, the school will require additional documentation in order to ensure compliance with the compulsory school attendance law.
Acceptable Excuses
1. Absences and tardies are excused for the following reasons with written explanation from the parent:
- illness of the student;
- approval from administration prior to the absence;
- death in family/funeral;
- school-sponsored activities; and
- observance of a nationally recognized religious holiday if such holiday is verified and the school is notified in advance.
2. Absences and tardies are excused for the following reasons with appropriate written documentation:
- hospitalization or extended illness (with documentation from physician);
- doctor or dental appointment (with documentation from physician’s or dentist’s office); or
- mandatory court appearance (with court documentation)
Excessive Absences or Tardies Without Adequate Written Documentation
If absences or tardies excused solely based on parent explanation become excessive, the school will require additional documentation in order to ensure compliance with the compulsory student attendance law. Such additional documentation may include written documentation from a physician treating the student for a chronic or extended illness or court documentation resulting from student involvement in a legal matter. School principals and school counselors regularly collaborate with school social workers to monitor student attendance and communicate with students, parents, and families regarding excessive absences unsupported by adequate documentation.
For the purposes of avoiding excessive tardiness to school that results in frequent loss of instructional time, five (5) tardies to or check-outs from school without adequate written documentation will be considered the equivalent of one (1) absence.
Birthday Invitations and Birthday Treats
Invitations: Birthday and other private party invitations may not be passed out to classmates at school. Nor can the school share a classmate's contact information with another family. We understand that this is an inconvenience, but we are obligated to protect the privacy of each student.
Birthday Treats: There are many students with health issues and severe food allergies. Outside foods brought into the school can be potentially very dangerous or life threatening to some students. For this reasons students and families cannot bring in birthday treats to be shared with other students.
Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices
RCPS School Board Policy States: Elementary and Middle School Students may possess a cellular telephone, or other communications device on school property, including school buses, provided that the device must be "off" and out of sight during the school day.
It is the policy of this school board that the unauthorized and/or improper use, possession, or control of any telephone, camera phone, or similar portable communication device by person under the supervision of school officials on school board property is prohibited. The Student Conduct Code may provide appropriate sanctions for violation of this policy by students.
Student cell phones or smart watches must be off and out of sight during the school day.
Personal mobile devices are brought to school at the student's and parents' own risk. RCPS and MCE are not responsible for loss, theft, damage, or other associated cost of any personal mobile device and students are responsible for securing their device at all times.
- Email: Each staff member has a school email account found on the school webpage. Emails will be answered within 48 hours.
- Phone calls: Parents are invited to call their child's teacher if they have questions about schoolwork, homework, or classroom interactions. When a parent leaves a message, the teacher is asked to return the call within 24 hours. We ask that you speak to the teacher about any concerns before talking to the principal.
- Agendas: Students in grades 1st - 5th grades will receive Agendas to be sent home daily with homework and additional class information. Parents can use this to write notes to the teacher. Students in Kindergarten will have a daily folder.
- Tuesday Folder: This folder is sent home each Tuesday. It will contain important notices (info from RCPS, PTA Newsletters, etc.) and graded weekly school work. Many of these items require parent action, so please look for the School Folder each Tuesday. Students are asked to return it to school each Wednesday, as it is reused each week.
-Conferences: Roanoke County Public Schools is committed to conferencing with families at least twice a year to maintain a successful partnership in our children’s education. Official conference days are Monday, Nov. 4th and Monday, Feb. 10th. However, parents are welcome to request a conference or phone call to discuss their student’s school experience at any time during the school year.
- MCE Memos: MCE Memos are sent out weekly to keep families up to date on current school happenings and celebrate successes.
Teachers will not be able to continuously monitor email or messaging apps during the school day, for an issue that needs immediate attention, please call the school office at 540-387-6530.
Dress Code
Roanoke County Public Schools respects students’ rights to express themselves in the way they dress. All students who attend Roanoke County Public Schools are also expected to respect the school community by dressing appropriately for a K-12 educational environment. Student attire should facilitate participation in learning as well as the health and safety of students and the adults that supervise them. This policy is intended to provide guidance for students, staff, and parents.
Minimum Requirements:
- Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately 3 to 4 inches in length on the upper thighs (see images below). Tops must have shoulder straps. Rips or tears in clothing should be lower than the 3 to 4 inches in length.
- Shoes must be worn at all times and should be safe for the school environment (pajamas, bedroom shoes or slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal).
- See-through or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meet the minimum requirements of the dress code.
- Headgear including hats, hoodies, and caps are not allowed unless permitted for religious, medical, or other reason by school administration.
- Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.
Additional Requirements:
- Clothing may not depict, imply, advertise, or advocate illegal, violent, or lewd conduct, weapons, or the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
- Clothing may not depict or imply pornography, nudity, or sexual acts.
- Clothing may not display or imply vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene language or images.
- Clothing may not state, imply, or depict hate speech/imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected classification.
- Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building.
- Clothing and accessories that endanger student or staff safety may not be worn.
- Apparel, jewelry, accessories, tattoos, or manner of grooming that, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute, denotes membership in a gang that advocates illegal or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
The administration at each school reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will not be allowed to attend class. Parents will be called if appropriate clothing is not available or the student refuses dress-code appropriate clothing.
Emergency Information
- Students enrolled at MCE are required to have a completed Emergency Information Sheet. This form lists the names of people who can be contacted in the event that we are unable to reach the parents/ guardians.
- People listed on the Emergency Information Sheet are permitted to pick the child up from school and to eat lunch with the student at school.
- The school will not release the student to individuals who are not included on the Emergency Information Sheet unless permission is given by a parent or legal guardian.
- If you plan for someone other than the parents/guardians or individuals listed on the emergency information sheet to pick up your child, please notify the school.
- Please notify the office of any changes in address, phone numbers, employment, etc. that occur throughout the school year.
Lunch and Breakfast
Breakfast and Lunch
Masons Cove will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision meal program. This means that each student breakfast and lunch will be free (each student is eligible to take one complete meal at no charge at each meal service).
Lunch Times:
10:45- Preschool
11:00- 5th Grade
11:15- 3rd Grade
11:30- 4th Grade
11:45- 1st Grade
12:00- 2nd Grae
12:15- Kindergarten
If you plan to each lunch with your child and want to purchase a meal, the cost is $4.75.
Lunch Visitors and Food Delivery
Lunch Visitors
- Parents or guardians are welcome to come to eat lunch with their child.
- Anyone that is not listed on the student’s emergency form will need permission from the parent or guardian to eat lunch with a student.
- Any visitor or volunteer in the school building is required to sign in at the entry kiosk and wear the printed sticker throughout their visit.
- We have smaller tables set up for parents/guardians to eat with their children. In the interest of safety and student privacy, parents/guardians can only have their child at the lunch table. Students cannot bring friends or other students to the parent tables.
We encourage parents and families to wait until after Labor Day to come enjoy lunch with your students. This allows time for students to learn routines, procedures, and lunchroom expectations.
Lunch Deliveries
Door Dash, Uber Eats, and other means of food delivery are prohibited for students at school.
Medications Prescribed for Individual Students
Employees of Roanoke County School Board may give medication prescribed for individual students only pursuant to the written order of a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner and with written permission from the student's parent or guardian. Such medicine must be in the original container and delivered to the principal, school nurse, or school division designee by the parent or guardian of the student. Parents must also deliver the necessary supplies with which to administer medications (ex. syringes, spacers).
Nonprescription Medications
Employees of Roanoke County School Board may give nonprescription medication to students only with the written permission of the parent or guardian. Such permission shall include the name of the medication, the required dosage of the medication, and the time the medicine is to be given. Such medicine must be in an unopened original container and delivered to the principal, school nurse, or school division designee by the parent or guardian of the student
Herbal Remedies and Over the Counter Supplements not approved by the FDA
Requests by a parent/guardian for a herbal remedy and/or over the counter supplement to be given to a student which is not approved by the FDA will require a written order from a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner along with written permission from the student's parent or guardian. The herbal remedy/over the counter supplement must be in an unopened, original container and delivered to the principal, school nurse, or school division designee by the parent or guardian of the student.
Masons Cove Elementary has a school nurse, Gail Lee, who can provide treatment for minor illness and injuries. The nurse is available during regular school hours. Please contact the nurse if your child has any serious health conditions.
Student Personal Possessions
- Please mark your child's name on coats, jackets, hats, lunch boxes, and tennis shoes.
- Articles left at school are placed in the LOST and FOUND outside of the cafeteria. After a reasonable time, articles are donated.
- MCE is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property of the students.
- Students should not bring toys and/or games from home unless there has been a designated special event by a teacher.
PBIS- Positive Behavior Intervention Supports @ MCE
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework or approach used in schools to promote positive behavior and improve overall school climate. PBIS focuses on creating a positive and supportive learning environment by teaching and reinforcing appropriate behaviors, rather than just punishing negative behaviors.
The key principles of PBIS include:
- Prevention: PBIS emphasizes proactive strategies to prevent behavior problems from occurring in the first place. This includes establishing clear expectations for behavior and teaching students the skills they need to meet those expectations.
- Positive reinforcement: PBIS promotes the use of positive reinforcement to recognize and reward desired behaviors. This can include verbal praise, tokens, privileges, or other incentives that motivate students to continue displaying positive behaviors.
- Data-based decision making: PBIS encourages the use of data to inform decision making. Schools collect and analyze data on behavior patterns to identify areas of concern, set goals, and track progress over time. This data-driven approach helps schools to make informed decisions about interventions and supports.
- Multi-tiered system of support: PBIS is typically implemented using a multi-tiered system of support. It provides different levels of intervention based on the intensity of a student's behavioral needs. Universal supports are provided to all students, while additional targeted supports are available for students who require more assistance. Intensive individualized supports are offered to a small number of students with significant behavioral challenges.
PBIS has been found to be effective in reducing problem behaviors, improving social-emotional skills, and creating a positive school climate. It emphasizes a proactive and positive approach to behavior management, focusing on prevention, teaching, and reinforcing positive behaviors.
Below is the Soaring Eagle Pledge that our students say each morning!
The Soaring Eagle Pledge
I will follow the Eagles Way,
responsible and safe, to have a great day,
I will be respectful to everyone I see,
To teachers and students, and also to me!
Below is the Behavior Matrices we use at Masons Cove Elementary to teach positive behavioral expectations throughout various settings of the school.
Masons Cove parents, grandparents, other family members, and community members are all invited to join the PTA. The MCE PTA is a vital, working organization that provides immeasurable assistance to the school by organizing enriching programs and fun events for our students and families. Please consider investing in our students and school by joining the Masons Cove Elementary PTA!
Students must wear gym shoes to be able to safely participate in P.E. and play on the playground. Gym shoes must be secure to the student’s feet with Velcro or shoelaces. Sandals, Slides, or boots are not allowed for P.E or on the playground. Students can bring gym shoes with them to school to change if needed. For the safety of the students, gym shoes are required to participate in P.E. and use the playground equipment.
Student Success
· Ensure your child wakes up in time to dress and feel awake for school.
· Check to see all necessities, such as back-pack, carried to school.
· Praise your child for working hard at a task and for not giving up when things get difficult.
· Provide opportunities for your child to be independent and responsible at home.
· Avoid comparisons with other children.
· Encourage positive peer relationships at home and in the community.
· Help your child understand that the teachers, administrators, and other adults are there to help.
· Provide an opportunity for your child to read at home each day.
· Get to know your child's teacher and help the teacher understand some of your child's experiences, which may influence school success.
At Masons Cove Elementary, we truly believe, and research proves, that teaching your child to have a GROWTH MINDSET and that his/her EFFORT MATTERS are the factors that make the most difference in success. Students with a Growth Mindset understand that anyone can improve in any area if they are willing to work hard and practice. Teachers and parents working together can ensure all our students are successful when they show effort!
Visitors & Volunteers
- Any visitor or volunteer in the school building is required to sign in at the entry kiosk and wear the printed sticker throughout their visit.
- Volunteer opportunities and volunteers are required to be approved by the principal prior to the event.