News from Navin
October 2024
📄 Notes from Ms. Van
October is a busy month at Navin and one full of exciting learning opportunities both in and outside of the classroom and typical school day.
We learned along with families at our recent parent teacher conferences. We had great attendance and found the time to be hugely beneficial in learning more about our students and sharing their performance and progress so far this year. Please don't hesitate to reach out to teachers with questions or concerns, and certainly don't wait until our next round of conferences to ask questions. We view ourselves as being on one giant team to support each student, and families are an important part of that team. Thank you for being our teammates in your child's success!
October also brings two work days for staff, and no school days for students. We know these days often require extra planning or consideration for child care, and we don't take them for granted. Staff spent the October 4th work day holding parent teacher conferences and then meeting as a building to discuss literacy assessments and writing. Our preschool staff visited the Harold Lewis Preschool program and collaborated with staff there. Our next work day is coming up on Friday, October 18th when we'll look deeply at our math instruction as we collaborate with i-Ready math consultants and instructional coaches. At Navin, we're all learning alongside each other.
Our 3rd grade students will have an opportunity to show what they know and get their first experience with an Ohio State Test in English Language Arts on October 22nd and 23rd. We know they will do their best, and want to remind both students and families that this is a test of 3rd grade content. Our learners are early into the school year and will have many opportunities to learn and grow reading and writing skills before they take the test again in the spring. The best way to prepare is for students to get a good night's rest, eat breakfast, and view the test as an opportunity to show what they have already mastered and what they're ready to learn next.
Keep reading for important reminders, upcoming dates, and to learn more about the great things happening at Navin.
Your partner in education,
- Ms. Van Schoyck (but you're welcome to call me Ms. Van!)
🧯Fire Prevention Week - October 6-12
🥪National School Lunch Week - October 14-18
October 14-18 is National School Lunch Week. This year, we're celebrating with a pirate theme. You may notice that the lunch menu for next week plays on that theme as well. We are embracing this fun theme and celebrating our cafeteria staff and encourage you to do the same. Feel free to wear pirate attire, or talk like a pirate to celebrate our wonderful school lunch program!
Meal Prices
Elementary $2.00 Reduced $.30*
Intermediate, Middle, High $2.00 Reduced $.00*
Elementary: $3.25 Reduced $.40*
Intermediate, Middle, High: $3.50 Reduced $.00*
Milk $.75
*For the 2024/2025 school year the state of Ohio will be paying the reduced-price meals.
Students who qualify for reduced meals will not be charged for a reimbursable breakfast
as a reimbursable lunch.
Meal Charges
Marysville Schools will allow students to charge up to $11.75 Elem and $12.50 Inter/Middle
and High. Parents will be notified when their student’s meal balances are negative. After the
student has reached their charge limit, the student will be offered an alternative meal. No ala
carte/ snack items may be charged, only meals. Pre-payment for meals is strongly
Make Payments online by using EZPay
Directions to set up an account or make changes to your existing account can be found on the
district website. Please see the link below.
🚌 Bus Safety Week - October 21-25
1. Obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
2. At railroad crossings, no talking is permitted; vehicle must be silent for safety purposes.
3. No eating, chewing gum or drinking on the bus.
4. No throwing of objects on, from or into the bus.
5. Remain seated and keep the aisles and exits clear at all times.
6. Keep hands, feet and personal objects to yourself and inside the bus.
7. No seat changing; students must sit in their assigned seat.
8. When outside of the vehicle, the student must remain in their “Place of Safety”
determined by the driver until it’s safe.
9. Taking pictures/videos or playing loud music/games are not permitted.
*Please remember, riding school transportation is an extension of the classroom, therefore,
all school rules apply.
😷A message from our clinic
Vision and hearing screenings are underway for many of our students in Preschool, Alt-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 3rd grade. For more information on these screenings and opt out information, please visit our district website.
📌 Red Ribbon Week - October 28-November 1
Navin is celebrating Red Ribbon Week October 28 - November 1st. Red Ribbon Week is the largest drug abuse prevention campaign in the United States. We use this week to promote healthy choices for students and kindness across the entire Navin community. As part of our celebration, we're having dress up days to show school spirit. Dress up days are meant to be fun, are voluntary, and should not cause extra stress or cost to families. Check out the image below for our theme days, or click here for a Spanish version.
🏫 Let's Talk Levy
🎨 Artist Spotlight
🎤 Music Moments
Movement is a big part of Mrs. Helmuth's music class. Check out Mrs. Nielsen's afternoon Alt Kindergarten class as they dance with scarves. You can tell they're tuned in with the tone of the music. Her giggles show us Mrs. Helmuth really enjoys working with these learners!
📏 Math Matters
For a glimpse into the i-Ready mathematics instructional resources we use, check out these short family guides.
🤝 Navin PTO! (Parent Teacher Organization)
We have several exciting events coming up, including:
- October 19th 12:00-3:00pm: Digging Up the Past (Archaeology and Paleontology day with local experts in the field, crafts, and free activities for the whole family!) (Looking to volunteer? Click here to sign up!)
- October 22nd-31st: PTO Coin Battle to benefit Blessings in a Backpack (check out this video for details)
- November 4th:The Great Navin Pumpkin Drop
Our fantastic Navin PTO is crucial to our success in supporting and growing students. Please join us for our next PTO Meeting of the year, November 12th @5:30pm in the Navin Library! Until then, follow us on Facebook!
Officers for the 2024-2025 school year:
President: Kat Patrick
Vice-President: Chelsea Bruening
Secretary: Elsa Lopez
Treasurer: LaQuita Chambers
Event Coordinator: Mikayla Belli
📆 Upcoming Events
10/18: No school for students (Teacher work day)
10/19: PTO's Digging up the Past Event
10/21: Let's Talk Levy Information Session at Central Office (5:00pm)
10/22 - 10/31: Coin battle to benefit Blessings in a Backpack
10/29: Picture Retakes
11/1: Fall Classroom Parties
11/4: The Great Navin Pumpkin Drop
11/5: Election Day
11/8: No school for students (Teacher work day)
11/12: PTO Meeting at 5:30 in Navin's library
Contact Info
Navin Elementary
Principal: Katie Van SchoyckEmail: katie.vanschoyck@mevsd.us
Website: https://navin.marysville.k12.oh.us/
Location: 16265 County Home Rd. Marysville, OH 43040
Phone: (937) 578-7000
Facebook: Navin Elementary
Twitter: @NavinElementary