Pembroke School Newsletter
Week 4, Term 2, 2024
Kia ora e te whānau,
We are well into the term and enjoying seeing the students thriving in their learning as they each work towards achieving their personal goals. This year our Inquiry focus is on Stories, at the moment we are looking at our personal stories. As I read through Kōwhai's home learning and their personal milestones it really made me reflect on how much our tamariki accomplish in their lives in just a few short years when compared to our adult lives their milestones in incredible. As students have been bringing in photos from birth to the age they are now, it has resonated with parents just how time flies, and these years with our tamariki at the ages and stages they are at are so precious.
We would like to thank all the whanau who are getting on board with our goal to improve our home and school learning partnership. We have had a lot more whanau engaging with and supporting their tamariki in completing their home learning. At our principal's meeting last week we were reflecting on what makes the difference for our students in their learning and all agreed that engagement from the family is one of the key factors in improving outcomes in students learning. So, a big thank you for partnering with us, showing your child that you value their learning and being a supportive part in their learning.
We still have lots of great opportunities between now and the end of the term, some of our juniors are getting ready for the Junior Play Day coming up at Midhirst, there are Rippa Tournaments and Jone's Cup for Year 5-8, another EnviroSchool's Day for our Enviro Leaders, Pembroke's Got Talent, Puanga Community Dinner and so much more so make sure you keep an eye out for what's up next.
We have been fortunate to have recently recieved a grant from the Stratford Creative Communities Scheme and are looking forward to putting on another great production at the end of the year. We will begin practice for this in Term 3.
We look forward to connecting with whanau over the remainder of the term and seeing you at all the great up and coming events.
Noho ora mai
Wendy Single
Happiness Highlights
There have been lots of little special moments I have noticed around the school this fortnight. I got to see some amazing mushroom masterpieces that Tawa class made. Well done to all the children for getting creative, trying their hardest and having such amazing little works of art to show for your efforts. Some of our junior students have taken a keen interest in playing hockey at break times, it's great to see them trying new things and discovering new sports that they enjoy.
Of course it was wonderful to see all the tamariki dressed in their favourite colours and showing their uniqueness as we promoted anti bullying. Each of the children got the chance to share something nice about a friend of theirs and what makes them a good friend. Helping the children to nurture and grow strong, kind friendships is often a part of our daily life at Pembroke School so it was nice to celebrate the many good friends we have at our kura.
In the Spotlight
We are very lucky to have the amazing EnviroSchools team of educators to call on here at Pembroke. They are always trying to help out with anything we want to achieve in our gardens and around learning about the environment and our place in it. Earlier this year we did a whole school trip to Hollard Gardens with EnviroSchools to learn about bugs and just this week our Pembroke Enviro leaders and head students went to take part in the Biodiversity day at Pukeiti. See our head students shoutout for more about the Pukeiti trip. We are busy making plans to do some learning with Sue from EnviroSchools at school this term as well. If you are keen to support us in growing our endeavours as an EnviroSchool and possibly being available to help out with future whole school Action days or smaller working bees out of school hours then pop in and see Sarah in Rata class for a chat.
Whanonga Pono o te Wiki
We are focusing on respect for others and property, especially manuhiri to our school like relief teachers.
We are a Bucket Filling School
Our students who have been particularly shining in showing these values are:
Rātā Respect Award: Indie Chubb: For always sharing, listening to others and being a great friend.
Rātā Bucket Filler: Carter Harris
Tawa Respect Award: Bailey Muggeridge: Looking after all our classroom gear so well.
Tawa Bucket Filler: Zachary Bevins
Kōwhai Respect Award: Brody Chesswas: For always showing RESPECT to others including staff and classmates through his positive, kind and thoughtful interactions.
Kōwhai Bucket Filler: Jahkoda Smith
Rimu Ambition Award: Mayson Coulter: For being polite and considerate to staff and students.
Rimu Bucket Filler: Cooper Branson
New Student and Whanau welcome
We had a little technical difficulty with the last newsletter and the first day photos of our new students didn't end up in the final product. These photos of our new Rata students are way to good to be kept to ourselves so here they are!
Head Student Shout Out
On Wednesday the 22nd of May we went to Pukeiti to join in the EnviroSchools biodiversity day. Lauree, Richard, Sue, Dr Emily and Kate from the EnviroSchools team were there to teach us about the environment. Dr Emily was lots of fun and taught us about some special bugs that live in the water or as she calls them 'bougs'. We also went on a hikoi with Richard to look at the trees, did a bird count with Kate and learnt how to tell how old a tree was with Sue. It was lots of fun and the weather was heaps better at Pukeiti then it was back at Pembroke.
By Oliver - deputy head boy and Enviro leader.
Exploring Pukeiti.
Learning with Whaea Kate.
GymSports Festival 24
Last Wednesday, 22 May, a group of students headed to the GymSport Festival in Waitara. They trained in set routines on the beam and the floor. It was an excellent day, they all presented themselves confidently and had a lot of fun. Check out the great photos below. A big thank you to Carol Thornton for helping with training and organisation for the event.
Helen Griffiths Author Visit
On Friday 24 May, Rātā and Tawa classes enjoyed a special visit from local author of Ross the Cat, a tale of a special cat who loves to spend time with the visitors to Pukekura Park in New Plymouth. Helen shared her passion for animals and how she came to write a story about this very special cat. Thank you to all the whanau who donated animal food items that will be to the SPCA.
Reminder for Parents - Student Related Concerns Process
It is important that all our tamariki feel safe and happy at their school or out enjoying EOTC activities. We achieve this by aligning the tikanga of our school with our ASPIRE Values: Ambition, Service, Peseverance, Respect and Empathy.
If an issue arises with one of our students, please direct your concern respectfully to your child's teacher. Parents are not to approach our students to discuss issues with their behaviour. We take this conduct issue very seriously. It is never okay to use inappropriate language or statements around or directed at our tamariki or staff. If you witness an incident from a parent that you believe doesn't align with our school values or conduct please contact the principal.
We want our school to be a safe, caring place for all our students and their whanau to enjoy.
Up and Coming Events
Some dates to mark on your calendar for Term Two.
Monday 27-Friday 31 May: Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 29 May: Book Character Dress Up Day
Thursday 30th May: Year 5-6 Touch Tournament
Friday 31 May: Teacher Only Day
Monday 3rd June: King's Birthday public holiday
Friday 7 June: Winter Movie Night
Thursday 13 June: Year 7-8 Touch Tournament
Thursday 13 June: Junior play day
Monday 17 June: Jones Cup
Wednesday 26 June: Puanga community dinner