December 16th - 20th
Important School Dates:
12/17 - Title I First Semester Meeting @12:05 - Lunch Provided
12/18 - Mini Workshops @ 1:25 - Parents Are Welcome to Volunteer
12/20 - Pajama Day
12/20 - After-School Biathlon - Last One
12/21 - 1/6 - Winter Break/ In-service & End of 2nd Quarter - No School
Cookie Decorating Items Needed
Join the fun! Wear your PJ’s and bring your favorite stuffed animal on Friday, December 20th. Please be sure your PJ’s are appropriate for school and will keep you warm enough. We are asking the following classes to help with cookie decorating supplies:
Kendall's 5th grade & Brandon’s 6th grade – tubs of white/ cream cheese frosting
Mrs. Anne’s 1st grade and Mrs. Swanson’s 2nd grade - small decorations for gingerbread men such as raisins, M&M’s, Skittles, red hots, mini marshmallows, chocolate chips, etc. (we have plenty of sprinkles!)
A BIG thank you to Two Sisters for suppling the gingerbread dough for this year's cookies!!
A Wonderful Season for Helping Others - 3 Ways to Help
#1 - Student Council is sponsoring “The Helpful Holiday Tree.” Beginning Monday, December 2nd and continuing through December 20th, they are collecting warm gloves, socks and hats to be given to homeless kids in our district. Please bring these items and hang them on the Helpful Holiday Tree or place them in the boxes under the tree that is in the school lobby.
#2 - Beginning Monday, December 2nd, Student Council is also holding a class competition where classes will try to bring in the MOST canned food items to then give to the Homer Food Pantry. Canned items or other non-perishable food can be brought to school and placed in the class designated boxes in their classrooms. Last day to bring in canned food is Wednesday, December 18th. Class Prizes for 1st-3rd place are listed below:
1st Place - Pizza Party
2nd Place - Ice Cream Sundae Party
3rd Place - Root Beer Float Party
#3 - Once again, we will be making dry bean soup kits for the Homer Food Pantry. We are asking each student to bring two cans of stewed, diced, or whole tomatoes, (14.5 oz. size), to include in these soup kits. Please bring them to school by Monday, December 16th. Thank you for your generosity!
Title I Corner
Mini Workshops - Parent Volunteers Needed!
On Wednesday, Dec. 18th beginning at 1:25 pm, we will be conducting mini-workshops. If you would like to help with one of the workshops or conduct your own, please let us know by Friday, December 6th so that we can plan accordingly. These workshops are something that the students and staff look forward to and we hope to have parents involved, as well. If you would like to conduct a workshop with a few students but don't know what to do, we are full of ideas! Just ask! Please email Joy with the information below at or give Joy a call if you can help. Thanks so much for helping us make this a special time with the kids!
Mini-Workshop Sign-Up Information:
- Parent’s name
- Workshop Craft description
- Grade level(s) of students you’d like to work with
- Desired number of students
- Materials you need
- Contact phone
Winter Break & End of 2nd Quarter - No School December 23rd - January 6th
Monday, December 23rd begins our winter break and will go through Monday, January 6th. Monday, January 6th is the end of our second quarter and is an in-service day for staff so there will be no school. Students will return to school for the 2nd semester on Tuesday, January 7th. We hope you and your family have a peaceful, restful, and joyous holiday!
After School Cross Country Skiing & Ice Skating
Mr. Swanson and Josh will be working hard to build up snow berms and lay water over the basketball courts in preparation for perfect ice skating conditions. Corise Story and Mr. Arnold will be our after-school ice skating coaches. They will be looking for parent volunteers to help students on Wednesdays with getting their skates on/off and as extra eyes on the ice. Please contact Corise at or call the school office if you are able to help.
Anne Love is our after-school cross country ski coach and she is looking for parent helpers every Monday once the ski program starts. Cross country skiing is on a first come, first serve bases. We will be limiting the number of skiers based on the number of volunteers we have sign up. Please contact Anne at or call the school office.
We are hoping to start our after-school skiing program on Mondays and ice skating program on Wednesdays after Winter Break and these will continue until Spring Break Weather/conditions permitting. Permission slips went home on Friday, December 6th
After-School Forensics 4th - 6th Grade
After-school 4th - 6th grade forensics begins Thursday, January 16th. Mrs. Krys will be our after-school Forensics coach and is excited to begin! Permission slips went home with our 4th - 6th grade students on Friday, December 6th.
Dragon Cafe - December Menu
Community Activities
McNeil Canyon Elementary School
Location: 52188 East End Rd, Homer, AK, USA
Phone: 907-235-8181