It's a Remote Learning Day!
Day 4 - Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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What's a remote learning day?
Inclement weather makes the roads slippery and not good for travel. Some days we will learn from home with a remote learning day. A remote learning day means that you will do your school work at home. Today is a remote learning day!
Today you will work on 3 MUST DO tasks - read, do math, and write. These are required for you.
Then, on the "CHOOSE 2" list below, you can pick 2 activities to complete. Write any written work on regular paper. Bring your completed work back to your teacher when you return to school.
Be sure to use the "WILD ROBOT" page below for your reference. You can listen to Mrs. Bumgarner read today's chapters, draw a robot, or watch videos.
How will I get credit for school today?
Your teacher will contact your family via Remind or by phone call to check in and take attendance. She will contact your parents early in the day.
For you to be counted present for school, your family will need to respond to your teacher. Your family can reply to your teacher's message, send your teacher an email, talk by telephone, or send a message to your teacher to let her know that you are okay and know what to do for the remote learning day. Your parents should send this message early in the day by 10:00 if possible.
Your teacher will be available via Zoom at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm if you need help or want to check in. Zoom sessions are optional for students. You can join the zoom session using the link at the top of your teacher's page - which can be found on this week's Eagle Connection page. You need to scroll to the bottom to find your teacher's picture and page. Your teacher's Zoom link will be on the top of her page. If your teacher is out of school, you will not have a substitute and there will not be a zoom available.
Complete your work. Bring your work to your teacher when you come back to school.
Remote Learning Work for K-5th Students
Must Do All 3
1. Practice reading and telling.
Read aloud to someone (or yourself) for 15 minutes or listen to someone read aloud to you from “The Wild Robot”. You can use the Smore page to listen to Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Bumgarner read aloud.
then Tell...
K - 2nd - Tell someone 3 details about what you read or heard. Try to tell details like who, what, when, and where.
3rd - 5th - Write a 3-5 sentence summarizing what you read or sharing 3 details from your reading in "The Wild Robot"..
2. Practice math.
Count and practice math.
- K - 1st - Roll dice or pick 2 numbers to create an addition problem or subtraction problem. Solve the fact as quickly as possible. Repeat this five times to solve 5 different problems.
- 1st - 2nd - Roll dice or pick numbers to create two 2 digit or 3 digit numbers. Write the two numbers to create addition or subtraction problems to solve. Repeat this five times to solve 5 different problems.
- 3rd - Roll dice (or pick numbers) and multiply the two numbers. Write the multiplication and division fact family after each roll. Repeat this 10 times to solve 10 different problems.
- 4th - 5th - Practice multiplication facts to 12s for 15 minutes. Create a 3-digit by 1-digit division question to solve. Challenge-Create a 4-digit by 2-digit division question to solve.
I can build my math skills with practice.
3. Practice writing. Write your opinion.
Imagine Roz wakes up in a completely different place—maybe a snowy mountain, a deep jungle, or even a big city! Write or draw a story about Roz’s first day in this new environment.
- Where is she? Describe the new setting.
- What challenges does she face?
- What new animal (or human!) friends does she meet?
- How does she use her problem-solving skills to survive?
- What does Roz see where she is now?
Let your imagination run wild—just like Roz! 🌿🤖✨
I can improve my writing with practice.
Now Choose 2 Tasks (from any of these 6)
Build a blanket fort. Observe the temperature outside of the fort. Then get in the fort and read for 10 minutes. How does it feel inside of the fort? After you get out, observe the temperature outside of the fort. How is the temperature different and why?
I can observe how temperature changes in environments.
Social Studies
Divide your paper in half. Label one side WANTS and the other NEEDS.
Draw and label or list and describe 5 wants and 5 needs.
I can describe wants and needs.
Social & Emotional Learning
Tell someone how to build (or draw) a snowman. Use exact words to tell them how. Give them one-step directions.
Tell them what SIZE and in what ORDER.
How did they do? Then swap roles, and take turns following their EXACT directions.
I can give and follow explicit verbal directions.
Find something that...
makes a HIGH sound
makes a LOW sound
makes a LOUD sound
makes a SOFT sound
you can SHAKE to make sound
you can BEAT to make sound
I can make sounds and music with ordinary objects.
Draw three circles to make a snowman OR use shapes to draw a robot. Add details to bring your snowman or robot to life. Practice drawing snowmen or robots!
I can follow directions to draw new things.
Physical Education - PE!
Put on a great song and dance non-stop for the whole song. After the song ends, ask yourself - How does my body feel? How are my lungs feeling? Is my heart pumping at a rapid pace?
I can build my heart muscles by moving my body.
If your teacher is out of school, you will not have a substitute and there will not be a zoom available.
Wilkesboro Elementary School
Email: spearsr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: (336) 838-4261
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilkesboroelementary/
Instagram: @WilkesboroElementary