August 1, 2023

January 11, 2025
In This Edition
- Principal's Corner
- January Calendar
- Pictures from the week throughout the newsletter
- Attendance Winners
- Mark Your Calendar
Thank you for your support and Leadership FBISD School Board!
Community News
All Students Should Wear their ID Badges Beginning Monday
A new district requirement is that all PK-12 students must wear their ID badges at all times. Student ID badges are critical in keeping our students safe and accounted for. Our new badges are used for bus transportation to and from school and within the school.
Starting Monday, January 13th, all students must wear their IDs on their bodies during school hours and while on the bus.
Teachers will collect the badges of students who do not ride the bus at the end of each day and distribute the each morning.
Parents, if you purchase lanyards for your students, please make sure they are the "break away" lanyards for students' safety during recess and PE.
Yearbook Photo Contest Winners
Front Cover
Back Cover
Principal's Corner
Dear Holley Families,
It is 2025, and we are ready for a successful Spring semester. This semester will be packed with great learning experiences as well as important assessments including the Middle of the Year MAP Test, TELPAS (ESL and Bilingual Students), and STAAR testing in April.
MAP MOY Testing will begin January 13. Please make sure your students receive a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast at home or arrive to school early enough to eat breakfast at school. Breakfast ends at 7:55 a.m.
Please join us for Family Assessment Night on January 23 at 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Families will come to MHE and learn about the STAAR test, TELPAS test, and you will be able to take a practice test with your student. More information will be sent soon.
Thank you for your continued partnership!
Thank you,
Danielle Moss
Mark Your Calendar
1/13 MAP MOY Testing Begins
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day- school holiday
1/21 Wear an inspirational shirt in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
1/23 Family Assessment Night @ 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
1/30 4th Grade Music Program
GREAT Things are Happening at Holley!
Attendance Winner . . . 3rd Grade
Punctuality Winner . . . 5th Grade
Counselor Cole's Corner
Gifted and Talented News
Counselor's Newsletter
Ms. Baker's Parent Resource Center
Help Your Student Learn their Lunch Number
MHE Lunch Visitor Guidelines
This will give our youngest learners more time to learn lunchroom expectations.
Student safety is our top priority. Please follow the guidelines below.
- For the safety of our students, parents and other visitors are not allowed to sit at their child's lunch table to eat lunch. There are designated family tables at the back of the cafeteria for families to eat with their child.
- Families should only invite their child to eat lunch. Friends of students should not be invited to eat at the family table.
- All visitors should sign in at the cafeteria and only visit the lunchroom. Visitors should not visit any other area of the building.
- Adult restrooms are located outside of the front lobby and are accessible to visitors. Please do not utilize student restrooms.
- All visitors should plan to wrap up lunch five minutes before their child's lunch period ends so that students can leave the lunchroom on time with their class.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Help Us Earn Money for MHE! It is easy, just scan your grocery receipts.
MHE Dismissal
Dismissal Map
Click Below for Bus Route Locator and Extended Day Website
NEW- MHE Healthy Snack Guidelines
We are promoting healthy habits at MHE. We want our students to be able to perform at the highest level and be the best that they can be. As a result, all students who choose to participate in class snack time will be required to bring a healthy snack. See the MHE Healthy Snack Guidelines below.
MHE Birthday Cupcake Guidelines
This newsletter was made with great care for our community, and if any errors were overlooked, we ask for GRACE.
Holley Hawks Office Staff
Danielle Moss, Principal
Ashley Thompson, Assistant Principal
Elisa Francis, ADA (Registrar)
Fanni Rodriguez, Executive Assistant
Nurse Mary Rose Atos
Tonya Cole, School Counselor
Viviana Viveros, Campus Compliance Coordinator