Brockett Bulletin
Superintendent Communication: December 6, 2024
Art in the Classroom
Every fourth and fifth grade classroom in the district has an opportunity to spend time making art under the direction of local art educator Jessica Campbell. Today, Bailey Barna’s fifth grade class at Newby finished painting their self portraits.
Thank you to the McMinnville Education Foundation, which funds the program! See more photos on the MSD Facebook page.
Inclement Weather
This week’s chilly days are a reminder that snow and ice may not be far behind. When the weather is bad enough to affect school operations, the district will notify families in a variety of ways, primarily through ParentSquare.
Click here to find out how to keep up with school closures and delays.
Expanding Palates, One Snack at a Time
This week, Memorial was added to the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program (FFVP), which completes the rollout among all the elementary schools.
Managed by the Nutrition team, the program features a variety of fresh, and sometimes unusual, produce delivered to schools each week for snack time. The goal is to give kids a chance to try something new, learn about nutrition and be more accepting of healthy food.
Yesterday, Monseratte Martinez-Ponce’s fourth grade class at Memorial tried Lucy Glo apples. As the students bit into the tangy but sweet apples, they were surprised by the red flesh inside. They learned about where they are grown (Eastern Washington) and why they are red inside. Did your student eat a Lucy Glo apple during snack time this week?
Student Holiday Bazaar
Mac High’s annual crafts fair and art show is scheduled for next week, Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 18-19 from 4 - 7 p.m. Come do some holiday shopping and stay for the music concerts after! See the flyer under your school’s Peachjar button.
What’s Happening
It’s the season for Winter concerts! Coming up next week:
- Memorial, Monday, Dec. 9, (1st-2nd grades: 5:30 p.m.; 3rd-4th grades 6:45 p.m.) at the Community Center
- Buel, Tuesday, Dec. 10, (K-2nd grades: 5:30 p.m.; 3rd-5th grades: 6:30 p.m.) at the Community Center
- Grandhaven, Tuesday, Dec. 10 (4th-5th grades plus choir: 6:30 p.m.) in school gym.
- Wascher, Wednesday, Dec. 11 (K-2nd grade: 5:30 p.m.; 3rd-5th grades: 6:30) at the McMinnville Community Center
Being On Time Matters!
We all know it’s harder to get moving when the mornings are dark and cold, but did you know that being late detracts from learning just like an absence does? Chronically tardy students not only fall behind by missing the start of class announcements, but they also disrupt the learning of others. Here are some tips on how to get kids out the door earlier in the morning.
Give a Valentine
For those hard-to-find-the-right-gift people, why not buy a ticket (or table) for the “Schools: A Work of Heart” event coming up on February 8, 2025? The four-course wine-pairing dinner and auction is presented by the McMinnville Education Foundation and all proceeds benefit students in our district!
Robotics for Fourth and Fifth Graders
Fourth and fifth graders are invited to attend the Grizzly Robotics Coding Camp scheduled for Saturdays, Dec. 14 and Jan. 11, from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Find details under your school’s Peachjar button and sign up here.
Tax Deduction
Are you looking for an end-of-the-year tax deduction? You might consider donating to reduce the district-wide lunch debt account, which will otherwise be settled with funds that could be used for teaching and learning. Find out more under your school’s Peachjar button.
Fun at the Library
Tonight kicks off the December schedule for Teen Night Out activities. Find details under your school’s Peachjar button.
For younger kids, there are gingerbread house building events coming up on Saturdays, Dec. 7 and 14. Find registration info and times under your school’s Peachjar button.