North Point News
December 2, 2024

Happy Holidays from North Point High School
As the holidays quickly approach, we want to extend our warmest wishes to you and your family. We hope this time will be filled with joy, peace, health, and happiness. Thank you for your unwavering support! We are truly grateful for all of our North Point family!
1st Semester Ends December 20
We hope everyone enjoyed our first snowfall of the school year! It's hard to believe, but we only have 3 weeks until winter break and the end of 1st semester. Students, please make sure you are making the most out of our last few weeks together and finish off the semester strong. Utilize your class time wisely and take advantage of WIN Time, DEN Time, and Grizzly Assist, if you are in need of additional assistance from our staff.
Please Note: In January, we will review eligibility for current winter athletes. If you fail more than one class first semester, you will no longer be eligible for winter or spring sports.
Inclement Weather
Now that the colder months have arrived, we want to provide you with information regarding the Wentzville School District's inclement weather procedures for the 2024-25 school year.
Snow Days 1-2 will be traditional snow days and will not need to be made up.
Snow Days 3-7 will be Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days; students will learn remotely. No make-up days will be required.
Please Note: If we use fewer than eight snow days (traditional and AMI), the last day of school will be moved up to Friday, May 23.
Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI)
What is AMI?
The State of Missouri has approved Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI), such as virtual learning days, to be utilized in circumstances of emergency or extended closure for the purpose of review and reinforcement of previously taught skills and/or the continuation of current learning. Electronic and/or web-based assignments and materials will be utilized for AMI and students will have access to District-provided devices and hotspots when available. When possible, hard-copy assignments will be provided as requested.
When do we use AMI?
DESE has allowed school districts to count up to 36 hours of instruction through AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction). During circumstances of emergency or extended closure, such as using all built-in Inclement Weather Days, Wentzville School District will utilize AMI to prevent future make-up days. This year, AMI days will only occur AFTER we have had two traditional snow days. We will use five AMI days before returning to traditional snow days. On days when AMI is assigned, families will be notified through the regular communication channels (phone call, text, social media) utilized by the District and their child’s school.
How will this affect my student’s attendance?
Student attendance will be recorded on days when AMI is assigned and will be documented by the completion of assignments and turning in activities. Assignments will be turned in either through Canvas or by giving it to their teacher on the next in-person learning day. Educators will be available electronically by email during AMI days for guidance with instruction.
AMI Day Expectations
On the morning of an AMI day, an email will be sent to students and parent(s)/guardian(s) by 8:30 am.
- Assignments will be posted to the classroom Canvas page. Canvas and other resources can be accessed via ClassLink here. Various methods for assignment completion will be available. Information will include assignment details, completion dates, and what to do in the event a student needs assistance.
- Teachers will be available to respond to all parent and student questions during school hours on an AMI day.
- Assignments should be submitted on the AMI day for all classes or the next in-person attendance day. If work is not submitted for all classes, it will result in an absence for the student.
Student Attendance Reminders
- Students, please know if you are signing out during WIN or Den Time, it does count against your attendance.
- Just a reminder one of the requirements of A+ is 95% attendance.
- If you are an athlete who will miss any time during the day, it has to be approved through Dr. Adams in order to compete that day. A doctor appointment is an example of an excused absence as long as a doctor note is provided.
1st Semester Final Exams
Final Exams will take place on Wednesday, December 18 - Friday, December 20. Please check out the schedule below. December 19 and December 20 are both EARLY RELEASE days for students in grades 9-12. We will not be disrupting finals exams by calling into classrooms, so please give plenty of notice to our attendance office if you are needing your student prior to the end of the day during finals.
Final Exam Make-Up Days
If a student misses any of their final exams, they will be expected to take them upon their return on January 6 - January 8. We will have our testing center open during WIN Time as well as Grizzly Assist after school in the library with extended hours from 2:30-4:30 pm on all 3 days.
Please Note: 1st Semester Grades will publish on the Focus Portal on January 10 at 4 pm.
Grizzly Assist - FREE After School Tutoring
Student grades are always available to view on Focus; however, we only finalize grades at the end of each semester. Students, please ensure you are making the most out of both WIN & DEN Time each week by seeking assistance from our staff when you need it. Don't forget we also have FREE tutoring through Grizzly Assist after school on Monday - Thursday. Our staff would love to see you there if you have questions or need extra help. Please check out the flyer below!
Our Administration & Counseling Teams
Mr. Andrew Elemendorf, andrewelmendorf@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names A-G
Mrs. Kristy VanRonzelen, kristinavanronzelen@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names A-G
Mr. Danny Bethmann, danielbethmann@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names H-O
Mr. Kurt Laughman, konradlaughman@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names H-O
Mr. Jim Hieger, jameshieger@wsdr4.org - Asst. Principal for Last Names P-Z
Mrs. Meridith Haley, meridithhaley@wsdr4.org - Counselor for Last Names P-Z
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Please click on the picture to view a larger image.
Save the Dates
Here are some important upcoming dates for you to save...
- December 2 - Late Start (9:20 am - 2:20 pm)
- December 18 - Finals 9-12 (3rd hour final exam)
- December 19 - Finals 9-12 (1st, 2nd, & 4th hour final exams)
- December 19 - Early Release 9-12 (7:20 am - 12:05 pm)
- December 20 - Finals 9-12 (6th, 7th, & 8th hour final exams)
- December 20 - Early Release 9-12 (7:20 am - 12:05 pm)
- December 23-January 3 - No Classes PK-12 (Winter Break)
- January 6 - Late Start (9:20 am - 2:20 pm)
- January 20 - No Classes PK-12 (MLK Day)
- February 5 - 8th Grade Night (6 pm - 8 pm)
- MARK YOUR CALENDARS: June 1 - Class of 2025 Graduation at the Family Arena at 8:30 pm
What's Happening INSIDE the DEN!
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram for ALL the latest updates!
Dr. Shelmire - @Dr_Shelmire (Twitter) and north_point_grizzlies (Instagram)
Dr. Adams - @NP_Grizzlies_AD (Twitter) and north_point_grizzlies_ad (Instagram)
Mr. Bethmann - @DBethmann_NPHS (Twitter)
Mr. Elmendorf - @Elmendorf_NP_AP (Twitter)
Mr. Hieger - @NP_Hieger (Twitter)
Contact Information - Dr. Amanda Shelmire
Email: amandashelmire@wsdr4.org
Website: wentzville.k12.mo.us/northpoint
Location: 2255 West Meyer Road, Wentzville, MO, USA
Phone: 636-445-5344