Cedar Crest Intermediate
September 27, 2024
Message from Mrs. Williams
CCI Families,
- 🔒 Upcoming Lockdown Drill: Wednesday, October 9
- As part of our commitment to safety, we will conduct a lockdown drill on Wednesday, October 9, following the ALICE protocol (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate), which empowers students and staff to make informed decisions in an emergency. We understand that drills can feel unsettling, but we approach them with care to ensure everyone is prepared while maintaining a calm and reassuring environment for students. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. Thank you for your support in keeping our school community safe.
- As a reminder, students and parents, please avoid posting online about the drill to prevent any false information that could cause unnecessary panic or disruption.
🦸🏻♀️Rock Your School Week: Superhero Style!
- We celebrated with schools nationwide during GYTO’s Rock Your School Week!
- This year’s theme was superheroes—students engaged in exciting lessons and daily acts of kindness.
- Be sure to ask your child what they learned and how they "rocked" kindness!
- 👣PTO Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser
- Our PTO is hosting a Walk-a-Thon to raise $10,000 for field trips, new recess equipment, and other fun school activities!
- For every $10 raised, students earn a ticket for a prize drawing.
- Homerooms that raise the most money will win an ice cream party!
- All donations are due by October 11. Let’s make this fundraiser a huge success!
📸School Picture Retakes
- Picture Day was a success! If your child missed it or you’re unhappy with their photos, retakes will be on Friday, December 6. Sports/Club Yearbook photos are scheduled for Wednesday, January 22. More information will be sent home.
- Picture Day was a success! If your child missed it or you’re unhappy with their photos, retakes will be on Friday, December 6. Sports/Club Yearbook photos are scheduled for Wednesday, January 22. More information will be sent home.
💻Device Charging Reminder
- Please ensure students come to school with fully charged devices every day. Uncharged devices impact classroom learning!
- Please ensure students come to school with fully charged devices every day. Uncharged devices impact classroom learning!
- 🥳 End of the Quarter Celebration
- We could use a few supplies to make our End of the Quarter Celebration extra special! If you're able to pitch in, just click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EABA629ABFFC70-51730193-quarter#/
- To attend, students must have zero infractions or purchase a Golden Ticket with Ranger Bucks.
- Ranger Bucks are earned by Reading Books, completing iReady lessons, answering the weekly Easter Egg question in the newsletter, and a variety of other classroom opportunities.
- Unfortunately, students with 4 or more infractions may not attend the Good Choices Celebration.
✨Thanks for your support in making Cedar Crest a place where students thrive!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to reach out! cassie.williams@sedubois.k12.in.us
Every moment matters,
Mrs. Williams
Watch this before heading to a football game!🏈
Staff has a SUPER kick off to ROCK YOUR SCHOOL
🥁Forest Park Marching Rangers🎺
Ranger Ready Skills
Hands on Math
New Visitor Check-In Process at SED
Anuncio de la Sra. Emily Hauser
Como la profesora de español y ENL en las escuelas del condado de Southeast Dubois, considero importante compartir que esta semana da inicio al Mes de la Herencia Hispana en los Estados Unidos. Los estudiantes de español e inglés estarán aprendiendo sobre los muchos hispanoamericanos que han contribuido tanto a nuestra gran nación. He listado algunos hispanoamericanos notables a continuación.
¿Qué es el Mes de la Herencia Hispana?
El Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana se celebra anualmente del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre en los Estados Unidos para reconocer las contribuciones e influencias de los hispanoamericanos en la historia, la cultura y los logros de los Estados Unidos.
Hispanoamericanos famosos:
- Sonia Sotomayor (Jueza de la Corte Suprema)
- America Ferrera (Actriz)
- Ellen Ochoa (Astronauta)
- Ronald Acuña Jr. (Jugador de béisbol - Atlanta Braves)
As the Spanish and ENL teacher for the Southeast Dubois County Schools, I feel it is important to share that this week kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States. Spanish and English students will be learning about the many Hispanic Americans who have contributed so much to our great nation. I have listed a few notable Hispanic Americans as well.
What is Hispanic Heritage Month?
National Hispanic Heritage Month is annually celebrated from September 15 to October 15 in the United States for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
Famous Hispanic Americans
Sonia Sotomayor - (Supreme Court Justice)
- America Ferrera (Actress)
- Ellen Ochoa (Astronaut)
- Ronald Acuña Jr (Baseball Player - Atlanta Braves)
5th Grade Newsletter
6th Grade Newsletter
Bus Information
For information about your child's bus route, please contact SED Transportation Director, Mr. Ryan Haas. Please call 812-817-0900 extension 4 or email ryan.haas@sedubois.k12.in.us.
Need Help with Harmony? Click the button below.
Mrs. Lueken
Mrs. Rogier
Ms. Sitzman
Ms. Schroeder
Mrs. Steczyk
Mrs. Welp
Mr. Atkins
September Lunch Menu
Volunteer Information
School Calendar
- October 1 and 3: CCI Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 11: End of Qtr 1; CCI Walk-A-Thon
- October 14-18: SED Fall Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- November 1: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- November 11: Veteran's Day Celebration (Please let your family Veterans know)
December 6: Picture Re-Takes
- November 27-29: SED Thanksgiving Break
- December 23-January 3: SED Holiday Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- January 22: Sports/Clubs Yearbook Photos (More Info to come)
- February 5: NO SCHOOL Staff PD Day
- February 13: Fine Arts Night/Talent Show
- March 24-28: SED Spring Break (Great Time for Vacation)
- April 18: NO SCHOOL Good Friday
- May 9: 6th Grade Dance
- May 23: Last day of School
- May 24: SED Graduation
Online Safety
Community Resources
Odyssey of the Mind
Join us on an exciting journey of creativity and innovation with Odyssey of the Mind! As a coach, I am thrilled to invite local families to discover the endless possibilities of this engaging program. Whether your child is a budding artist, engineer, or problem-solver, Odyssey of the Mind offers unique challenges that inspire teamwork and out-of-the-box thinking.
To learn more about how your child can get involved, reach out to me, Clint Schaeffer, at schaefferautomotive@gmail.com. Let's unleash creativity together!