Sunset View Newsletter
Week of September 9th
Message from Jennifer
We had a packed week last week at Sunset View! We were very excited to begin our three Enrichment classes. Students have the opportunity to participate in art, STEAM/performance, and mindfulness classes. Classes occur on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and will go for 10 week cycles. While students are in their Enrichment classes, teachers will be meeting in grade level Professional Learning Communities to focus on student data and curriculum. This program is truly a Win-Win and would not be possible without funding from KidsFirst, which is a result of your generous donations.
Leader in Me
Habit 1: Be Proactive
I'm in Charge of Me
I am in charge of my life.
I am responsible for my choices and behaviors.
I can choose how I react to other people or situations.
Friendly Reminders
Please bring in a Picture for Our Community Bulletin Board!
Please bring in a picture of your family to add to our community bulletin board! Pictures can be sent to your child's classroom teacher and we will take care of the rest.
Please do not send your child to school when they are sick.
When your child must be absent for any reason, please call the office at 858-988-2000 by 9:30 a.m. every day of non-attendance, giving the exact reason for the absence. You can also email
Any child arriving after 9:00 a.m. must stop in the office and pick up a tardy slip. Let's set good habits early in the school year to arrive on time.
We have very limited parking around Sunset View Elementary. The front of the school is now a 3 minute loading zone. Please be kind to our neighbors by keeping their driveways open and free. The staff parking lot is only for staff and we kindly request that you do not enter the lot. We also strongly encourage you to model good habits for your children by using the crosswalks. Running across Hill St. in front of the school and/or having children exit cars in the middle of the street is dangerous. Please pass this important message along to anyone who may be picking up your children (grandparents, child care provider, etc.). Your child's safety is always top priority and never an inconvenience. We appreciate your help.
Cell phones/smart watches:
Although we love your pets, they are not allowed on campus. Please do not bring pets past the school gates. Please see the district policy below.
Policy Reminder - Animals on Campus
- Animals are permitted at school only when needed for the instructional program and when
under the strict control of qualified instructors or handlers.
-Animals must be obtained from a reliable source and have written certifications that
they are in good health and are not carriers of dangerous disease-causing organisms.
- Hamsters, white rats, black widow spiders, rattlesnakes, and banded psittacine
(parrot-like) birds are too dangerous to have at school.
-Therapy and Service Dogs are allowed with proper certification.
Pets at school: Domestic pets shall not be allowed in classrooms, on or around campus.
Save the Date
Upcoming Events:
9/4 - Picture Day
9/9 - KidsFirst Meeting
9/12 - Family Kick-Off Dinner
9/23 - CHOICE window opens until November 4th
Useful Resources
Sunset View Elementary
Location: 4365 Hill Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-988-2000