CCOG Newsletter
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
There are 7 words that mean "praise" in the Old Testament. Here is a definition and one reference for each of these words.
1. Halel (Psalm 18:3) This is the word from which comes "hallelujah". It means - to shine forth, boast, glory, celebrate. This word implies celebration that is akin to foolishness. (Foolish? When we praise? That is absolutely acceptable!)
2. Yadah (Psalm 9:1) This word means - to give thanks, to laud, to confess, to praise with lifted hands. The implication of this word is throwing armloads of praise up to God.
3. Towdah (Psalm 50:14) This type of praise is musical in nature and sacrificial in essence. This is the type of praise you offer, even when you are not feeling it! It is defined as - thanksgiving, a thank offering, sacrifice of praise, or hymn of praise.
4. Zamar (Psalm 27:6) This praise is - to sing and give praise while playing an instrument, or celebrate to music.
5. Tehillah (Psalm 22:3) This, much like halel, is a crazy praise! It is defined as - enthusiastic praise, adoration, glory, renown, fame, public praise. It is this type of praise that God will inhabit, according to the verse given above.
6. Barak (Psalm 103:20-22) This praise causes one - to bless, to praise, to kneel, to adore.
7. Shebach (Psalm 63:3) This word can mean - to praise, commend, to boast loudly - thus implying a shout of praise. It can also be used to indicate soothing, as though one was stroking the face of God.
All these types of praise are valid and acceptable to God. Whether our praise is loud and enthusiastic or soothing and thankful, there will be some kind of manifestation of our praise. Singing, shouting, clapping, dancing, kneeling, adoring, offering praise when it is difficult to, and so many more actions are indicators of our praise to God. So, let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
A Special Throwback Video 🙌
February Focus
The churchwide focus for the month of February is Share the Love. Keep a lookout for a new devotional on the YouVersion Bible app and suggestions every week in the newsletter for how to share love with your significant other. Another way to share the love is by contributing to the survivors of Hurricane Helene. You may want to give in the offering (write something like "hurricane help" on your envelope). There will also be a list on Sunday of items needed to fill a camper for those whose homes were destroyed.
Last call for mittens, hats, scarves, and other warm items for Operation Christmas Child. In February, we are collecting dental care, such as toothbrushes and floss. Shoeboxes are always needed. You are also welcome to donate money if you are not able to get to the store to purchase specific items.
Men's Breakfast
This Saturday, Feb 1 is Men's Fellowship. The guys are headed to Kat's Patch in Troutman at 8:30am. If you are planning to go, please let Shane know either in person or on the Men's Fellowship text group. Be sure to invite some male friends or family members to join you for this time of hanging out.
February 2 is the next First Sunday Meal. Our theme this time will be "souper bowl". Bring your favorite soup to share! Or you may want to bring your favorite soup accompaniments, such as sandwiches, crackers, or toppings. We will be back in the sanctuary this Sunday, so bring guest with you for the service and the meal.
Movie Night
Saturday, February 8 will be our "Pal"entine movie. Free concessions of popcorn, hot chocolate, and Valentine treats will begin at 5:30, followed by the movie at 6. If the temperatures are especially warm, we will have this event under the stars. If not, it will be held inside the fellowship hall. Bring a lawn chair and some friends, either way!
Baby Bottle Boomerang
One way to share the love is by filling the baby bottles you received with check, cash, or change. These will be collected on Sunday, Feb 16. All monies will benefit the Lake Norman Community Pregnancy Center. You can also donate online by scanning the QR code on this picture.
Fasting for hunger
When I started fasting, I thought it was a matter of postponing a meal for 2 hours and then throwing myself on everything I could find in the fridge. Fasting seemed like torture to me and I didn't understand what it was for. I later discovered a lot of powerful truths about fasting, which led me to do regular fasts and then extended fasts of 3, 7, 21, or 40 days.
The first thing we experience when we fast is hunger! If you are hungry, it is normal, it is not proof of lack of spiritual maturity or personal incompatibility with this spiritual practice, as I thought at the beginning.
One of the most important prayers in my life is: "Lord, make me hungry and thirsty for you." Indeed, I have seen that God has prepared a table, that it is full of good things for us, but that God invites the hungry and thirsty to come and help themselves. So it is possible to miss things prepared by the Lord for us because of our lack of hunger for spiritual things.
Hunger can prevent us from sleeping, it can preoccupy our thoughts and become a priority over other activities. It can overturn our shyness and make us ask for food, it can crush our pride and make us beg or eat what we don't like. When we are hungry, we are willing to pay a higher price for food.
In the same way, hunger and thirst for the things of God drive us to seek him. They give us the audacity to seek God. It is this attitude that Jesus describes when he says that it is the violent ones who seize the kingdom of God. When we are hungry for God, no circumstance can prevent us from entering into his presence, from contemplating him, from satiating ourselves with his blessings.
So I fast first of all to be hungry, and when I feel this hunger, I say to my body, "You shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Lord, I am hungry for you, speak to me. I fast to learn to desire God's word more than anything else.”
Specifically, it is the first 3 days that we feel the most hungry when we stop eating. Then, the digestive system rests and the hunger disappears, replaced by dreams of food!
Let us pray together.
Lord, I believe that you have good things for me, please help me fast to create, maintain and increase my spiritual thirst. Teach me to desire your word more than anything else, in the name of Jesus, AMEN