The Weekly Update #4
April 18th, 2024
Happy Earth Week!
This past week PreK to grade 3 enjoyed a performance of Rainbow Fish performed by the FLCC drama class. It was a good reminder of the importance of sharing.
This week in addition to celebrating Earth week and caring for God's creation we will have the Middle States Accreditation team visiting our school on Tuesday. Every 8 years our diocesan system of schools is reaccredited.
If you are unfamiliar with Middle States, here is the value of the accreditation.
-Organizes our school system’s improvement efforts
-Provides direction for those improvements
-Increases accountability for making those improvements
-Fosters stakeholder involvement and support for the school improvement efforts
-Creates a culture for continuous school improvement
-Meet the NYS requirement as a pathway for substantial equivalency
In our submitted document, we have identified that we wish to continue to improve our math and ELA scores, as well as enrollment; refresh and update various parts of our building; and provide additional enrichment experiences. Our school component team feels what we have outlined is attainable and we know with everyone's support we will be able to accomplish them.
As always, we thank everyone's continue prayers for and support of our students, teachers, staff, and administration. We could not do what we do without you.
Reminder no school for students on Friday, April 26.
Financial Aid Application Deadline Has Been Extended to April 30th!
If you have not contacted your local district for bussing, please do so.
Calendar Change! No School Friday, May 24!
May Calendar
Order your Red Wings Tickets!
Order forms went home Friday. This year the Red Wings will be wearing jerseys designed by our very own Lucy Quigley in 4th grade!