December Newsletter
By Name. By Strength. By Story.
A Message from Ms. Farias
Dear Jefferson Families,
Happy December! Please read our newsletter as it highlights important information. We hope you enjoy the pictures below which include fun events/activities that took place during the month of November. As we get closer to the holiday season, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support. I am beyond grateful for the Jefferson community!
Ms. Farias
A Message from Our School Counselor: Ms. Mortenson
Dear Jefferson families,
Thank you to those who attended November's PTO meeting for my annual HIB presentation. There is no fun way to explain Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying law- but it is so important to understand what it is and how to go about reporting an incident. If you were not able to join, here is the link to the slides.
While November was a short month, it was full of important lessons and content for all our students. Grades 1 and 2 learned about the importance of good sportsmanship with the help of The Big Cheese.
Third grade had a lesson on what to do if your friend wants to play with someone other than you. We discussed other options as well as strategies to use if someone is upset or feeling left out.
Fourth grade continued their unit on communication with an activity on conversation involving a difference in opinion and knowing how to respectfully agree or disagree. They discussed topics such as: cats are better than dogs, winter is better than summer, homework is enjoyable.
Fifth grade’s lesson this month discussed the difference between gossip and rumors and how both are hurtful are usually untrue. We discussed the feelings associated with spreading rumors and also broke up into groups to talk about different situations.
Jefferson students are working hard to use what they are learning to strengthen their character each and every day!
-Lauren Mortenson
Jefferson School Counselor
A Message from our School Nurse: Ms. Mendez
Dear Jefferson parents and guardians,
Communities are continuing to see an increase in childhood illnesses, including pneumonia, RSV, parainfluenza and the rhinovirus (the virus that causes sinus infections).
Many students are coming to school after receiving Tylenol, Advil and other cough and cold medications at home prior to arrival, along with the instructions to “call home if no improvement”.
Although the medications may help your student to feel better, it is generally considered a problematic practice as it only temporarily reduces symptoms, masks the underlying illness and allows for the continued spread of germs and illness. This is not what our school and community needs as we head into the holiday season!
If your child is not feeling well at home, or is exhibiting signs of illness, prior to school please keep them home! This is the only way to ensure that our school community stays healthy.
If your child is absent due to illness please specify the specific illness and/or symptoms when reporting the absence. This allows our district and local health department to monitor for outbreaks.
Thank you for doing your part in keeping our Jefferson School community healthy!
Bea Mendez, RN
School Nurse
Jefferson Jaguars Had Plenty of Fun in November!
Please stop by our lost and found area if your child is missing something.
Important Dates
12/9-12/10 - Holiday Shop for Students
12/10 - Holiday Shop Family Night - 6-8:00 p.m.
12/19 - 5th Grade Holiday Concert - 7:00 p.m.
12/23 - 1/2/25 - Winter Break