Granger Gazette
Expect More, Achieve More

February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15-5pmVolleyball practice
- 9:15 - 1:30 Unified Sports Bocce Tournament
- 3:30-4:30 Skateboarding Class Griffin Zone
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Football Practice
- College Awareness Wednesday - Wear college gear!
- BSU (Black Student Union) Meeting during lunch in room 606 - everyone including allies are welcome!
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Football Practice
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Volleyball Practice
- 3:45 - 4:45pm Cooking Class Griffin Zone
Thursday, February 27
- 10:30 - 12:30 Future Red Devil Day
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Football Practice
- Ramadan Begins
- Progress Report come out
- 8:30 - 9:30 Coffee With the Principal
- 2:00 - 5:00 pm - After School Tutoring
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Volleyball Practice
The Next Week at a Glance
Monday, March 3
- ELPAC Testing
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Volleyball practice
- 3:30 Culture Club
- Quiz Bowl at Granger
- 3:15-5:00pm Football practice
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- College Awareness Wednesday - Wear college gear!
- 3:15-5:00pm Football practice
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Volleyball practice
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15-5:00pm Football practice
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:30 SSC Meeting
- PLC Day - students dismissed 2:00pm
- 3:15 - 5:00pm Volleyball practice
- 2:00 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
Granger's Color Run!!!
The Color Run is a major fundraising event for Granger and a whole lot of fun! On Friday, March 7 from 12:30 - 2:00pm, we will have the Color Run - a two mile fun run where kids run through color stations while raising money for events like awards assemblies, movie nights, lunch activities, fun giveaways, and school dances!
Our goal is for each student to raise $40 in donations. Students just need to ask parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and neighbors to sponsor them in the fun run. Students all got donation packets to start collecting donations. Families can donate cash or checks made out to Granger ASB.
$10 in donations = one color packet
$40 in donations = Color Run t-shirt, 1 color pack, and sunglasses!
$75 in donations = Color Run t-shirt, sunglasses, 2 color packets, and 1 free mile for PE
$100 in donations = Color Run t-shirt, sunglasses, 3 color packets, 2 free runs and entrance to an Ice Cream Party
$150 in donations = Color Run t-shirt, sunglasses, 4 color packets, 2 free runs in PE and a Griffins Rock Bracelet that will get you 4 meals including Ice Cream Party, Pizza Party, Carne Asada Fries and Raising Canes!!!
Turn in your donations during lunch!
Tape Mr. Vedborg to the Wall!
It's time to TAPE MR. VEDBORG TO THE WALL!!!!! For every $10 you collect in Color Run Donations and turn in by February 28, you get one piece of tape (up to 5 pieces) to help tape Mr. Vedborg to the wall!!
Student Showcase - March 18 from 4:30 - 6:00pm
On March 18, from 4:30 - 6:00pm we will have all of our 7th, 8th and 9th graders come to campus to do their student showcase. Students will visit each of their classrooms and talk about one assignment that showcases their learning for the year. More details to come!
Construction Update
Our construction team has finalized the bid packet, which is currently under review by our legal department. Once approved, it will go out to bid. At that point, we will have a revised construction timeline, but as of now, construction is most likely starting in June. Ms. Cabe will continue to keep you updated as the process moves forward.
Additionally, our district is reviewing its policy on murals. While the district values the artwork placed on our campuses over the years, deteriorating building surfaces have led to a shift in how murals will be created and displayed. Moving forward, murals will be placed on large, oversized canvases that can be protected and relocated around campus as needed.
Two of our current murals, the One World mural at the end of the 500 building and the library mural, are deteriorating. To preserve their legacy, we plan to memorialize both with the help of a photographer before construction begins. At the same time, we want to ensure that our campus continues to feature meaningful artwork. These murals will be replaced with new murals on canvases, allowing us to celebrate student experiences and creativity in a way that can be preserved for years to come.
We are also working with the SDSU Foundation, which originally helped create the One World mural, to ensure its history is honored. Additionally, we’re excited to share that Meg Beverly will not only be painting a new mural on canvas but will be creating three murals—each highlighting the work and journey of our three grade levels. This will ensure that student experiences and growth are reflected in artwork that remains a lasting part of our school.
If you have any questions or concerns about the murals, please let Ms. Cabe know.
After School Program Calendar
Griffin Leadership Distinction
A leader sets a positive example, inspires others, and works together to make a difference. As 9th graders, you have the chance to leave a lasting legacy here at Granger. As we move closer to our vision of 9th graders having the Strength to Lead, we are introducing the Griffin Leadership Stole—a symbol of excellence and service. You can earn it by completing a series of tasks that will challenge you to grow, work as a team, and contribute to our school community. Each task is a step toward becoming the kind of leader who uplifts others and leads with purpose.
Earning the Griffin Leadership Stole is about more than recognition; it’s about showing your commitment to leadership and inspiring others. When you wear it, you’ll represent the best of what it means to be a Granger Griffin.
Griffins, you have the strength to lead, the voice to inspire, and the heart to uplift others.
9th Graders, you will learn more about this during Science Class on Tuesday.
9th Grade Awards
The 9th Grade Awards Assembly will take place on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 from 5pm-6pm. Invitations will be sent prior to the event to each student receiving an award.
Awards will be given out to students either excelled or showed major improvement in Math, Biology, English, Geography, AP Human Geography, Spanish, ELD, Filipino, band, Medical, PE, and ASB.
Awards will also be given to scholar athletes, excellent citizens, grade scholars, and school leaders.
We have 3 perpetual awards that will be given to students:
Marcus Macias Turn Around Award
Named after Granger alumni Marcus Macias, the recipient of this award has demonstrated extraordinary growth, transforming both academically and behaviorally. They have risen from adversity with resilience and determination, turning struggling grades into examples of dedication and embracing learning with enthusiasm. Their behavioral transformation reflects maturity, responsibility, and empathy, showcasing accountability and integrity. Their journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and serves as an inspiring example of the potential for positive change. This award celebrates their achievements and the hope they inspire in others.
Pat Johnson Most Inspirational Award
Named after Granger's incredible campus assistant, this award goes to a student who spreads positivity wherever they go. They face challenges head-on with a never-give-up attitude, showing us all how to bounce back from tough times. Their kindness knows no bounds, always ready to lend a hand to a friend in need. When they speak, it's like they're giving a pep talk, pushing others to chase their dreams and never settle for less. They're proof that age is just a number when it comes to making a difference.
Mighty Griffin Award
The recipient of this prestigious award exemplifies our school's core values through leadership, enthusiasm, and determination. They inspire others by leading through words and actions, fostering inclusivity and respect with their kindness and empathy. As a role model, they set a standard of excellence, embodying the principles that define our community.
Important Dates for 9th Grade
These are the dates of some upcoming important events for 9th graders:
January 24, 2025 - Leadership Training for all 9th graders during the school day
March 6, 2025 - Sweetwater Counselors visit 9th grade Social Science for Course Selection
March 18, 2025 - Student Showcase Evening Event for all students
May 1, 2025 - 9th Grade Portfolio Night, 5 - 6:30
May 20, 2025 - 9th Grade Awards Night, 5 - 6pm
May 30, 2025 - 9th Grade Finals for 1, 3, and 5
June 2, 2025 - 9th Grade Finals for 2, 4, and 6
June 3, 2025 - 9th Grade Zoo Trip
June 4, 2025 - 9th Grade Promotion Practice during school
June 5, 2025 - 3:00pm - Promotion at Sweetwater High School
As we get closer to each event, we will send out reminders because dates and times do change so please check for updates as we get closer. The date and time for promotion has been set by the district and therefore will most likely not change.