LB Williams
February 2025
This month we will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences. This is a wonderful time to visit with the classroom teachers in regards to your son or daughter’s progress at this point in the year. Certainly, we look forward to visiting with you again. We are so proud of our students and their accomplishments. Thank you for your work as parents! We are fortunate to have you at LBW! Your student’s conference information will be sent home February 7th. with your assigned time. Our conferences are Thursday, February 20th from 3:30 - 8:45 in person. Please sign and return your sheet if you can attend at that time or to reschedule.
LBW will once again be awarding a scholarship to a graduating senior from Mitchell High School. The student must have attended LBW for at least three years and be pursuing any higher level of education after graduation. Applications can be found on our school website or picked up from the office or at MHS. This is due to the LBW office by April 1st.
Do you have a child that will be 5 on or before September 1st, 2025? Jumpstart will be held in March. Please call the office at 995-3090 to have your child's name put on our list to receive information about kindergarten to attend our special nights in March or click on this link to register https://forms.gle/SKsMd4vxTH4PVZsT7.
Attendance continues to be a district focus for us. Thank you for all you continue to do as parents, from getting your students to school on time, working with our staff, communicating with us effectively, and all the other things you do that helps our students have successful days. We all appreciate our parents so much! LBW is a great place to be!
Mrs. Roth
Thank you to our JA volunteers
Junior Achievement (JA) gives students hope for a brighter future. This school year, nearly 2,000 JA volunteers are committed to teaching JA programs, empowering over 56,000 South Dakota students to pursue their dreams.
- Please call the office before 8:45 if your child is late or will not be here. 995-3090
- We will be distributing fliers, classroom info. and important items every Friday. Please be sure to check your child's backpack.
- If you have a new phone number or address, please update your information in the office. This includes work phone number, personal phone numbers, and emergency contacts. When we have an urgent situation, it is vital that we are able to contact a parent. Sending a note with your child works, as does calling the office. Thanks in advance.
- Winter is here! Our weather can change quickly in the state, so we want to be prepared for an emergency dismissal. Please be sure that we have updated information in the office as to what your plans will be in the case of an emergency early dismissal. For example, if your student typically rides the bus, we need to know if you want them to ride the bus if we dismiss early. Thanks for keeping up informed!
Upcoming Events
February 3rd - MCL Parent Meeting for 5th grade students - Mitchell Middle School @ 5:30 PM
February 3rd - PTO Meeting - Blarney's @ 6:00 PM
February 10th - School Board Meeting - McTea @ 5:30 PM
February 14th - No School
February 17th - No School/President's Day
February 18th - Book Fair - Donuts for students with the last name that starts with M-Z - 7:15-8 AM
February 19th - Boof Fair - Donuts for students with the last name that starts with A-L - 7:15-8 AM
February 20th - LBW Conferences - 3:30 PM - 8:45 PM
February 25th - Girls on the Run Starts - 3:30-5:00 PM
Attention former LBW Students
L.B. Williams Alumni Scholarship
To be eligible for the scholarship, a student must be a graduating senior at Mitchell Senior High, have attended L.B. for at least 3 years and be pursuing any higher level of education upon graduation. Stop in the LBW office and pick up an application. Applications are due April 1st.
As a parent/guardian, it's important to know how schools are helping your child thrive. MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) is a framework that provides the right support at the right time for every student—whether they need extra help, enrichment, or challenge. Learn how educators use MTSS to ensure no child falls through the cracks and helps each one reach their full potential.
Notes from the Nurse
Cold and flu season is in full swing. In order to help our students stay healthy we want to remind students to wash their hands often and thoroughly throughout the day. As a reminder, all students need to be fever free for 24 hours before they return to school. We understand this can be a challenge sometimes, but it is an important way to keep illness from spreading.
Also, as students sometimes receive prescriptions or need over the counter medicines during this time, please take a moment to remind yourself of our medication policy. If we give any meds here, we need to have paperwork filled out with an original bottle with a prescription label. If a parent needs to give an over the counter medication they are welcome to stop in the office and we are happy to call the student to the office.
Thank you for using your good judgment about when your child can come to school or needs to take a day of rest. Keeping everyone healthy is important to us!
Brenda Axemaker ~ LBW School Nurse
If interested in MCL, meet the Teachers and ask questions.
Mitchell Middle School - Room 206
Monday, February 3rd
5:30 PM
Applications due March 31st