The Good News June 23, 2024
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Summer Blessings
Thank-you Saint John XXIII staff, students, and families for an amazing year! We are so proud of every one of our students for the tremendous growth they have experienced in their faith and learning journeys this year.
May the summer bring much peace, rejuvenation, wonder, and play. God's blessings always. See you in August for a brand new year of growing brains and sharing smiles!
June 2024
Monday, June 24
- Year end clean up and activities
Tuesday, June 25
- Kinder Grad
- Final Assembly 1:00pm
- Last Day for Students
- Report Cards go live at 3:30pm
Summer St. John XXIII Office Hours
Our last staff day is Thursday, June 27th. After that, you will be able to reach the office via phone starting Monday, August 19th. Until then, please visit our website https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Report Cards go Live June 26th at 3:30
Congratulations on an amazing year of learning and growing at St. John XXIII! We value the important academic achievements experienced this year for all our students, but more importantly, we celebrate their growth in all aspects of their faith and learning journeys. Please take time to review all the important celebrations and next steps that your child's teachers have shared. Take time to celebrate all the successes and many milestones of the 2023-2024 school year!
Report cards will be released next Wednesday to your child's PowerSchool account. Please make sure you can log into your PowerSchool account to see your child's report card. Please refer to the EICS Parent Technology Handbook which is located on our website. If you need any help please contact the office at 780-998-7777
We hope you and your child take the opportunity to review their report card and celebrate their milestones and growth this year.
Lost and Found Items
Can’t find that winter coat? Team hockey jacket? Check the Lost & Found! The Lost and Found is located across from the Library, do you recognize any items from the picture below?
Students have been reminded in our daily announcements to check the Lost and Found.
All items will either be donated to our extra clothing supplies or to charity after June 27th, 2024. Thank you for reminding your child to pick up their Lost and Found items.
As we bid farewell to our beloved staff members who are embarking on exciting new journeys, we want you to know that you will always remain a cherished part of our St. John XXIII family. Best of luck with your new adventures. We will miss you dearly!
Mrs. Greene
Mrs. Parks
Miss Kruse
Miss Menzak
Miss McAra
Mrs. Holt
Mrs. Marple
Mr. Spindler
Mrs. MacLeod
Mrs. Warchalowski
Mr. Dydyna
Our St. John XXIII Team for 2024-2025
At this time, here is some of our staff line-up for next year: (please note: changes may occur)
Pre- K: Kim Frey
1-4 Pathways: Kirsten Tabert
Nature Programs: Melanie Martinez
Kindergarten: Megan Yockey
Grade 1 Team: Korinne Walsh & Teagan Kamstra
Grade 2 Team: Amy Ekdahl & Rhonda Ganes
Grade 3 Team: Kathy Forslund & Michelle Ethier
Grade 4 Team: Jennifer Maynard, Kendra Rossignol and Erynn Shantz
Music: Sarah Schaub
Early Learning Music: Melanie Doderai
Chaplain: Rhonda Ganes
Inclusive Learning Facilitator: Kendra Rossignol
Family Wellness Worker: Eleanor Heesing
Library Tech: May-Lee Buban
Secretary: Barb Potter
Assistant Principal: Erin Croft
Principal: Kristine Willis Dengler
Student Support Team: Mrs. Willis Dengler, Mrs.Croft, Mrs. Heesing & Mrs. Rossignol
2023-2024 Yearbooks - we have 3 available, don't miss out!
2023-2024 yearbooks are $30.00 and we have 3 available, on a first come, first served basis. Please send an email to the school email, stj@eics.ab.ca if you would like to purchase a 2023-2024 yearbook. The first 3 people to request a yearbook will be contacted by the office, and the yearbook form will be added to their child's PowerSchool account.
If you are registered for busing next year, your child's first day of school as per the above information will be their first day of busing. If you wish to register your child for the bus or change your current route due to changing schools, please contact the Student Transportation Department of EIPS at (780) 417-8151 or st@eips.ca.
Staggered Entry in the Fall
We look forward to seeing you in the fall.
For Grades 1-4:
August 29: Staggered Entry Students with last names A-L
August 30: Staggered Entry: Students with last names M-Z
September 3: First day of classes for all students
M/W Kindergarten:
Friday, August.30th
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names A - C
Time: 1pm - 3pm Students with last names D - J
Wednesday, Sept. 4th Please note Early Dismissal time
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names K - P
Time: 12pm - 2pm Students with last names Q - Z
T/R Kindergarten:
Thursday, August 29th
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names A-C
Time: 1pm - 3pm Students with last names D-J
Tuesday, Sept.3rd
Time 9am - 11am Students with last names K-P
Time 1pm - 3pm Students with last names Q-Z
2023-2024 Outstanding Fee Statements
2023-2024 outstanding fee statements will be emailed early this week, after lost book fees have been added. Instructions on how to pay fees are located on the bottom of every newsletter.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns. 780-998-7777
2024-2025 Supply Lists
For the 2024-2025 school year, you will be required to purchase or supply basic school supplies for your child, including a one-to-one technology device for students in grade 4. Enhancement programming costs such as field trips etc. will be posted to your PowerSchool account in the fall. You will receive an email when the fees have been posted.
Staples is offering special pricing for parents from Elk Island Catholic Schools. You may choose to get your school supplies from Staples or from another retail store. Please click the button below to access the school supply lists provided by our school and by Staples.
Grade 3 students moving to Grade 4
Students entering grade 4 in the fall will need to bring a device to school as another tool for learning. EICS recommends Chromebooks as the ideal device due to price, battery life, fast startup, and usability.
Please click the link below for more information about our technology partnership with Staples.
Action Required - 2024-2025 Demographic Validation Form
As the school year comes to an end, we would like to inform you that it’s time to update your child’s 2024-2025 Demographic Validation Form. Having the most up-to-date information about our students ensures that we receive all available funding to support your child's learning as well as current information to reach you during the day if necessary.
We ask that you please complete this form in PowerSchool
You can follow these steps to access, review and submit the form:
1. Log into PowerSchool at https://eics.powerschool.com/
2. Under the “Forms & Fees” menu click “School Engage Student Forms”
3. Students - Select your child’s name (please complete one form for each child)
4. Click on the word “New” beside the form name A.8) 2024-2025 Demographic Validation
Video tutorial link (**from 2021-2022) on how to complete the form https://www.eics.ab.ca/parents-and-students/powerschool-log-in
Thank you in advance for completing these forms so your child experiences the full learning benefits at St. John XXIII Catholic School.
Please contact our secretary at 780-998-7777 if you have any questions.
Celebrate Summer BINGO at Fort Saskatchewan Public Library! For All Ages!
Everyone’s invited to welcome in summer! The library’s Summer BINGO challenge will help you get out and about and trying new things – or reading your favorite books in the sun! Pick up your monthly summer BINGO card at the Library or play virtually using the Beanstack app. Mark BINGO squares by completing an activity - or “buy” a square by reading for 30 minutes. Kids can earn weekly prizes and completed BINGO cards can be turned in for a new book that’s yours to keep! Teens and adults can play, too, and will earn Booksale Book Bucks and weekly entries into two amazing grand prizes. The games begin July 2 and run until August 31! Information on the Summer BINGO challenge and all of the library’s great FREE summer programs is available at https://fspl.ca/. Questions? Call 780-998-4275.
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
Safety City
Indigenous Peoples Day
Talent Show
Fun Run
Year End Mass
Community Information
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Email: stj@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnXXIII
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII